The Purpose of training for employees in institutions, companies or business entities is to impart necessary up to date job knowledge and skills with in-built package of motivation and change of attitudes for best output of their job roles, ensuring the long-term success, sustainability and profitability of the corporate. The next part of corporate training is developmental programs, focusing mainly on inculcating broader skills and professionalism in their fields to tackle different situations. Making right and timely decisions, lead the teams and work forces and setting and achieving corporate goals. We employ time tested and successful conventional programs blended with new training methods and techniques. Orientation training is given to the freshers to the employment and job roles. We conduct lectures and seminars for updating of knowledge by a significantly large group. We undertake case study to analyse the data and situations with some issues and provide a useful solution. We conduct Role Playing training for marketing and management executives. We offer Simulations and Games duly structured to suit the target group to improve problem solving capacity, decision making skills with self involvement. Other training programs like Self-Instruction, AV modules, Team-Building exercises, Apprenticeships and Internships, Job rotation, Organisational Development initiatives, CBT, WBT etc., We design and apply various training programs and applications for sales personnel, Marketing personnel, Technical staff, and Clerical staff with computer training, communications training, and managerial training.