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1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Ductility Testing Machine, BOD Incubator Cum Shaker and Compression Testing Machine.
We offer Ductility Testing Machine to the customers. The Ductility Testing Machine meets the requirement of IS 1208-1958 and is used in determining the ductility of esphaltic bitumen, fluxed native, asphalt out back bitumen one blown type bitumen. The ductility of bituminous material is measured by distance in contiretras to which it will elongate before when two ends of standard briquette specimen of material are pulled apart, at a specified speed and a specified temperature.
Comprises of :The Ductility Testing Machine consists of a Water Bath surrounded by a raised wooden frame and two brackets with pins to hold clips of three ductility moulds. Provision has been made to three briquettes at a time. One bracket is fixed to the Water Bath. The second bracket moves on a lead screw rotated by a chain drive, the speed of which is regulated by a reduction gear system coupled to a fraction horse power motor.
Two rates of travel are incorporated. These are 5 cm/minute and 1 cm/minute. An index pointer fixed to the movable bracket moves over a scale marked in centimeters fixed on the edge of the Water Bath and indicates distance traveled. A clutch arrangements is provided by which the movement of the movable bracket can be arrested or restored without switching off the motor. When the clutch handle is pulled to engage position it starts the rotation of the lead screw and the clutch is pushed back to disengaged position is arrests the motion.
The Water Bath is provided with thermostatically controlled heater. An inbuilt pump is fitted to circulate water in the bath for keeping the temperature uniform throughout the bath. Sometimes air gets entrapped and the pump does not work. In such case to remove the entrapped air, connect the discharge copper pipe of the pump to a rubber or any other suitable tube and such water from the other end. The machine is suitable for operation on 230 Volts 50 Cycles single phase AC supply.
Specimen :Clean ductility mould and base plates. Assemble the mould on base plates. Coat the top surface of the plates and interior surfaces of the sides of moulds with mercury a mixture of equal parts of glycerin.
Take enough bituminous material to be tested to fill mould. Completely melt the material to a temperature of 75oC to 100oC above the approximate softening point until it becomes thoroughly fluid. Then strain it through 300 micron IS sieves and after through stirring pour into mould. In filling such mould pour the material in a thin stream back and forth from and to end of the mould until it is more than level full. Leave the moulds to cool at room temperature for 30 to 40 minutes, then placed them in Water Bath of the Ductility Testing Machine previously set ready and maintained at 27.0 - 0.50oC ( unless testing temperature other than this is specified) for 30 minutes. For setting the Water Bath ready to procedure is as follows.
Fill the Water Bath with water to the extent that it would stand about 10cm above the bitumen material briquette when fitted at a later stage on the brackets. Set the thermostate at 27oC. Put on the switches marked STIRRER and 'HESTER' on the switches board. In summer when room temperature of water is higher then 27oC the heater need not be put to use, control the temperature at 27oC by adding cool water when ever temperature tends to rise above 27OC. By all arrangement keep the temperature in the Water Bath uniformly at 27oC.
After the lapse of 30 minutes take out the moulds from the Water Bath and cut off the excess bitumen by means of a hot straight edged putty knife or spatula so that each mould is just level full. Place back the base plate and mould with briquette specimen in the Water Bath and keep at the specified temperature for about 85 to 95 minutes.
Test Procedure :At the lapse of 85 to 95 minutes remove the base plates with moulds briquette specimen from the Water Bath. Remove the briquette mould from the base plate, catch the side pieces and let the end clips remain fitted to the briquette specimens. Mount the briquette specimens on the brackets. The holes in the clips of the moulds should slide in the pens on the opposite brackets. Note the initial reading on the scale.
Before starting the motor, confirm that the water in the Water Bath is at a level about 10cm above the top surface of the briquettes. If necessary add more water at about 27oC into the Water Bath to achieve this objective. The Water Bath is already set to maintain the temperature of 27oC. By all arrangement keep the temperature is the Water Bath at 27oC.
See that initially the clutch is disengaged. See the speed selector to give the rate of pull of 5cm minute. Switch on the motor. Pull the clutch handle to start the rotation of the lead screw which moves the moving bracket and causes stretching of the bituminous material standard briquettes in between the clips, until the briquettes are ruptured. Take the final reading on the scale as indicated by the pointer when each briquette is ruptured. From the initial reading and the final reading calculate the distance in centimeters through which the clips of each briquette have been pulled to produce rupture. When the last briquette ruptures the movement of the movable bracket by operating the clutch to disengage position takes the average of the elongation in centimeters of the three briquettes specimen at the ductility of the sample.
Maintenance :Clear the moulds from sticking on the material. Empty the water from the bath if the instrument is not likely to be used for some time. Keep the lead screw well lubricated with oil or light grease. Keep the chain drive oiled. Keep the instrument clean.
Spares If Required :Mould made of brass/gun metal has two end clips, two sides with knurled screws & side support for proper assembly.
We are prominently engaged in providing Compression Testing Machine to the customers. The Compression Testing Machine is a part of soil testings instruments and is widely used by the clients from all over the world. Concrete Compression Testing Machine is designed to meet the requirements for various Indian, British and American standards for testing cubes up to 15 x 15 x 15cm and cylinders up to 15 x 30cm high of concrete for the compressive strength.
Specifications :The Hydraulic Jack of 100 tone capacity is fixed to the base. The lower platen is on the hydraulic ram and upper having a spherical seating is adjustable for initial clearance. The loading is accomplished by the upward movement of the lower platen. The lower platen and the upper platen of the machine are hardened ground and polished. Guidelines are marked on the lower jack. A dust cover is provided to prevent any dust from going into cylinder. A spacer block with a center locating pin is provided to test small specimen. The double plunger pump special type is hand operated. The load is indicated on 150mm dia dial hydraulic pressure gauge graduated 100 Tone x 500 kg division. Total division in dial 200 nos. A maximum red pointer is provided to facilitate for taking of the reading after the specimen under test fails.
Setting Up :The oil is filled in the oil tank. Fix the machine on the foundation by bolts so that there is no shaking of the machine at the time of operation.
Operation :Open the air release screw from the inlet of oil tank. Open the adopter of the pressure gauge. Tighten release valve and operate the hydraulic pump with the handle. When few drop of the oil will come out from the adopter of the pressure gauge, immediately open the release valve. Fix the pressure gauge, with the adopter of the pressure gauge. Tighten release valve and place the specimen on the lower platen, upper platen be brought. The lower platen is automatically upstart when you will operate the hand pumping unit with the handle. Check that the nuts are properly tight and there is no leakage. Start the machine by operating it with handle. Start giving load by operating it with handle, ram will start rising and the load with start increasing on the specimen and pressure gauge will show the load. As soon as the specimen is break the needle will indicate it and the black needle will automatically come back to zero. Release the release valve. If you are to start the machine again tighten the release valve and operate it as done earlier.
Caution :The pump should never operate where there is no or little oil in the pump tank. Open the air release screw when operate. Oil is in full quantity in the oil tank filled by us and you need not require putting it in the tank. Please check the oil with the oil level.
Note :The oil in the machine is TRESSO 40 from ESSO Oil Company. The equivalent of this grade of oil can also be used. Normally a change of oil in the system is advisable under normal use. But this period can be increased or decrease accordingly to the use of the machine.
Maintenance :Keep the platens, greased to prevent against rust. Remove the lower platen when not in use. Remove the spacer block.