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  1. Gaskets 10 Products available
  2. Valves & Valve Fittings 8 Products available
  3. Industrial Valves 7 Products available
  4. Industrial & Oil Seals 3 Products available
  5. Natural And Synthetic Resin 3 Products available
  6. Pumps, Pumping Machines & Parts

    2 Products available
  7. Separators & Strainers

    2 Products available
  8. Laboratory Equipments

    1 Products available
  9. Electric Motors & Components

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  10. Separating Machines

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  11. Others Products 17 Products available

Our Products

Our Complete range of products are Pressured Power Pump Unit and Leak Tector.

Deaerator Head

Air acts as an oxidizing agent and causes corrosion and weakening leading to damage and leakage in pipes and related equipment. In Boilers it can cause serious accidents.

Air gets in the system mainly through Boiler Feed water. The harmful element in Air is Oxygen, and De Aeration essentially involves removal of Oxygen. This is done by heating the water in the De-aerator Head (DAH) to 90Deg C when Bulk of the Oxygen is eliminated. [Ideally at 102-105Deg C, Oxygen is almost totally eliminated] when the bulk of Oxygen is released from the Hot water.

De-Aerator is a dome shaped device [called the mixing unit] fitted to the Feed Water Tank, having three Nozzles for Cold Make up Water, Recovered and recycled hot condensate and Flash Steam. It also has a top vent nozzle with automatic thermostatic vent. The three nozzles result in mixing of the three fluids, consequently heating the water and the Oxygen thus released is vented out from the top. A SS dip/Immersion tube with perforations attached to the De Aerator is led into the tank up to near to the tank bottom, releasing hot water through perforation from the bottom level of water helps the mixing of the heated water from the De Aerator Head and the water available in Feed water Tank, and supply hot water to boiler, saving Fuel costs, reducing O2 and avoiding Flashing and noise, and achieve higher levels of process efficiency.

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Moisture Separator

Removal of Moisture becomes essential from gases and Steam as it cause of two phase flow, water hammer, damage to equipments, as well as it affects heat transfer, total heat carrying capacity of the fluid in case of steam.
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Pressure Reducing Station

Steam should be distributed at high pressure as it has low volume and impacts the inventory and its cost, At the same time it should be used at low pressure, as it has high latent heat at low pressure, Thus the function of lowering the pressure at the point of use is done by the PRS [Pressure Reducing Station]
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Teflon Sheets

UNISIL soft-chem possesses universal resistance, against common chemicals, except melted alkali metal, fluorine at liquid and gas states, It is free from asbestos
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Asbestos Jointing Sheets

UKL has been approved by BIS to manufacture all grades of sheets with ISI Mark, Klinger gaskets are designed for 0.25mlminute leak rateas against 3mlmin allowable leak rate as per DIN35356,
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Automatic Pumping Trap

  • Body Carbon Steel
  • Internals Inconel & Stainless Steel
  • Non Return Valve Stainless Steel Gr. AISI 304
  • Steam trap ASTM A743 Gr.CA40

To overcome stalling situation and to enhance the heat transfer efficiency, it is advised to install Uni Klingers Automatic Pumping Trap (UAPT). There are innumerable advantages of installing this device.

UKL APT is a device having the combined features of a conventional steam trap as well as a pump. In situation where the pressure of the condensate approaching APT is suitably high, then the delta pressure inside this APT will facilitate this device to perform as a mere conventional trap only.

However under stalling conditions where the delta pressure inside APT drops below 0.5 kg/cm2(g), this APT is automatically switched over to pumping mode. During this mode, the motive port opens up to allow motive steam to enter in APT resulting in to immediate pumping of the condensate at elevated place.

