Welcome to Universal Controls
UNIVERSAL CONTROLS, a registered small scale unit started in Vasantdada Industrial Estate at Sangli, for manufacturing products related to agriculture which will help farmers. Intially Universal Controls started manufacturing of electronic devices and launch their 1st product AUTOSWITCH. For years we started manufacturing products in market such as Control Panel, Tank Controller, Starter and Inverter etc., related to agriculture. We also started to manufacture Electronic Weighing Scales which weighs upto 100 tons. For years, Universal Controls Universal Controls have more than 50 products on their name and already gaining appreciation and customers' trust. Most of the farmers depend on Universal Controls for the excellent quality products that are available at competitive rates. Years of augmented production methods, cutting-edge infrastructure coupled with strict quality standards have made Universal Controls the first choice for a wide range of products. The success and popularity of Universal Controls lies in the efforts put in at every minutest detail which culminate into flawless designs which are unique, innovative and 100% user-friendly. The team is committed to understand and meet the needs of the customers. Creating dynamically comprehensive and technically perfect products for the use of 'Common Man' and thus making the life faster as well as easier has been distinctive feature of this organization. Universal Controls products now available in Maharastra, Karnataka, Gujrat, Chattisgarh, Madhyapradesh & Goa.