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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Instument-Control System, Analysis Cabinet, Cryogenic Liquid Plant and Allied Equipments

Skid Mounted Oxygen Plant

We are leading manufacturer and exporter ofSkid Mounted Mobile Oxygen Plantand Nitrogen Plants in India. We have manufactured over 500 Air Separation Plants & Equipments since 1985 in technical collaboration with ING. L & A BOSCHI, ITALY over 30 years. We are manufacturingoxygen plant mobile skid mounted versionwhich you can move one place to another place easily. It is compact and containerized highly efficient and durable oxygen plant. Premium quality materials are used in the making of the compact oxygen plant and machinery. Our high quality portable oxygen production plant is very useful for small and medium scale hospital medical industries.Latest technology of ING. L& A BOSCHI ITALY- Our complete technology, designs and manufacturing skills have been acquired from ING L&A BOSCHI, ITALY and perfected in the last 30 years. Dr. Boschi has certified our plants to meet international specifications and we are certified ISO 9001:2008 Company and selling under the same world are known Boschi Italy brand name. Our skid mounted design and technology is world-famous. Our skid mounted plants do not require any foundation for their working and saves you a lot of space. Use of skid mounted technology is economical and effective for small industries. It is especially designed for air force, navy and other similar organizations where movement is important.

Main parts of oxygen plants
  • AIR SEPARATION UNIT (COLUMN- COLD BOX) 100% stainless steel column as per ASME standard.
  • AIR COMPRESSOR- Steady Design Oil Free Rotary Air Compressor.
  • LIQUID OXYGEN PUMP- For Filling Oxygen Cylinders At 155/200 bar.
  • OXYGEN CYLINDER FILLING SYSTEM- Oxygen is filled into gas cylinders by the latest system.

Main features of skid mounted oxygen plants
  • ZERO maintenance Atlas Copco air compressors.
  • Very low power consumption. (Saving up to 30% power and zero maintenance)
  • Saving of water as air compressor is air cooled.
  • 100% stainless steel construction column as per ASME standards. (No copper or Cheap Aluminium)
  • High purity Oxygen for medical/hospital use.
  • No concrete foundations as all machinery is skid/floor mounted.
Uses of oxygen
  • Medical-hospitals
  • Industrial
  • Cutting of thick steel
  • All type of industries
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Liquid Storage Tank

Liquid storage tank is made up of a double walled cylindrical tank. The space between inner and outer vessel consists of insulating material to safeguard it from the surrounding heat. The space is evacuated to a high vacuum in order to ensure minimum evaporation. The cold convertor used in the cryogenic storage tank is equipped with pressure building arrangement with automatic pressure build-up regulator.

Designing of theliquid oxygen storage tankis done in way to ensure that it is sturdy, compact and easy to operate. Top end liquid filling decreases the pressure inside the tank and the bottom filling increases the pressure. The pressurizing system is used for increasing the pressure when the liquid oxygen is uploaded to tanks or gas line vaporizers. As the pressurizing system is used for regulating the opening of both top and bottom filling valve, there is almost no change of pressure during liquid delivery. It enables constant liquid supply to vaporizer.

Liquid nitrogen storage tankcan store liquid oxygen at temperatures up to (-196C) with capacity ranging from 200 liters to 1, 50, 000 liters with option of low and high pressure. Cold convertors are used for supplying pressure pipe line networks after gasification in atmospheric heat exchangers, storage tank networks or tanks of smaller capacity for low liquid temperature directly.

Salient Features
  • Simple tube structure
  • No need to replace the insulation material regularly
  • Excellent insulation and low static evaporation
  • Tank inter layer passes strict leakage test by helium gas spectrometer with a leak rate of less than 1 x 10 ? pa-l/s
  • Convenient system operation and small area requirement
  • The tanks can supply cryogenic liquid from the bottom by connecting it to an outer vaporizer and cryogenic pump. We can supply the whole system along with the valve system and piping based on the customer requirement
  • Low area requirement, safety
  • Simple operating convenience
  • Vacuum powder insulation cryogenic tanks are used to supply liquefied oxygen, nitrogen, argon and other liquefied gases.
Applications of Liquid Oxygen Storage Tanks
  • Chemical
  • Machinery Medical Treatment
  • Electronics
  • Mining
  • Metallurgy
  • Fisheries
  • Pharmaceutical
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Cryogenic Storage Tanks

The new design makes installation a process saving time and resources. Our optimized piping design makes operating and maintaining a tank very easier. Readily accessible valves and controls provide ample clearance, facilitate operation and simplify maintenance procedures. Wider space and superior performance meet the flow requirements of a complete range of gas and liquid applications.
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Nitrous Oxide