Advantage of Automatic Pumping Trap

  • Increase in heat transfer capacity & thus reduction in process cycle time
  • Appropriate & continuous condensate discharge
  • Avoids water hammer
  • Avoids corrosion due to cool condensate in batch production processes
  • Proper temperature control in process
  • Enhanced equipment life
  • Reducing the hunting effect of the temperature control valve
  • Avoids flashing of hot condensate
  • Nil loss of live steam

Maximum Operating Conditions

Maximum allowable pressure 14 kg/cm2

Maximum allowable Temperature 180 Deg C


  • Inlet 25 NB and outlet 25 NB
  • Inlet 40NB and outlet 25 NB
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Pipeline Accessories

  • Pressure classes 20 bar , Temperature max.250Deg C
The Sight Glass is fitted in the pipeline to indicate if the fluid is flowing correctly in the line. These can therefore be used to indicate blocked or choked valves or Traps, strainers, pipelines or piping components which otherwise would lead to a decreased level of performance, plant efficiency and safety.The sight glasses would indicate if the traps are leaking or passing live steamvapors.A sight Flow Indicator is a device which is inserted in a run of pipe to observe the flow of fluid in the pipe. To enhance the visibility of the flow, protrusion is often incorporated body of its indicator, in the flow stream, so that fluid impinging on the same, cause turbulence, which indicates flow.
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Gauge Glass

The sight glasses would indicate if the traps are leaking or passing live steamvapors.A sight Flow Indicator is a device which is inserted in a run of pipe to observe the flow of fluid in the pipe. To enhance the visibility of the flow, protrusion is often incorporated body of its indicator, in the flow stream, so that fluid impinging on the same, cause turbulence, which indicates flow.
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Air Eliminators

  • Sizes 15mm-50mm
UKL Air Eliminators are meant to automatically remove air from Liquid lines.Air has to be removed because: air in liquid line cause of two phase flow, water hammering as well as prevents smooth flow of fluid or causes air locks.Air also acts as an oxidizing agent and causes corrosion and weakening leading to damage and leakage in pipes and related equipment. Solubility of air in water is high at low temp, but on heating solubility decreases, and release air from water and flows with water. Mainly this happens in cooling water circuit. Function of Air elimination can be achieved by a mechanical Float operated Trap, with just a position change of its Float assembly. This change in the float assembly position now holds back the liquid but allows Air to be vented out as against the normal Float trap holding steam and discharging condensate.
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Non Asbestos Sheets

  • Thickness 0.5mm to 6mm
  • Sheets size 1.5M x 2M, 1.5M x 4M, 1.5Mx6M
Uni Klinger manufactures entire range of Non Asbestos ( UNISIL ) gasket sheets.This eliminates the need for application of grease to flange surface. Results in faster and safer flange cleaning. Ensures better sealing with replacement Gasket.
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Non Asbestos Jointing Sheet

It is a good solution for higher temperature and pressure application where Non Asbestos Gaskets are to be used.Metallic Graphite sheets (GPSM) A pure exfoliated graphite sheet with tanged Stainless Steel reinforcement for maximum pressure up to 200bar & 450 Degree Celsius temperature. Metallic Graphite sheets (GSLS) pure exfoliated graphite sheet with plain Stainless Steel Foil insert for ease of handling.
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PTFE Sheet

Multidirectional expanded PTFE material. Excellent corrosion resistance together with superior creep resistance and sealability create a highgrade gasket material for a wide application field, The best choice for economical plant-wide use on services up to 260C and pressures up to 200 bar.
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Graphite Sheet

Due to excellent Chemical and thermal capabilities of Graphite it is used extensively throughout the Petrochemical and Chemical industries for process duties and Steam application.
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Asbestos Rope

Uni Klinger provides complete range of non asbestos gland packing in Graphite, Teflon, Aramid, Carbon and Glass fiber. Enabling UKL to cater to Pump, Valve users and original Equipment manufacturers.
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Steam Jointing Sheets

  • Thickness 3mm
  • Size 1Mx1M & 1.5Mx1.5M
Due to excellent Chemical and thermal capabilities of Graphite it is used extensively throughout the Petrochemical and Chemical industries for process duties and Steam application. It is a good solution for higher temperature and pressure application where Non Asbestos Gaskets are to be used.Pure Graphite sheets (GS) A pure exfoliated graphite sheet for high temperature application.Metallic Graphite sheets (GPSM) A pure exfoliated graphite sheet with tanged Stainless Steel reinforcement for maximum pressure up to 200bar & 450 Degree Celsius temperature. Metallic Graphite sheets (GSLS) pure exfoliated graphite sheet with plain Stainless Steel Foil insert for ease of handling.
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Steam Injectors

  • Size 15 to 50mm

Steam Injectors are used for heating Water, Feed water, Process media, process liquors etc by direct injection of steam into the media. They are designed for quiet and efficient heating of the media ensuring thorough mixing, uniform heating and absence of temperature stratification.

