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Effluent Treatment Plant

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Effluent Treatment Food And Beverage, Effluent Treatment for Dyeing Industry, Effluent Treatment for Rice Mills, Effluent Treatment PLant for Automobile Industry and Effluent Treatment PLant for Dairies.

Effluent Treatment Food And Beverage

Effluent as is released from food and beverages industry contains tons of hazardous contaminants, such as suspended solids, total solids, BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), considerable content of edible oils, dissolved grease, sugar, preservatives, colour and so forth, which can be fatal to environment and for the overall human and plant survival. As such, such type of wastewater or effluent need to be precisely treated before its safe and secure disposal into the environment and this is what is made mandatory by the government.

At this point, we step in to announce that we are a leading manufacturer of effluent treatment for food and beverage in Delhi NCR, with nearly a decade of experience and we have been gaining vast momentum in our efforts as the most reliable vendor of such significant effluent treatment machines. We design various models of our machines and a range of effluent treatment methods are put to use, such as Physical Treatment Method, Chemical Treatment Method and Biological Treatment Method. But generally, there are executed 4 treatment levels, such as preliminary treatment level, primary treatment level, secondary treatment level and tertiary or final treatment level. Let us discuss these in details:

1) Pre-treatment Or Preliminary Treatment Level:
Here, the solids with larger size are removed certain activities are involved such as coarse screening, grit removal or crushing big solids into smaller objects. After such treatment, the wastewater is sent to next step of treatment level.

2) Primary Treatment Level:
Gross filtration takes place so as to remove the big volume of solid objects that are still left in the effluent and here upto 50% or 60% f suspended solids are taken out, which also include oil, grease, nitrogen, phosphorus etc which remains glued to such solid objects.

3) Secondary Treatment Level:
Here, aerobic and anaerobic processes are initiated to remove the suspended solids as well as other residual matter. The sludge process which is activated is the most commonly used and relied one where aeration tank is put into action containing oxygen that is supplied to microorganisms and as a result of which, biodegradable waste is removed thereby.

4) Tertiary Treatment Level:
The sole purpose of such level is to completely rid the effluent of any harmful chemicals and contents, before it is left open to be mixed into the environment. Here, just like a fresh start, the hazardous elements are removed which are left during earlier levels and disinfection process is the key feature which chlorine, UV light, ozone etc are included and as a result of this, no contaminant is left in the effluent and it is termed safe to dispose into the environment and such water can be recycled and reused too.

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Effluent Treatment For Dyeing Industry

The water is consumed in very large quantity when it comes to textile dyeing or simply put dyeing industry and in India, it is said that around 1900 Mm3 (million cubic meters) of water was consumed by this industry in the year 2010, while the effluent produced by it was just 75% of it. This is mainly because of the fact that dyes or colours are made up of harmful chemicals and then there are also used a wide range of primers and spirits, the small chunk of which goes into the Clearly, the water treatment system or efficacious effluent treatment plant for dying industry should be in place and this is what government regulations also call for. It is also due to the fact that higher pH is recorded in such effluent and bacterial action is to be initiated while overabundance of alkalinity or acid presence is removed by a chemical agent which is known as neutralization. Such neutralization process is required in order to ensure safe disposal of effluent into environment.

Thus for neutralization process, a handful of chemicals are used such as sodium hydroxide, lime, sodium carbonate.

In effluent treatment, biological oxidation process has gained wider momentum as it unleashes a range of advantages, cause minimal sludge generation and is extremely economical as well. Besides, even the dissolved and biodegradable material can also get oxidized by this process and polluting organic and inorganic elements are extracted or are removed at a mass scale. Further, our superb plants are designed for membrane filtering as well, where a handful of sub-processes are executed, such as Nano-filtering, Reverse Osmosis and Ultra-filtration, to manage the overflowing effluent as is released from such industries. Clearly, implementing such methods have proved to be immensely beneficial and water can be recycled for reuse. Additionally, our supremely designed and programmed effluent treatment plant for dying industry, the machines are packed with scores of features, such as adjustable to manage with bulk quantity and many types of such machines are available such as manual, semi-automatic and automatic.

In final words, to ensure great functioning, every single component of our effluent treatment plants, is duly checked and tested for its expected standard performance and free installation and consultation services are provided across the country with a promise of matched professional excellence.

