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Sewage Treatment Plant

Our Complete range of products are Sewage Treatment for Apartment, Sewage Treatment for Hotels, Sewage Treatment for Kitchens, Sewage Treatment for Resorts and Sewage Treatment Plant for Hospitals.

Sewage Treatment For Apartment

Sewage treatment plant for apartment is the most beneficial initiative that one takes to safeguard his apartment and to ensure better treatment of sewage and wastewater because of which, severe sewage problems, health issues as well as environmental hazard can surface tomorrow. In case of apartments, the sewage refers to waste liquid as released from toilets, bathrooms, kitchens etc which is about to be drained into sewers and such a sewage needs to be treated for removing harmful elements including microorganisms and so forth.

There are laws framed for such a purpose making it pretty mandatory for all of us to set-up and operate premium sewage treatment plants. However, generally, the housing societies or the builders initiate such a provision at the time of construction but still, forward thinking residents can think of it as a fabulous option. During the optimum operation of sewage treatment plant for apartments, scores of methods are put into use such as physical, chemical and biological as a result of which, safe and clean wastewater is produced to be reused. Henceforth, at every type and size of apartment, efficacious installing sewage treatment plant should be in place for a variety of reasons, such as:

It helps in cleanliness and in eliminating the dangers of diseases,
It is pretty cost effective, simple and easy to operate and anyone among society members can take charge of it,
Reusable water can be generated which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as toilet flushing, washing cars, gardening, floor cleaning etc,
As sewage is treated before releasing into environment, hence healthy environment can be ensured for better human survival and flora and fauna,

Broadly, a variety of STPs are designed and installed, such as automatic, semi-automatic and manual and such are entirely according to by-laws and regulations as put up by the government. Further, we have innovatively manufactured a range of other sewage treatment plant for apartments, such as Activated Sludge Plant (ASP), Rotating Disc System (RDS), Submerged Aerated Filter (SAF), Suspended Media Filters (SMF), Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR), Manually Operated Filter, Trickling Filter and so forth. Finally, we can also design, program and manufacture custom sewage treatment plant for apartment while keeping your specific consideration in mind and to fulfil your end requirements.

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Sewage Treatment For Hotels

Hotels and resorts are the lively places of leisure and recreation where guests visit in a large number to seek peace of mind and entertainment. As a result, the managing department always looks for the premium ways to dispose-off the sewage in handy manner and to win hearts of their guests thereby. Our sewage treatment plant for hotels is typically designed to meet the requirements and to live upto the expectations of the industry. Any large hotel site comprise of various sections, such as wide cafeteria, large cooking section where notable chefs cook their passion, staff room, rooms located on various floors, underground parking, bars, lounges etc, all of which produce a mega amount of garbage and sewage that needs to be handled accordingly. As such, we have designed, developed and implemented scores of sewage treatment plants which operate according to specific needs of such hotel industry and our design engineers keep such distinct and unique aspects in mind while they craft the most integrated sewage treatment plants for hotels for amazing performance.

Our widely experienced and insightful engineers also make sure that the regular business operations do not get affected in any way, when the installation is underway. Besides, there is left hardly any stark sign of such sewage treatment plant for hostels, on ground as underground installations can also be implemented and menace of bad smell emanating here, can also be managed. Further, there can also be applied the biological treatment process which would not require buying any costly and harmful chemicals. In grander scheme of things, we have established a superior manufacturing unit where each of the item of an integrated sewage treatment plant for hotels, is being manufactured specifically to the industry and their unique requirements and highly variable sewage flow always tops our consideration list, while our engineers design and develop such promising machines meant for sewage treatment for hotels.

In addition to this, easy and superior yearly maintenance service is rendered in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Finally, our plants are standard products which are pretty acknowledged by a large group of hoteliers and resort owners in North India, who have been our esteem clients for years and because of whose inspiration, we draw huge professional strength and promise to build our sewage treatment skills on world-class standards.

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Sewage Treatment For Kitchens

Kitchens are the most crucial places of our homes and their sewage needs to be treated in the most exclusive way, before that water is mingled with environmental stream or is re-used. Kitchens sewage is typical in its type and requires equally unique method of sewage disposal.