It draws in cool liquid from one end and mixes it with the steam being injected. These ensure full utilization of the total heat as well as avoid Flashing and noise.

It is used in conjunction with Temperature control, Isolation valve, vacuum breaker, Control valve, Stop valve, Strainer etc. Tank dimensions, volume of media etc may demand the installation of more than one injector on a tank.

  • Available in MOC SS316
  • Sizes: 15 to 50mm others on request
  • Ends Connection: BW/ Threaded to BSP/BSPT/NPT
  • Max Pressure: PN25
  • Max Temperature: Saturated
  • Max recommended Heating temperature:90 Deg C
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Non Asbestos Packings

We have introduced a wide variety of combinations of non Asbestos packings for all applications. All packings are available in braided rope form (standard custom sizes) or ring form (custom sizes). Uni Klinger provides complete range of non asbestos gland packing in Graphite, Teflon, Aramid, Carbon and Glass fiber. Enabling UKL to cater to Pump, Valve users and original Equipment manufacturers. Uni Klinger can provide the Gland Packing for other applications where one need tight seal in static or rotating application.
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Gland Packing Seals

  • Sq size. 3mm Sq to 25mm
A wide variety of combinations of non Asbestos packings for all applications.All packings are available in braided rope form (standard custom sizes) or ring form (custom sizes). Uni Klinger provides complete range of non asbestos gland packing in Graphite, Teflon, Aramid, Carbon and Glass fiber. Enabling UKL to cater to Pump, Valve users and original Equipment manufacturers.Uni Klinger can provide the Gland Packing for other applications where one need tight seal in static or rotating application.
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Metallic Gaskets

UKL Metal gaskets are specially designed and widely used for Heat exchangers, pressure vessels, flue stacks, boilers etc. The majority of these gaskets are supplied in circular form but can be manufactured to other shapes to suit individual requirements, They are manufactured to suit API, ASME, DIN & BS standards. UKL Metal Jacketed gaskets are specially designed and widely used for Heat exchangers, pressure vessels, flue stacks, boilers etc. The majority of these gaskets are supplied in circular form but can be manufactured to other shapes to suit individual requirements. They are manufactured to suit API, ASME, DIN & BS standards.
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Expanded PTFE Sheets

  • Features 100% Pure P.T.F.E., Good sealability, Highly compressible, Easy to cut and install, Low compressive load to seal
Multidirectional expanded PTFE material. Excellent corrosion resistance together with superior creep resistance and sealability create a highgrade gasket material for a wide application field. The best choice for economical plant-wide use on services up to 260C and pressures up to 200 bar.
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Smart Watch

Leakage of costly fluids has been a major cause of concern to all industries.Apart from the monetary losses, such leaks are seen as damaging to the environment.

Valves and steam traps contribute to more than 90% of the fluid leaks. These leaks can either be across the seat causing process irregularities, or from the glands, bonnets and seals to the atmosphere. The damage caused is of substantially high value, especially for continuous-process industries.

The main contributors to this damage to environment is by:Safety Valve Leaks, Steam Trap Leaks, Control Valve Leaks

Fluid leaks, NOW, can be monitored online, with the latest patented technology from Bitherm, the Spanish inventors. Uni Klinger have made this technology available to Indian industries with a technological tie up with Bitherm.

Under this arrangement Smart Watch Leak Monitoring Package is available

Smart Watch is a microprocessor based universal monitoring device, with high network integration capacity, which is able to monitor up to four independent parameters at a time. Namely: Inlet Pressure, Outlet Pressure, Temperature and Sound

It is certified for intrinsic safety requirements (EEx ia IIC T4).

The four parameters are monitored 24 x 7, and results are displayed in real time, indicating precise equipment, its functioning and reasons for failure, and an estimated loss of in terms of media and money in case of malfunction.