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Effluent Treatment For Rice Mills

Rice mills are count among the industries producing hefty amount of effluent per annum in wake of its production function but once an innovative wastewater management path is adhered to, such effluent water, as is released from rice mills, can be recycled and reused only if a proper effluent treatment plant for rice is installed and functions along it. Clearly, there are laws and regulations as are put by government for better handling and disposal of effluent into environment in order to retain latter's richness, which is important for safe human survival.

In effluent or wastewater released from rice mills, it contains the pH, COD (in range between 1800 mg/ litre to 5000 mg/ litre), BOD (in range of 400ppm to 2200 ppm), Turbidity, TSS etc and such should be subjected to a controlled and efficient cleaning in the most versatile effluent treatment plants for rice mills. As a matter of grave fact, the effluent also shows up prominent traces of pesticides present in it due to latter's overuse, especially in countries like ours, which should be stopped from getting mingled into the environment. Further, if such effluent is added to soil then its fertility gets hampered, while the still water reserves contribute to an unpleasant odour and can imbalance the flora and fauna of the country.

Especially and very specific to the rice mills technology and field, the treated water can be reused for various purposes, such as in cooling waters or as fuels to boilers, who intend for soaking operations. In such uses, TSS and TDS need to be taken out so as to make the water pretty soft so as to protect the equipments from any significant damage. Luckily however, the content of pollutants in Rice mills effluent is pretty low due to the manufacturing process and then it is free from harmful toxins and pathogens also, but still, the wastewater or effluent is to be treated before its disposal into the environment, which would have adverse effects.

As such, as a remedy to such grave issues, we are proud manufacturers of effluent treatment plant for rice mills, since 2005 and we have designed and developed a range of effluent treatment plants for such a purpose. Our highly experienced engineers take multiple factors into considerations before designing custom treatment plant and our plants are available in various modes, such as manual, automatic and semi-automatic too. For better insights, please call us and discuss your plan and we shall define the best possible effluent treatment solutions for your facility.

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Effluent Treatment PLant For Automobile Industry

Automobile industry is a fast growing one as masses long for commuting comfort and there is seen a rise in production of automobiles of various types. The downside of such mass production, there is an increased release of wastewater and highly contaminated effluent, into the environment, which is clearly a challenge that needs to be checked.

Type Of Pollutants: The automobile industry incorporates heavy dose of clean water, which it needs for various purposes at different stages of production, such as washing, rinsing, treatment of automobile parts, paint and so forth. As such, its effluent is mostly seen with pollutants such as oils, grease, metals, chunks of paints, phosphates, detergents, ammonia bi-fluoride, hydrofluoric acid etc alongside some organic pollutants and BOD and COD as well.

Treatment Procedure: To implement a prolific effluent treatment plant for automobile industry, effluent treatment begins with water going to drain but an environment friendly technique is relied upon comprising 4 steps.

1) Pre-Treatment: here screening tanker or grit chamber is used to take out the big solids present in effluent and such is done in order to prevent any significant damage to pump or other equipments of plant. It also has oil and grease trap to procure oil and greasy contents present in effluent.

2) Primary Treatment Stage: Here, primary tank accepts the effluent after the pre-treatment schedule is over and in this tank, coagulation, flocculation and neutralization process are initiated so as to enable heavy objects to settle down (called primary effluent) while the wastewater is allowed to flow down for next level of treatment.

3) Secondary Treatment: At this point, effluent/ wastewater is subjected to biological treatment where 90% of BOD and COD is targeted. The biological process is of 2 types, i.e. aerobic and anaerobic, depending upon nature of effluent. At most of our units, as effluent treatment plant for automobile industry, we implement anaerobic processing for effective cleaning of effluent where dissolved and suspended biological matter is extracted.

