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Electric Cutting Tools

Our Complete range of products are Chaff Cutter, Agricultural Chaff Cutter and Heavy Duty Chaff Cutter.

Chaff Cutter

  • Range of machine 1.5 H.P./2 H.P.
  • Capacity per Hour 100 Kg./200 Kg.
  • Approx. wt. of Machine 150 Kg.
Any feed, fodder is good to animals when they relish on it, remain healthy, breed, and produce milk. Animals are the best mirrors to choose the type and quality of feed and fodder.It is an art to compute a ration for milk producing animals depending upon the locally available resources. A qualified and experience veterinarian can guide you in formulation of suitable ration.
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Agricultural Chaff Cutter

  • Range 1.5 H.P./2 H.P
  • Capacity per Hour 100 Kg./200 Kg.
Any feed, fodder is good to animals when they relish on it, remain healthy, breed, and produce milk. Animals are the best mirrors to choose the type and quality of feed and fodder.It is an art to compute a ration for milk producing animals depending upon the locally available resources. A qualified and experience veterinarian can guide you in formulation of suitable ration.Animals once adapted to particular feed takes some time (10-15 days) to switch over to other type of feed.Animals are the creatures of habit, whatever habit you create (e.g. giving concentrate at the time of Milking or concentrate soaked in water overnight) they will adapt to it. Find the best suitable method that is acceptable to your animals.
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Heavy Duty Chaff Cutter

  • Motor Capacity 3 H.P./5 HP./5 HP./10 HP./10 HP.
  • Size of Blades 12 inch/14 inc/ 16 inch/ 18 inch
Feeding fodder is good to animals when they relish on it, remain healthy, breed, and produce milk. Animals are the best mirrors to choose the type and quality of feed and fodder. Mostly Green and Dried fodder are used for feeding animals. It is an art to compute a ration for milk producing animals depending upon the locally available resources. A qualified and experience veterinarian can guide you in formulation of suitable ration. Animals once adapted to particular feed takes some time (10 15 days) to switch over to other type of feed. Animals are the creatures of habit, whatever habit you create (e.g. giving concentrate at the time of Milking or concentrate soaked in water overnight) they will adapt to it. Find the best suitable method that is acceptable to your animals.
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