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gstGST : 19AAAFU6588K1ZF Verified Write a Review

universal sales corporation

Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer Of Pharmaceutical Medicines, Growth Hormones Medicine, Eye Drops, dermatology medicine, Antihypertensive Medicine, Antidepressants Medicine, Anticoagulant Medicine, Anti- T B Medicine, Anti Smoking Medicine, anti malarial medicine, Anti- Inflammatory Medicine, Anti Diabetic Medicine, Anti Cancer Medicine, Anti- Arthritis Medicine, Anti Allergic Medicine, anaesthesia medicine, Pharmaceutical Drug, Hair Loss Medicine


Basic Information

  • Nature of Business Manufacturer / Exporter / Supplier / Retailer
  • Contact Person jitendra kumar shanghvi
  • Registered Address 55,B.R.B.BASU ROAD,MEHTA BUILDING BLOCK C GROUND FLOOR ROOM NO 98 & 99 700001, Kolkata, West Bengal
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