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Effluent Treatment PLant For Dairies

Dairies are considered to be among the few industries which cause massive water pollution and as a reaction to rising demand for milk and milk products, more number of dairies are set up contributing to increased level of water pollution which has its impact upon environment too. It thus becomes pretty essential that top quality effluent treatment plant for diaries should be in place to check such threat to environment and its increasingly adverse impacts to human survival. To make the situation worst, such typical untreated dairy effluent also contains a big amount of unique harmful elements and shows the following characteristics, such as:

a) BOD (bio chemical oxygen demand) which has an average of 0.80 to 2.5 Kgs over milk worth a metric ton in weight,
b) COD (chemical oxygen demand) which is around 1.5 times the BOD,
c) Then, suspended solids measuring about 100 to 1000 milligrams against a litre,
d) Total dissolved solids are, for phosphorous it is 10 to 100 mg/litre and for nitrogen it remains at 6% of BOD level,

Clearly, as a result of such menace, the effluent contains pathogens as a result of such dairy processing on daily basis. Besides, strange odour and dust is also produced by dairies that need to be checked and controlled too. At this point, we feel elated to declare that we offer a complete range of effluent treatment plant for dairies which are pretty sophisticated and can treat effluent to extract all of the prominent pollutants before such wastewater is disposed off or in some cases, can be reused too. Our treatment plants can also check the strangulating menace of unpleasant odour and can be a cost-effective way to deal with high volume of effluent as is released by dairies on daily basis.

Some of the notable features of our effluent treatment plant for dairies are as follows:
Water use can be optimized and with precise use of chemicals, cooling water can be managed for reuse,
Effluents can be collected from processing systems, sanitary installations and even from condensation systems resulting in proper wastewater treatment for better reuse,
Nozzles can be placed that are high pressure and which restrict water usage and ensure saving each drop of water,
Effluent can be made into treated water with processes like membrane separation and absorption after which water is safe to reuse,
Our effluent treatment plants for dairies can also check odour spread efficiently.

Else, when such untreated effluent mixed with ground water, alarming diseases and deadly infections can take place and governments across the world too, have imposed severe restrictions upon such disposal.

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Effluent Treatment Plant For Electroplating Industry

Electroplating, galvanizing and chemical plating is an industry of metal finishing which is integral to manufacturing industry but which results in the release of large quantity of wastewater and effluent too. This effluent contains high degree of dissolved metals such as copper, lead, chromium, tin, zinc, mercury etc which contribute to constant toxicity resulting in the rise of grave environmental issues. Our government has laid down a series of regulations on such industries for safer and secure disposal of sewage and effluent and they keep strict vigil on their compliance with the law, but again meeting such law and by-laws pose a new challenge before the industries. The versatile solution lies in the custom design of some effluent treatment plant for electroplating industry and expertise is always being looked for.

Hence, being the most notable manufacturer of effluent treatment plant for electroplating industry, our insightful engineers and site supervisors are all capable to design and deploy the most suitable and highly customized effluent treatment plant to address your objectives unique to your industry. Further, a range of effluent treatment solutions already exists and we can customized any system to suit the interest, needs and budget of our clients, who look for safe disposal of effluent or for reuse.

Generally, the following stages are implemented during the course of effluent treatment plant operation:
a) Precipitation and Coagulation: At stage 1, a coagulant is added like ferric chloride and pH is made to increase from 3 to 8.5, however while effluent can be tested to ensure if a coagulant is needed or not. In some cases some extra and high performance coagulants are needed since there are present chemicals and emulsifiers that enhance plating and hence to split the bonds and to enable metal to precipitate.

b) Flash Mix: This is stage 2 where the wastewater or effluent is transferred to flash mix zone which also draws a polymer flocculent and the flocculent is broken down in smaller units and is dispersed in the flow of coagulated wastewater or effluent.

c) Flocculation: This comes to stage 3, where slow mix zone becomes operational and wastewater or effluent is sent there in order to agglomerate the pin floc into bigger particles.

d) Clarifier, Bent Plate: Here the flocculated effluent is sent into clarifying zone where the particles that settle are made to land upon bent plates and are transmitted downside and into sludge chamber too. After this, the water that is treated appears on top of the clarifier which is then made to flow downstream to sewer.

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Effluent Treatment Plant For Hospitals

Hospitals require a big quantity of fresh running water for various every day activities and as a result of their dedication to healthcare services and all of its departments release a deluge of effluent and wastewater on daily basis, which needs to be treated before it is disposed off into our own environment or is put to reuse. The effluent released from hospitals carry a big amount of radioactive isotopes, microbiological pathogens, particles of used solutions, syringes, huge mass of metals, disinfectants and so forth and all of these are potentially hazardous to human survival. For such reasons, environmentalists place a huge importance upon effluent treatment plants for hospitals and the effluent menace is categorized as Blackwater, Greywater and Stormwater.