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Steam Pumps

  • Sizes 40, 50, 80 x 50 and Duplex
The UPPPU is a skid mounted Assembly. The receiver collects the condensate from various points. The condensate flows through a Uni directional Disc Check Valve (DCV) to the pump section. The Float assembly, inside the pump section, rises with the level of the condensate and at a predetermined level snaps a valve open to let in Steam, while simultaneously a vent valve gets closed. The steam pushes the condensate out through the outlet DCV which too is unidirectional leading the condensate out to the desired point. Once the pumping is done the level of condensate falls and the float drops down automatically closing the steam valve and opening the vent to vent out the accumulated steam and allow the fresh condensate to enter and begin the next cycle. This is a maintenance free pump, functions as long as there is condensate coming to the pump. Provided as a complete skid mounted unit, with valves, strainers, DCV, Condensate flow meter etc.
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Pressured Power Pump Unit

In these days of energy conservation hot condensate is too valuable to be lost as it contains more than 25% of heat used in creating steam. Also it is distilled water making excellent feed water for boilers. UKL Pressure Power Pumps are pumps which are used to pump condensate to the desired location and are cheaper to operate against electrically operated pumps which require special impellers to avoid risk of cavitations by condensate and temperature limits of condensate to be handled.

The UPPPU is a skid mounted Assembly. The receiver collects the condensate from various points. The condensate flows through a Uni directional Disc Check Valve (DCV) to the pump section. The Float assembly, inside the pump section, rises with the level of the condensate and at a predetermined level snaps a valve open to let in Steam, while simultaneously a vent valve gets closed. The steam pushes the condensate out through the outlet DCV which too is unidirectional leading the condensate out to the desired point.

Once the pumping is done the level of condensate falls and the float drops down automatically closing the steam valve and opening the vent to vent out the accumulated steam and allow the fresh condensate to enter and begin the next cycle. This is a maintenance free pump, functions as long as there is condensate coming to the pump. Provided as a complete skid mounted unit, with valves, strainers, DCV, Condensate flow meter etc.

Sizes 40, 50, 80 x 50 and Duplex.

UKL Pressure Power Pump can be used with motive as Steam or Compressed Air.

Available in Carbon Steel Insulation can be provided as optional.

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Gasket Sheet

Excellent corrosion resistance together with superior creep resistance and sealability create a highgrade gasket material for a wide application field, The best choice for economical plant-wide use on services up to 260C and pressures up to 200 bar.
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Leak Tector

Leakage of costly fluids has been a major cause of concern to all industries.Apart from the monetary losses, such leaks are seen as damaging to the environment.

Valves and steam traps contribute to more than 90% of the fluid leaks. These leaks can either be across the seat causing process irregularities, or from the glands, bonnets and seals to the atmosphere. The damage caused is of substantially high value, especially for continuous-process industries.

The main contributors to this damage to environment is by:Safety Valve Leaks, Steam Trap Leaks, Control Valve Leaks

Fluid leaks, NOW, can be monitored online, with the latest patented technology from Bitherm, the Spanish inventors. Uni Klinger have made this technology available to Indian industries with a technological tie up with Bitherm.

Under this arrangement Leak Tector is available

LeakTector is a portable gas or steam leak detector, designed for periodical survey of steam traps and valves. This ultrasound based leak detector detects abnormal vibrations on rotary machines, as well.

This ultrasound is captured and analyzed by the Leaktector microprocessor and finally shown its result on the LCD display, wrist mounted. The system is integrated by two components: probe and analyzer.

A novelty of LeakTector is its special verification function of thermodynamic steam traps, allowing the evaluation of the low energetic efficiency states (cycle too short) of this type of steam traps.

The concept of leak monitoring of valves and traps may be new to industries in India, but the losses and the financial impact is true universally.

The need of the hour is to cut down the stark losses and tighten the bottom line.

Uni Klinger team is committed to help take any lead to a meaningful end.

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Hot Water Generation System

UNIKLINGER, in keeping with the Innovative Methods to help Process Industry achieve higher levels of operational efficiency have UKL PACKAGE HOT WATER SYSTEM In Modular Designs-With the space availability at high premium, one needs a Quick, Efficient and Reliable source of Hot Water for process heating applications. And this is the hallmark of UKL HWG System as with all other UKL products and services.

