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Heat Exchangers

Our product range contains a wide range of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers, Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchanger, Tube Heat Exchanger, Shell Tube Heat Exchanger and Kettle Reboiler Type Heat Exchanger

Air Cooled Heat Exchangers

Air cooled Heat Exchangers (or) Fin fan Cooler or Air Fin Cooler are the same Air Cooling equipment. In some part of the world Air Cooled Heat Exchangers are also known as Air Fin Cooler. Simply says Air Fin cooler, Fin Fan cooler, Coil Cooler, Dry Cooling Tower are the other names of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers. It also used for Heat rejecting from a hot process fluid to the surrounding atmosphere by using the atmospheric air as a cooling media.The Air Fin Coolers are basically designed with multiple rows of finned tubes in a series of surface and required numbers of fans are used to move the low temperature atmospheric ambient air over the finned tube coil surface in order to cool the hotter fluid media. It is nothing but an extended type of industrial or automotive radiators. The finned tube bundles are modular construction for easy transportation. The various types of headers are Welded Bonnet Header, Plug Header, Manifold header, Plug and pipe header etc.,
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Stainless Steel Plate Heat Exchanger

Stainless steel also known as inox steel, is defined as a steel alloys with a minimum of 10.5%to 11% chromium content by mass. Stainless steel does not flake, rust or stain with water as regular steel does, but in spite of the name it is not fully stain-proof. Stainless steel is also called corrosion-resistant steel or CRES when the alloy type and not exhaustive, particularly in the aviation industry. There are different grades & surface finishes of stainless steel to go with the environment the alloy must endure. Stainless steel is used where both the properties of steel & fighting to corrosion are m&atory. Stainless steel differs from carbon steel by the amount of chromium present. Open to attack carbon steel rusts readily when exposed to air & moisture. This iron oxide film (the rust) is active & accelerates corrosion for forming more iron oxide. Stainless steels contain sufficient chromium to form a passive film of chromium oxide, which prevents further surface corrosion & blocks corrosion from spreading into the metal's internal structure .
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Tube Heat Exchanger

Tube Heat Exchanger in which the tubes extend through oversized holes in a liquid distribution plate. Liquid flows through the holes & down each tube exterior surface as a falling film. A spacer or clip, desirably of wire, is placed in each hole around each tube to center the tube so that the film has a uniform thickness. The clip is self-locking & remains fixed securely in position.
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Shell Tube Heat Exchanger

Vertical Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of a series of tubes. The second fluid runs over the tubes that are being heated or cooled so that it can either provide the heat or absorb the heat required.One set of these tubes contains the fluid that must be either heated or cooled. Vertical Shell Tube Heat Exchanger is widely used in variety of application as a cooling solution.
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Kettle Reboiler Type Heat Exchanger

Kettle Reboiler Type Heat Exchanger of the column bottoms liquid into the kettle, there may be sufficient liquid head to deliver the liquid into the reboiler. In this reboiler type, steam flows through the tube bundle and exits as condensate. The liquid from the bottom of the tower, commonly called the bottoms, flows through the shell side. There is a retaining wall or overflow weir separating the tube bundle from the reboiler section where the residual reboiled liquid (called the bottoms product) is withdrawn,
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Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchangers

Fixed Tube Sheet Heat Exchangers in higher-pressure & Higher Temperature applications. Fixed tube Sheet heat exchangers are the one that are very much used in process chemical industries & refinery services, as there is absolutely no chance for intermixing fluids. This type heat exchanger is employed where even slightest intermixing fluids can not be tolerated. A ?xed-tubesheet heat exchanger has straight tubes that are secured at bothends to tubesheets welded to the shell.
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Tube Bundle Heat Exchangers

Tube Bundle Heat Exchangers consisting a bundle U tubes (hairpin tubes) surrounded by a shell (outer vessel); one fluid flows through the tubes, & the other fluid flows through the shell, around the tubes.Multitherm can duplicate any existing bundle to include dimensions, materials & performance. we can build "U" tube bundles, straight tube "floating" tube bundles, or we can retube fixed tubesheet heat exchangers when the bundles is not removable.
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Marine Heat Exchanger

Marine Heat Exchangers exhaust manifold is necessary on marine engines to reduce the temperature of the engine-room air space and the exhaust pipe. Our development is to combine a water jacketed exhaust manifold with the heat exchanger and header tank. This arrangement is particularly suitable for small series-produced engines; the manifold is cooled by fresh water and as a result a keel-cooled engine can be made by omitting the heat exchanger tube stack and the sea-water pump. On installation the fresh-water outlet from the manifold would be connected to the keel pipes and the return taken back to the engine fresh-water pump.
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Plate Finned Type Heat Exchanger

Plate finned type Heat Exchanger in India. A plate-fin heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger design that uses plates and finned chambers to transfer heat between fluids. It is often categorized as a compact heat exchanger to emphasise its relatively high heat transfer surface area to volume ratio. The plate-fin heat exchanger is widely used in many industries,
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Plate Heat Exchangers

Plate Heat Exchangers is a type of heat exchanger that uses metal plates to transfer heat between two fluids. This is a major advantage over a conventional heat exchanger in that the fluids are exposed to a much larger surface area because the fluids spread out the plates. This facilitates the transfer of heat, and greatly increases the speed of the temperature change. It is not as common to see plate heat exchangers because they need well-sealed gaskets to prevent the fluids from escaping, although modern manufacturing processes have made them feasible.
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Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger

Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers represent the most compact, rugged and cost-effective means of transferring heat in many industrial and refrigerant applications. The SB-Series features corrugated plates that produce highly turbulent flow in a true counter-current direction. Built from 316 stainless steel with copper brazing materials, they provide exceptional corrosion resistance.
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Aluminum Heat Exchanger

Aluminum heat exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The classic example of a heat exchanger is found in an internal combustion engine in which a circulating fluid known as engine coolant flows through radiator coils and air flows past the coils, which cools the coolant and heats the incoming air. They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power plants, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural gas processing, and sewage treatment. The media may be separated by a solid wall, so that they never mix, or they may be in direct contact.
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Shell And Tube Heat Exchangers

Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers is most common type of heat exchanger in oil refineries and other large chemical processes, and is suited for higher-pressure applications. Shell Tubes Heat Exchanger are classified into fixed and Floating type Heat Exchangers. Shell and tube heat exchangers consist of a series of tubes. One set of these tubes contains the fluid that must be either heated or cooled. The second fluid runs over the tubes that are being heated or cooled so that it can either provide the heat or absorb the heat required.
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An inter cooler is a Heat Exchanger. That means there are two or more fluids that don't physically touch each other but a transfer heat or energy takes place between them. At wide open throttle and full boost the hot compressed air coming from a turbocharger is probably between 250 and 350 deg F depending on the particular turbo, boost pressure, outside air temperature, etc.
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Copper Heat Exchanger

Copper heat exchangers are more efficient than shell and tube exchangers for low flow rates. Due to their simple construction they are low in price and easy to clean on the shell side. These copper heat exchanger tubes are normally supplied in straight length in annealed & half hard temper. Copper tubes are artificial to special requirements as to dimensional tolerances, finish and tempers for use in condensers and heat exchangers. The copper tubes shaped by are metal industries not only have the stiff tolerances but also have the most dependable dimensions throughout the tube length. The tube surface is clean both inside and outside with no caustic stains.
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Pressure Vessel Heat Exchanger

Pressure Vessel Heat Exchanger is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially different from the ambient pressure. The pressure differential is dangerous and many fatal accidents have occurred in the history of pressure vessel development and operation. Consequently, pressure vessel design, manufacture, and operation are regulated by engineering authorities backed by legislation. For these reasons, the definition of a pressure vessel varies from country to country,
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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

A double pipe heat exchanger, in its simplest form is just one pipe inside another larger pipe. A hairpin heat exchanger may have only one inside pipe, or it may have multiple inside tubes, but it will always have the doubling back feature shown. The wall of the inner pipe is the heat transfer surface. The pipes are usually doubled back multiple times as shown in the diagram at the left, in order to make the overall unit more compact. One fluid flows through the inside pipe and the other flows through the annulus between the two pipes.
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Reboiler Heat Exchanger

Kettle reboilers are very simple and reliable. They may require pumping of the column bottoms liquid into the kettle, there may be sufficient liquid head to deliver the liquid into the reboiler. In this reboiler type, steam flows through the tube bundle and exits as condensate. The liquid from the bottom of the tower, commonly called the bottoms, flows through the shell side. There is a retaining wall or overflow weir separating the tube bundle from the reboiler section where the residual reboiled liquid (called the bottoms product) is withdrawn, so that tube bundle is kept covered with liquid.Kettle reboilers are reliable in that they can handle high vaporization of up to 80 percent and are easy to maintain.
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Removable Tube Sheet Heat Exchangers

Removable Tube Sheet Heat Exchangers to Elliott for all your tube removal needs ranging from tube cutters to tube tuggers to pneumatic hammers.The tube removal process includes several process steps that must be performed with critical sequencing & tolerances. The initial step of our process the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) shrinking of the tube to-tube sheet expansion joints (where applicable), which performed with our st&ard plug removal TIG system. Hard rolled & tubes the shrinking process necessary to relieve the radial stress between the tube & tube sheet.
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Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger

Stainless steel also known as inox steel, is defined as a steel alloys with a minimum of 10.5%to 11% chromium content by mass. Stainless steel does not flake, rust or stain with water as regular steel does, but in spite of the name it is not fully stain-proof. Stainless steel is also called corrosion-resistant steel or CRES when the alloy type and not exhaustive, particularly in the aviation industry. There are different grades & surface finishes of stainless steel to go with the environment the alloy must endure. Stainless steel is used where both the properties of steel & fighting to corrosion are m&atory. Stainless steel differs from carbon steel by the amount of chromium present.
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Double Pipe Heat Exchangers

Double Pipe Heat Exchangers is just one pipe inside another larger pipe. One fluid flows through the inside pipe and the other flows through the annulus between the two pipes. The wall of the inner pipe is the heat transfer surface. The pipes are usually doubled back multiple times as shown in the diagram at the left, in order to make the overall unit more compact. The term 'hairpin heat exchanger' is also used for a heat exchanger of the configuration in the diagram.
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Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers

Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers is defined as a steel alloys with a minimum of 10.5%to 11% chromium content by mass. Stainless steel does not flake, rust or stain with water as regular steel does, but in spite of the name it is not fully stain-proof. Stainless steel is also called corrosion-resistant steel or CRES when the alloy type and not exhaustive, particularly in the aviation industry.
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