Our outstanding manufacturing skill is the basis on which we design and develop top performance sewage treatment plant for kitchen and we have gathered a huge name in the field in recent years, as we have won huge accolades and appreciation. As a treatment plant is just a system involving a range of sub-machinery, hence we make sure that each and every bit of it, i.e. component is of top quality and puts forth its outstanding function to address the core objective of sewage treatment. The central focus is always upon filtering solids, such as vegetable stems, leaves, chicken bones etc that can get accumulated in the pushed water from kitchens, canteens or cafeterias etc and can clog the sewage. Our sewage treatment plant for kitchen machines use exclusive framework by which such hard elements are crushed to be transformed into pulp and then such pulp is made to siphon out from the drainage system easily, and without any obstacle or fear of obstruction of any type.

As kitchens vary in size and structure and have diverse needs hence the sewage treatment plant for kitchens needs to be addressed in the customized manner and Unistar Aquatech is the group with engineering prowess to guide our clients to their utmost satisfaction and safety in this regard. Our insightful engineers can design such kitchen sewage treatment solutions in the customized manner, by taking into the consideration the particular demands that our clients put forth. For better control and quality, we have established a separate section for R&D, whereby new ways of sewage disposal optimization and affordability are being checked and tested. Likewise, the idea of innovation always ride high on our minds when we attempt to employ sophistication and flashpoint technology for our clients' service.

Each and every small component is screened for Quality Performance and expected result and any deviation from it, is put to check as we have always ensured the delivery of best of the items in the form of sewage treatment plant for kitchens to our significant clients who place their trust and expect satisfaction from our engineering ability.

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Sewage Treatment For Resorts

Resorts are the dream places which draw a huge crowd from everywhere throughout the year but on festivities like Christmas and New Year, visitors' number swell to an unknowable figure, resulting in hefty release of sewage and garbage, which needs to be filtered for ensuring the best environment for humans to subsist. Hence, at this point, we step in to proclaim that we are a leading manufacturer and supplier of top grade solutions for sewage treatment for resorts, in Delhi NCR, with superior expertise and commendable craftsmanship.

Clearly, unwanted particles, solids and other garbage can be removed from our unique sewage treatment for resorts, after which, residual water can either be mixed into nature's stream or can be re-used. In this way and with our handy guidance, resorts and hotels can simply save a treasure on water bills by putting the recycled water in use for purposes like toilet flushing, car washing, mopping floors, gardening, irrigation, as fire sprinklers etc. In grander scheme of things, our sewage treatment plant is available in automatic as well as semi-automatic type and is designed to be installed underground.

Our Superior Process As A Distinguished Sewage Treatment Plant For Resort Manufacturer:
Our insightful engineers have done a commendable job by designing an integrated system where Sewage Treatment For Resorts is carried out in the most controlled way that comprises of series of steps:

1) Firstly, hard items such as rags, stones, plastic boxes etc are taken out and also the inorganic concrete. Such is done by bar screens and is crucial to protect treatment plant from damage,

2) Then the solid particles and greases are separated physically and water is allowed to flow into filter tank where solid particles settle at bottom but lighter articles float on top layer and such water is siphoned to next chamber for next level processing. The hard and solid particles are called sludge, and in the next chamber secondary level of sewage treatment is guided to accomplish.

3) In the chamber where water is collected, air is supplied by blowers where bacteria activate to convert the colloidal and dissolved organic matter. As a result, again the solid elements settle down at bottom which is referred to as secondary sludge and some portion of it is recycled for activated processing while the remaining waste is added to sludge left earlier and is sent for final disposal. At this stage, we state that upto 90% of inorganic solids are being removed.

