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Organic Fertilizer
2 Products availablePesticides & Insecticides
2 Products availablePlant Growth Promoters
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1 Products availableCatalysts And Absorbents
1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Fasal Samridhi Bio Fertilizers, Fasal Nitro Bio Fertilizers, Fasal Pulse Bio Fertilizers, Fasal Major Bio Fertilizers and Biofertilizers.
The efficiency of Azospirrillium as a Bio Fertilizers has increased because of its ability of inducing abundant roots in several plants. Azospirrilium synthesize considerable amount of biologically active substance like Vitamins, Nicotinic acid, Indole acetic acidis and gibberellins. All these hormones/chemicals helps the plants in better germination, better root development.
Stimulates growth and imports green colour which is characteristics of healthy plants.
FASAL NITRO is manufactured by using Azotobactor Chrococcum bacteria. Fasal Nitro is a liquid formulation containing nitrogen fixing bacteria which fixes atmospheric nitrogen and make available to plants roots.
It increase disease resistance and secrete growth promoters to increase crop productivity.
Fasal pulse crop in liquid formulation is a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria which is capable of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in host legumes.
Fasal major is liquid product formulation containing potash mobilizing bacteria. It is used as a biofertilizer in all crops. It helps in reducing the use of chemicals fertilizers (less potash needed after it is use) due to its potash mobilizing activity.