  • capacity 8 Cu.m/hr
We are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of nitrous oxide plants. Our Nitrous Oxide plant are very safe and economical plants with an efficient Generation system which reduces power consumption and adds on to safety. A storage battery assembly for separation of Nitrogen is another safety feature with the Universal plant. Nitrous Oxide is produced by heating Ammonium Nitrate to a temperature of 250 Deg.c. Ammonium Nitrate is decomposed in the process to give a mixture of Nitrous Oxide & super heated steam. At the same time impurities are produced including Ammonium Nitrate fumes, Nitrogen & other oxides of Nitrogen. The steam & impurities are removed by scrubbing with water, caustic soda and sulfuric acid in sequence Nitrogen present in traces is removed by bleeding from the top of storage vessels where Nitrous Oxide is stored, after compression by a compressor. Capacities 8 - 24 cumhr.
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Liquid Oxygen Pump

We have a customer care center filled in with technically qualified professionals to guide our existing as well as potential customers. The Centre remains operational round the clock in order to serve the people of different geographical regions. Anyone can contact us any time. A customer can send us an email or call us directly. We would reply without delaying. We would also be providing technical details and quotation of a machine after confirming a particular model.
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Cold Box

Based on different processes, there are mainly two types of fractionation column single stage column and double stage column. The fractionation column designed and manufactured by us has a superior systematic performance, flexible and stability The purity and recovery both have been equivalent with the most advanced international technologies. We equip plate-fin type heat exchanger and full aluminium structure to main part of internal components of the cold box, which is close sealed and filled in gas to preserve pressure. Thus the cold loss caused by heat in leak is reduced to large extent. Cold box below 6000Nmh can be assembled within our workshop, which could reduce work load at customer's work site and supplied as a packaged unit.
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Instument-Control System

Instrument-control system, the window of the whole plant, could reflect all the information of the plant during its operation. A common instrument control system is equipped with side by cabinet and digital display together to reveal those parameters as pressure, temperature and flow rate. It is easy to operate and the cost is relatively little. Centrailized control system is equipped with PLC or DCS from siemens for the function of display, operation, adjusting, memorizing, recording, alarming, interlock, start-up and shut down. In the computer, there are display of main menu, process flow, parameter list, alarm and history thend. Network control of multi-computer is also achievable.
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Analysis Cabinet

Analysis cabinet is to quicken the redponce speed, improve precision protect the analytical instruments, convenient check out and offer standard gas.The Components of analytical gas can be collocated according to customer's requirement as follow: Micro oxygen, micro moisture CO2 and other components of high-purity nitrogen (such as H2, CO, CH4----) Introducing BOSCHI Italy UBTL Series (Liquid Oxygen Series) The world standard in packed cryogenic air separation plants. UBT series plants are designed and buillt to meet the most severe operating conditions. Regular inspection and performance testing actual operating conditions is a pre requisite at our factoey to assure highest quality.
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Compressed Oxygen Gas

We have a customer care center filled in with technically qualified professionals to guide our existing as well as potential customers. The Centre remains operational round the clock in order to serve the people of different geographical regions. Anyone can contact us any time. A customer can send us an email or call us directly. We would reply without delaying. We would also be providing technical details and quotation of a machine after confirming a particular model.
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Oxygen Gas Cylinders

  • Size Available in standard size
  • Certification ISI Certified
  • Condition New
  • Application Industrial, Laboratory
  • Pressure High
  • Feature Durable, Easy To Fit
  • Net Weight 125Kg
  • Purity High

These are available in different working pressures, viz. 12mpa (120 BAR) and 15 mpa (150 BAR). Varying capacities are developed in these cylinders to exactly match your demand. The other specifications of our seamless tube cylinders, viz. weight, length and external diameter are subjected to change, if required we can also give 200Bar seamless tube cylinder available on 200 Bar working prassure on request.

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Cyrogenic Storage Tanks

Cryogenic Vessels are designed for storageand transport of liquid gases at sub- zerotemperatures. Manufacturing of such cryogenictanks requires special technical know how andsophisticated fabrication techniques. Universalhas developed the necessary technologyand has been manufacturing these cryogenicequipment like cryogenic vessels since lastseven years.
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Cryogenic Liquid Plant

Universal Boschi cryogenic liquid nitrogen systemsoxygen plant are available in size from 50 mhr (70 literhour) to 500 cumhr (700 litershour) capacity.
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Allied Equipments

We are leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of huge range of Allied Equipments like Gas Compressors, Stainless Steel Fabricators etc.
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Liquid Oxygen Pumps

An emerging name in the market, our organization is involved in offering liquid oxygen pumps within the most lucrative deals. Located in New Delhi(India), we have marked our presence as a distinguish Supplier since our products are qualitative and timely delivered.
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