However, when a superior plants for effluent treatment is being installed at hospital sites, following process gets underway which can be divided into stages:
a) Preliminary Treatment Stage,
b) Primary Treatment Stage,
c) Secondary Treatment Phase,
d) Tertiary or Final Treatment.

Here, at preliminary stage, bar screens are utilized for extracting big solids such as plastic, pens, bottles, rags, paper etc which flow along sewage. If such huge mass are not removed, then plant components, bars and blades can be damaged by their presence. Further, the process of sedimentation is implemented whereby stones, grit and sand when the wastewater flows into grit tank and the speed of flow is slowed down drastically with a strategy. Following this, primary stage arrives where physical and chemical methods are put in use to refine wastewater further, which was left in earlier stage after which wastewater is sent to sedimentation tank where heavier articles settle down to the bottom while smaller and lighter ones float on surface. Skimming process is implemented where lighter ones are skimmed resulting in the removal of upto 65% of suspended particles from the wastewater. Grit chambers are designed to extract grit but the heavier objects which settle down is called primary sludge and is sent to disposal tank and water which is half clean, is allowed to enter for next stage processing.

Secondary Stage arrives where biological treatment methods are applied which removes upto 80% more dirt from remaining wastewater. Most of the effluent treatment plants for hospitals make use of activated sludge process, where air is supplied in order to encourage the growth of microbes which let the organic matter to split. Again, heavy items settle onto bottom (known as secondary effluent) while lighter ones reaches the top. At last stage, disinfection technologies are relied upon which make use of ozone, chlorine, UV rays to procure toxic elements as are contained by wastewater and it results in removal of phosphorus, nitrogen and other harmful chemicals making wastewater safe to dispose or reuse.

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Effluent Treatment Plant For Paint Shop

Paint shops or paint booths are generally termed as mass storage of hazardous chemicals and such are widely put in use for giving the finishing paint to goods manufactured in a given facility. As such, there arise effluent or wastewater disposal issues which are duly checked by our unique effluent treatment plant for paint shop which is built, installed and controlled by our versatile tech skill. Effluent as released by paint shop is generally the result of metal finishing operations meant for plastic products, sport goods, furniture, and so forth and a net is used to secure coagulated paint overspray but if left unchecked, such paint overspray solidifies can be a tricky problem to resolve.

At this point, we proud to declare that we are a leading technical partner in this field, when clients look for premium ways to dispose-off the effluent or when they look for top quality effluent treatment plant for paint shop, in the most customized way. From noting down unique requirements of the shop to proficient installation to proper implementation, our widely experienced engineers go a long way in providing an array of super-professional services to those needing it.

The salient features of our premium effluent treatment plant for paint shop, are as follows:
Our plant requires limited space for easy installation and smooth operation,
Minimal maintenance and lesser efforts are needed,
It operates consistently and without any major interruption, causing swift disposal of effluent as produced in paint shops or paint booths,
Our superior effluent treatment plant for paint shop is strictly according to applied regulations,
Plant installation and application is pretty affordable in nature,

In grander scheme of things, our effluent treatment plant for paint shops, are available in various types, such as automatic, semi-automatic and even manual machines are accessible, which require lesser hand efforts. Our plant can treat upto 2000 litres of effluent in one hour, while the power requirement is just around single phase-1 h.p and our operational expertise is totally government approved and is valid from all counts of laws and by-laws.

We have set up a proficient R&D section where quest is always on for innovation and optimization of existing techniques present in latest effluent plant treatment plant for paint shops. We have won hearts of various manufacturers who are busy in production of a large variety of items across North India and we are still relentless in our continuous efforts.

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Effluent Recycling Plant

4.40 Lakh /Units Get Latest Price
  • Automatic Grade Automatic
  • Capacity 100 KLD
  • Application Sewage Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, Effluent Treatment
  • Brand Name Unistar
  • Water Source Type Industrial Wastewater
  • Water Source Industrial Effluent
  • Industry Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Delivery Location Pan India
  • Treatment Technique Clarifier
  • Plant Type Sewage Treatment Plant
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