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  1. Agricultural Pipes

    2 Products available
  2. Valves & Valve Fittings

    1 Products available
  3. Drip Irrigation System

    1 Products available
  4. Filters

    1 Products available
  5. Drip Fittings

    1 Products available
  6. Irrigation Equipment & Systems

    1 Products available
  7. Plastic Crates

    1 Products available
  8. Plastic Pipe Fittings

    1 Products available
  9. HDPE Pipe

    1 Products available

Our Products

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Construction and Infrastructure Application and Bore Well or Borings.

Drip Fittings

Flush Valves are used to periodically cleanse the conveyance and emission device components of organic and inorganic debris that could clog the emission devices if left unchecked. They may be simple manual valves fitted at the ends of mainlines, sub-mainlines andor laterals, semi-automatic valves that flush only at start-up or shut-down, or fully automated solenoid valves.
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Industrial PVC Pipes

  • range 20 to 315 mm
Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC), an organic material in plastic class has wide range of applications. Pipes manufactured with this material, well known as PVC Pipes, have been widely accepted as replacement to GI, CI & MS pipes due to its lightweight, easy transportation, material characteristics and its price performance ratio. It has less frictional losses, deposit of scaling and zero corrosion. Commonly referred to as vinyl, PVC is a common plastic used in a wide variety of products such as piping, flooring, wallpaper, window frames, siding, office equipment and childrens toys. Rigid PVC pipes manufactured range from 20 to 315 mm and have pressure ratings of 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.5Kgfcm2. As per IS: 4985-2000 15Kgfcm2.
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HDPE Coil Pipe

  • RANGE 20mm to 315mm
HDPE Pipe is a primary alternative to PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe for all piping applications and is rapidly gaining market share for potable water, sewer, conduit and ducting, DWV (Drain, Waste and Vent) agriculture, and ground drainage uses. Used Since the 1950's, HDPE has demonstrated its effectiveness through its durability, leak-free performance, corrosion resistance and ductility. HDPE pipes are durable, leak-free, corrosion resistant, and ductile. Its greater resilience and flexibility makes it less susceptible than PVC to surges, damage from digging, and shifting soils during earthquakes. HDPE is also preferable to PVC as it is chlorine-less, requires fewer additives in its manufacture and has a much higher recycling rate than PVC. Tulsi HDPE OD Pipes are available from 20mm to 315mm in PE 63, PE80, PE 100range in PN 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12.5 and 16 kgcm2 pressure and Tulsi HDPE ID pipes are available in 2 to 3 with Silicon coated & without coated or as per customer demand.
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PVC Column Pipes

  • Length 03 Meter
  • Range 1” to 2.5”
uPVC Column Pipe for Submersible Application. Available Product Range 1 to 2.5 in Standard and Deluxe with 03 Meter Length. Product high Tensile Strength & High Pressure Rating. Pipe & Coupler having Square Thread for Excellent mechanical properties & Easy in Assembly & Disassembly. One Side pipe & Coupler having Thread Locking for Preventing Thread Slippage during Assembly and Disassembly with load of submersible Pump & Pipes. No corrosion issue in coupler locking during long life. High tensile strength of pipe coupler locking so lock safely is 100%. Locking system is maintenance free to User. Tulsi Column Pipe are manufactured with in the world Class Quality Management System as per ISO 9001-2008.
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HDPE Sprinkler System

The pipings consist of main line, sub main. Main line conveys water from the source and distributes it to the sub mains. The sub mains convey water to the sprinklers. Aluminum or HDPE pipes are generally used for portable systems.
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Drip Irrigation Filter

Filters are used to remove organic and inorganic debris from the water that could potentially clog the emission devices. In agriculture, sand media filters, screen filters or disc type filters are commonly used as per BIS IS : 12785 and may be cleansed manually, semi-automatically or automatically. Even where potable water is used, which is typical of landscaping applications, disc or screen filters should be installed since scale and chemical precipitants may occur which present a potential clogging hazard. Depending on the emission device chosen, the degree of filtration should be 80-200 mesh.
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Drip Emitters

  • Size 30 cm to 140 cm
  • flow rate 2, 3 or 4 LPH
In-line Emitters or Drip line is the most advanced and precision product used in agriculture manufactured on world class machine, consists of small plastic emission devices similar in function to on-line emitters, but in this configuration they are pre-inserted into the PE tubing at specified intervals during the tubing extrusion process. The emitters may be cylindrical or flat and are attached to the inner tube wall of 12 MM or 16 MM as per Indian Standards 13488 via a controlled heatingadhesion process. It can be spaced between 2 dripper from 30 cm to 140 cm with a flow rate of 2, 3 or 4 LPH with NPCPC dripper as per the crop requirement and land condition. Labor savings for the end user may be substantial since emitters are factory pre-installed. Unlike all other classifications of emission devices, drip line may be installed below the surface such that the soil surface may be kept dry and surface damage may be avoided.
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Drip Irrigation Ball Valve

  • range 12MM & 16MM
Drip Irrigation System is the only solution. Our constant Endeavour is to give quality product with world class machine producing wide range of product to suit every crop and farmers requirement. Like 12MM & 16MM as per Indian Standard IS: 12786 Plain Coil, Online NPCPC Dripper as per Indian Standard IS : 13487 flow rate 4814 LPH for wider spacing and horticultural crops, 12MM & 16MM as per Indian Standard IS : 13488 Inline RoundFlat Drip line in Class 1, 2, 3 with flow rate 2, 3 and 4 LPH for closed spaced crops like sugarcane, cotton, Vegetables etc. We also manufacture required Fittings & Accessories used in Drip Irrigation System like PVCPP Control Ball Valve, Flush valve, Screen Mesh Disc filter, Sand Media filter, Strainer filter as per BIS IS : 12785 for effective filtration for clean irrigation water. Batteries of filtration unit for large fields also provided by us.
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SWR Fittings

  • ranged Ø 75 mm to Ø 110 mm
SWR pipes are manufactured by our company as per specification laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 13592- 1992). The range of SWR pipes is between 63 mm and 160 mm with Standard length of 3 Meters in Type A* and Type B*. Similarly, SWR fittings are manufactured as per specification laid down by Bureau of Indian Standards (IS: 14735) and it ranged from 75 mm to 110 mm. Our SWR fittings are available in two quality products: 1) Tulsi Royal Premium and 2) Tulsi Nano Economical. Our SWR drainage system is an ideal solution for drainage and sewerage applications owing to its superior properties in comparison to conventional drainage systems. We supply SWR pipes and a fittings with one end being rubber ring socketed, as this ring socket reduces installation cost to a great extent. This SWR drainage system is also ultra violet stabilized which eliminates the adverse effect of sunlight and weather and hence it can be safely used for outdoor installation.
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Plastic Vegetable Crates

  • Capacity 48 liter, 48 liter
Plastic crates are being extensively used in fruits and vegetable industry. Using plastic crates is one of the efficient methods of transporting fruits and vegetables through all links of the distribution chain. With some fruits and vegetable, there is a need for water resistant crate to allow it to keep fresh for longer time. As well as circulation is also necessary in the fruits and vegetable industry. In a vented plastic crates the product can live longer, thus enhances fresh delivery to the market.
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