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Other Products / Services #2745691

Ubtan Powder

'ubtan' is a powerful exfoliator, giving anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects to the skin, improving blood circulation & skin texture, making skin soft and supple, smooth and fresh. It also serves as a skin cleanser, astringent and stimulant, helps in the glowing of complexion and making it appear luscious and stimulating the underlying tissues of the skin. Regular usage of ubtan prevents the occurrence of premature wrinkles, removes scars, & helps to lighten the open pores.
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Aritha Powder

Aritha (sapindus mukorosse) also known as soap nut, is excellent for washing hair. It adds sparkle, natural gloss and bounce. Aritha contains a high level of saponins and used as a natural eco-friendly cleansing agent, it cleans hair completely and stimulates hair growth. Since it is mild in nature, you can use it to wash your hair on a daily basis without any fear of dryness or hair fall. Aritha powder paste can also be used on the skin as face mask as it improves the texture of skin, helps to cleanse the pores and improve skin texture.
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Rose Petal Powder

Having natural cooling properties and gentle soothing fragrance, rose is being used for centuries as a coolant for eyes and body. rose contains numerous health and skin care benefits. It helps in the treatment of scars, pimples, dark spots, skin ageing and maintains skin firmness. Rose contains high amount of vitamin c and other antioxidant that protects sun damage and brightens skin tone, boosts collagen production and strengthens skin cells and tissue. regular use of rose petal powder will leave your skin glowing and pampered, keeps skin soft, smooth & radiant.
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Indigo Powder

Indigo powder is also known as neel and wasma. Indigofera is latin for indigo bearing and its botanical name is indigofera tinctoria. This is the dye traditionally used as natural hair colours. indigofera tinctoria is a natural dye from indigo powder. Use indigo powder to naturally deepen the intensity of herbal hair colours. Apply henna paste first to your hair to create a rich red base and than apply indigo over the freshly hennaed and washed hair to create the rich deep browns and blacks.
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Multani Mitti Powder

Multani mitti (fullers earth) works as cleanser and astringent. mitti cleans the skin maintains the natural balance of skin oils, facilitates blood circulation while rose petal powder stimulates circulation, aid in the gentle cleansing of the pores, balance skins ph and gives product a nice fragrant smell.
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Orange Peel Powder

Orange (citrus aurantium) peel powder having high amounts of vitamin c and other anti-oxidants, tightens skin, makes skin firmer, controls excessive oiliness, dries out acne, prevent blackheads, whiteheads, acne and pimples. Being loaded with citric acid, orange peel powder works as natural bleach for our skin, can be effectively used for lightening the skin tone. The anti-oxidant content of orange peel powder is also very beneficial for our hair. If we apply this on our scalp regularly, our hair will become soft and lustrous and add amazing natural shine to it.
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Lemon Peel Powder

Lemons are antibacterial, astringent and a mild antiseptic with a powerful cleansing action. Their low ph makes them perfect for beauty and personal care. lemons have a high concentration of citric acid, which is great for general disinfecting and cleaning. the astringent action may also help to tighten the skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving skin fresh, radiant and protect the skin from environmental toxins.
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Instant Henna Paste

Instant henna paste 35 gms. Made specially for those who wish to decorate body parts in emergency and this paste takes 5-10 minutes to give a dark red colour after application on body parts.
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Nail HeennaPaste

Natural nail henna paste, a substitute for chemical based nail polishes, it takes hardly10-15 minutes to give a dark red colour after application. most of its ingredients are natural hence it has no injurious effects on the skin.
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Amla Powder

Amla ( emblica officinalis) also called as indian gooseberry is a fruit that has amazing remedial qualities. It is a rich source of peptin, vitamin c, a and other nutrients, is great for hair, adding luster, softness and doing away with dryness of the scalp. it is also a rich source of essential fatty acids that serve to keep the hair follicles strong and nourish the hair from the roots.
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