4) Here, the final stage of sewage treatment plant for resorts is implemented where with use of chlorine UV light, ozone etc, are put into service to extract suspended solid and organic material which could not be drawn out in earlier stages. This is referred to as disinfection process and the result of this process is that wastewater is declared suitable for either disposal or for reuse

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Sewage Treatment Plant For Hospitals

Hospitals are the prime healthcare centres providing world-class services related to healthcare and wellness and during their core process, they release a big amount of waste- material or sewage which needs to be treated and manipulated for proper and safe disposal or re-use. Any modern day hospitals comprise a range of sections such as ICU, Emergency Department, First Aid, Operating Sections, OPDs, Biological Testing centres, Cafeterias etc and all of these leave a bulk of waste material every day which needs to be managed in the most measured manner. Besides, such sewage as and when released from hospitals contain some hazardous pollutants that is a mixture of chemical and biological waste and that is hugely harmful for the environment as well as for the human survival and it needs to be removed from the site as soon as it makes way there. Furthermore, it becomes too necessary that even the ground water and the surface water needs to be protected or cleaned from its mingling impact and because of such grave reasons, efficient installation and implementation of sewage treatment plant for hospitals of superior quality becomes the need of the minute.
Not mincing words, our versatile sewage treatment plant for hospitals are the widely wanted automatic (also available in semi-automatic and manual) framework by the virtue of which, untreated wastewater or influent is removed and then only the residue becomes safe enough to be discharged into the environment. If not done this way, the hospital sewage can have a range of harmful effects on environment and can also make the particular region as unsafe for the human existence. As a prominent manufacturer of sewage treatment plant for hospitals, during the market research and field observation that we conducted recently, we have noticed the following types of chemical pollutants typical to hospital wastewater and which are life threatening enough in their course:
a) Residues of drugs and chemical formulations, b) Radioactive isotopes, c) Microbial pathogens, deadly viruses and bacteria, d) Pharmaceutical waste and the related metabolites, and so forth.
For better insights and for knowing more unique ways in finding the best possible and the economical solution to your sewage treatment plant for hospital, please call us and discuss your case in person.

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Sewage Treatment Plant For Residential Societies

Efficient sewage treatment plants for residential societies are widely sought after installations, by the virtue of which, harmful contaminants are removed from sewage/ wastewater and such liquid or solids are rightly considered to be safe for disposal into environment or even for re-use. For residential complexes, we are a prominent sewage treatment plant manufacturer with abounding expertise and we provide treatment installations in the form of opened plants or closed underground treatment framework. There are some residential welfare societies which ask for semi-closed sewage treatment plants but with full promise to deliver the best and recycled stuff, but the major drawback is felt in the form of toxic methane gas that is highly combustible too.

Hence, when it comes to seek sewage treatment plant for residential complexes, one should always opt for automated system, in order to strike possible association with the prime cleaning standards. At our place, we manufacture high performance and integrated sewage treatment plants for residential complexes where sewage or wastewater is put to be treated for efficient handling of toxic elements present thereby and such is accomplished in the following stages:

a) Preliminary Treatment Stage:
Here, hard or solid material is collected in order to prevent damage to pump and other equipments as placed in treatment system and automated bar screens are used to accomplish this task.

b) Primary Treatment Stage:
Here the sewage or wastewater, as is left after above process, is collected in a tank where heavier stuff, (still holding in sewage) is made to settle down while lighter material rise to surface. The heavier and the lighter objects are removed and the sewage is then made to flow in for later treatment process, known as secondary stage.

c) Secondary Treatment Stage:
At this stage, microorganisms are released into the wastewater post primary treatment stage, where biological elements, as are dissolved, are procured and the remaining matter is then made to proceed into the next stage for Tertiary Stage of sewage treatment.

d) Tertiary Treatment Stage:
Here, sand filters are put into service and so is mechanical filtration process while effluent is also allowed to pass through a reed bed or any other grass plot. In other words, treated water is subjected to chemical or physical dis-infection by the precise use of lagoons or micro filtration, before such is discharged into the river stream, bay or is released into the environment or simply put, before it is being stored in the tanks of clean water for re-use by the dwellers of the residential complexes. We are prime manufacturers of top quality sewage treatment plant for residential societies, please feel free to discuss your end requirements and to get amazing tips and solutions about prime sewage treatment and / or safe disposal.

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