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Waste Management & Pollution Control Services

Our product range contains a wide range of Reverse Osmosis System, Industrial RO Plant, Effluent Treatment Plants, Effluent Treatment Plant and Reverse Osmosis Plant

Effluent Treatment Plant

  • Features There are significant savings on labour, chemical cost and electrical power.


With intention the best quality of Mineral Water, E-flocx is an accelerated electrocoagulation system which destabilises dissolved, colloidal , emulsified and other stable compounds in water and converts them into suspended particles. These suspended particles get removed on filtration and result in completely colourless, odourless and reusable water.Eflocx has proven to be a very versatile process able to handle large variety of wastewaters of different volumes.

Working principle:

With intention the best quality of Mineral Water, The process works on the principle of controlled dissolution of charged ions in water. These charged ions on contacting various pollutants like suspended solids, bacteria, organics, heavy metals etc. neutralize them and coagulate them.These coagulated solids are subsequently filtered using suitable filtration equipment.

Features of Eflocx:

  • Eflocx is a state of the art technology designed for today's time
  • Eflocx technology can lead to lot of saving on space vis a vis conventional technology
  • There are significant savings on labour, chemical cost and electrical power.
  • As the process is not based on moving parts there is low maintenance except routine replacement of electrodes.
  • The systems are modular in nature hence expansion and modification is easily possible. The system is portable in nature and thus can be shifted and transported in case the industry is being relocated.
  • The operating cost of system is in the range of Rs. 5 to Rs. 15 per kilo liter (1000 litres) depending on the wastewater characteristics.

Advantages of Eflocx compared to conventional systems:

E-Flocx System Conventional System
Low space compared to conventional systems and less holding capacity required due to continuous treatment Floor space required is significantly higher as holding capacity of tanks needs to be high due to batch treatment.
70-80% Less sludge production compared to conventional systems. Sludge produced is like a dry cake and very easy to handle. Large quantities of wet sludge produced which is difficult to handle and additional space is required for sludge drying bed, which is not very effective
No additional chemicals required Chemicals are required for coagulation and flocculation, chemical handling and storage requires manpower and additional space
Significant saving on civil work cost as civil work construction is minimal compared to conventional systems. Civil work construction is very extensive due to construction of holding tanks, settling tanks, aeration tanks, secondary clarifiers, sludge drying beds etc.
Can easily handle shock loads of effluents by changing current density or flow rate Shock loads of effluents will not be handled by conventional systems.
Modular in nature. Very convenient to scale up capacity with additional units. Not modular in nature. Once installed, scaling up capacity is not possible.
Completely automated systems Manual systems with little scope of automation requiring dedicated manpower

Industrial applications:

  • Textile Process Effluent
  • Sewage treatment plant
  • Water Jet Loom.
  • Electroplating industry
  • Tannery
  • Food processing and Dairy
  • Metal processing
  • Automobile service station
  • Yarn Dyeing Industry
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Reverse Osmosis System

  • Min. Order (MOQ) On Piece
Membrane Technology is advancing more rapidly than any other sepratio method and its versality offers the greatest potential for solving water management and liqid separation problems of 21st century.Mineral Water Plant / RO Plant As conventional methods of water treatment are become more expensive. The physical membrane sepration technique using reverse osmosis provide the most reliable and economical solution. This technique alone or in combinamtion with lon Exchange System for treatment os brackish, sea and waste water will produce specific treated water quality for various applications. Universal System and sales offers standard models for R.O. system ranging from 10 to 10, 000 lph suitable for domestic, commercial and light industrial application.
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Industrial RO Plant

  • Min. Order (MOQ) One piece

Unicare brings a small and medium capacity Industrial RO plant model. Our plants are designed, developed and programmed under the supervision of experts for the long and dependable services. Our Industrial RO plant consists of various steps or processes integrated and synchronized to give desired results.

Reverse Osmosis : (Process Explanation)

Reverse osmosis may be defined as membrane technical filtration method, which involves a selective membrane that is thsi membrane do not allow large molecules or ions through the pores (holes)to pass, but allows smaller components of the solution (such as the solvent) to pass freely.Further, by applying pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane, the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. Since the two streams of liquid flow side by side to each other this process is also called cross flow filtration process.


  • Safe Drinking Water
  • Boiler Feed Water
  • Ion Exchange Pre-treatment
  • Beverage Production
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