UKL Offers complete skid mounted unit with: Isolation valves, Strainers, Temp control valves, Plate type Heat Exchangers, Steam Trap, PID Controller, Pumping unit and related Piping and components.

The Advantages of Hot Water vs. Steam for Jacketed Heating

In jacketed heating applications where processes require operating temperatures up to 350F [177Deg.C], steam and hot water serve as typical forms of heat transfer.

Currently, an increasing number of process engineers are switching from steam to hot water for heating jacketed reactors or vessels. There are several basic reasons for this trend:

  • The temperature in the jacket can be controlled much more accurately with hot water than with steam. This higher degree of control protects against damage to or loss of product through overheating.
  • Hot water ensures a better quality end product. This is particularly important in processes requiring very precise product temperature control.
  • Hot water distributes heat more evenly than steam. This eliminates hot spots which often cause product to bake onto the walls of the vessel, and at worst, ruin the entire batch.
  • In critical processes utilizing glass-lined reactors, steam can shock and damage the lining. Hot water allows smooth transitions from heating to cooling with no thermal shock.
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Condensate Flash Vessel

Condensate when discharged from higher pressure to lower pressure, the difference in the sensible heats at the two pressures causes certain amount of Condensate to again convert to Steam known and referred to as Flash Steam. This is as good as dry steam, albeit at lower pressure, and can be utilized as such.This separation can be done by allowing the hot condensate to discharge into a vessel of a pre determined volume, to get the desired amount of condensate and Flash at a specific pressure. This vessel is known as a Flash vessel.
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Moisture Trap

  • models T25, T25 Ti, G25, G25 Ti, P45 Ti, G45 Ti, P110 Ti y P215 Ti.
The Bi-Thermostatic Bimetallic steam traps, with corrosion resistant regulator. These Traps are unaffected by water hammer and superheated steam which having balanced pressure valve, independent seat and cone valve, and having a external adjustment device that can be used while the trap is functioning, for temperature and flow discharge. The trap also has an integral Y type Strainer.The most innovative of the bimetallic steam traps is the bi-thermostatic steam trap of balanced pressure that incorporates two antagonistic [Opposing] thermostats. The thermostat on top consists of various bimetallic plate pairs guided by the plugs stem, and the Lower thermostat is formed by one bimetallic sheet that leans and is guided in its edges by the body of the steam trap.
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Liquid Level Gauges

  • size 3000mm

These are mechanical devices to observe the level of liquid in vessels. Based on principles of Liquid finding their own levels.UKL manufactures and supplies level gauges as complete assembly with Isolation Drain cocks and vent valves, Safety Ball check arrangement in case of Glass breakage, and original toughened Borosilicate Klinger Glasses and Gaskets.

Reflex Gauge:

Works on the principle of Total Internal Refraction of light through the Reflex glass having grooves giving clear Black and white indication of the level in the vessel. For Steam at 40 bar saturated temp, and other media 40 bar 400 Deg C.

Transparent type:

Using Transparent glasses, two in numbers, giving a level indication in the form of rising and falling meniscus. This often requires the use of Illuminators to view the level.Steam at 40 bar.85bar and 120Bar saturated temp. Other media 400 deg C.

Bicolor type:

A variation of the transparent type, wherein the incident light is made to pass through a wedge shaped centerpiece, to separate the light. The same is viewed through filters to see Green and Red light for Steam and Condensate.Steam: 180 Bar Saturated Temp.

The level gauges can be provided with accessories like double arm lever, Illuminators, Scales, and Non Frosting Blocks. Inclined type as well as Direct Weld On type.

C-C of 3000mm.Other C-Cs with mounting support can also be provided.

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Flash Steam Separator

  • Maximum Working pressure 10.5Kg/cm2 at 180Deg C
Condensate when discharged from higher pressure to lower pressure, the difference in the sensible heats at the two pressures causes certain amount of Condensate to again convert to Steam known and referred to as Flash Steam. This is as good as dry steam, albeit at lower pressure, and can be utilized as such.This separation can be done by allowing the Hot condensate to discharge into a vessel of a pre determined volume, to get the desired amount of condensate and Flash at a specific pressure. This vessel is known as a Flash vessel.
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