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PVC, PP & Plastic Products

Our Complete range of products are Integral Fin Tubes, Finned U Bent Tubes, Turbo Chill Tubes, Condenser Tubes and Corrugated Fin Tubes.

Integral Fin Tubes

Tube Tech manufactures integral low fin tubes with superior dimensional control in Copper, Brass, Cupro Nickel, Stainless Steel & Carbon Steel tube materials for a wide variety of heat transfer applications. Our facilities are capable of producing all types of integral low fin tubes / integral medium fin tubes and integral high fin tubes to suit every customers specific requirements. These integral fin tubes are fabricated in alloy C 12200 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 75 / B 359 and in alloy 44300 / 68700 / 70600 & 71500, SA 179, SS 304, SS 316 & SS 316L to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 111 / SB 359. BS EN, JIS and DIN standards are also available on request.

  • For Fin parameters of 22.2 mm, 25.4 mm tube or any other special requirements please contact us.
  • Integral low / medium / high fin tubes with fin density other than mentioned in the above chart can be produced on request.
  • For tube parameters of medium and high fin tubes of any size between 12.7 mm outer diameter to 25.4 mm outer diameter, please contact us.
  • Integral Fin Tubes are generally supplied in the as finned condition. Brass Tubes and Cupro Nickel Tubes can be supplied in annealed temper upon specific request.
  • Integral Fin Tubes are generally produced with desired plain ends, tubes can also be fabricated with intermediate landings upon specific request.
  • Integral Fin Tubes are produced in straight length up to 8 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.

Tube Dia Wall Thickness Fin Density Fin Dia Fin Depth Root Dia Wall Thickness under Fins
19.05mm 2.11 mm 19 / 26 18.80mm 1.60mm 15.60mm 1.45mm
19.05 mm 1.65 mm 19 / 26 18.80 mm 1.60 mm 15.60 mm 1.15 mm
19.05 mm 1.47 mm 19 / 26 18.80 mm 1.52 mm 15.76 mm 0.90 mm
19.05 mm 1.32 mm 19 / 26 18.80 mm 1.45 mm 15.90 mm 0.80 mm
19.05 mm 1.24 mm 19 / 26 18.80 mm 1.30 mm 16.20 mm 0.65 mm
15.87 mm 2.11 mm 19 / 26 15.70 mm 1.60 mm 12.50 mm 1.45 mm
15.87 mm 1.65 mm 19 / 26 15.70 mm 1.60 mm 12.50 mm 1.15 mm
15.87 mm 1.47 mm 19 / 26 15.70 mm 1.52 mm 12.66 mm 0.90 mm
15.87 mm 1.32 mm 19 / 26 15.70 mm 1.45 mm 12.80 mm 0.80 mm
15.87 mm 1.24 mm 19 / 26 15.70 mm 1.30 mm 13.10 mm 0.65 mm
12.70 mm 1.65 mm 19 / 26 12.55 mm 1.35 mm 9.85 mm 1.15 mm
12.70 mm 1.47 mm 19 / 26 12.55 mm 1.25 mm 10.05 mm 0.90 mm
12.70 mm 1.32 mm 19 / 26 12.55 mm 1.18 mm 10.19 mm 0.80 mm
12.70 mm 1.24 mm 19 / 26 12.55 mm 1.05 mm 10.45 mm 0.65 mm
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Finned U Bent Tubes

Tube Tech is well equipped to manufacture integral finned U - Bent tubes, fabricated according to various heat exchanger standards or to customer's own specifications. We generally produce Finned U Bent Tubes in outer diameters 15.9 mm & 19.05 mm with wall thickness 1.32 mm and above. However, bigger sizes can also be accommodated on request. Bending radius of 1.25 X Diameter and above can be achieved on these integrally finned tubes. The Bend portion is left unfinned during finning operation to accommodate bending operation. The Finned U Tubes are produced, controlled and measured in accordance with SB 395 & TEMA standards.
We are capable of producing Finned U Bent Tubes in the Leg Length of up to 5 mtrs. These Finned U Tubes are hydro tested after fabrication against any surface defects / leakages. We have in house stress relieving facility and these tubes can be heat treated for stress relieving, if required by the Customer. All tubes are cut to the specified leg lenght, ends deburred and the bores are internally cleaned with dried air before final inspection & packing. Each bundle is protected with plastic sheets. Detailed packing lists are attached to boxes to give quick and clear identification of contents.

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Turbo Chill Tubes

TURBO CHILLis an integral low fin tube provided with spiral ridges on the inside. In a Turbo Chill Fin Tube, the inside fluid heat transfer capability is remarkably improved in comparison with the smooth in-tube type tubes. By the effects multiplied mutually by the tubes outside fins and inside spiral ridges a high coefficient for overall heat transfer is obtained. These parameters significantly contribute to the reduction in size of various freezing machines. Normally,

Turbo Chill Tubes are generally supplied with 8 & 10 starts configuration; however, it can also be fabricated with other number of starts on request. These fin tubes are fabricated in alloy C 12200 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 75 / B 359 and in alloy 70600 & 71500 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 111 / B 359. BS EN, JIS and DIN standards are also available on request.

  • For tube parameters of 22.2 mm, 25.4 mm tube or any other special requirements please contact us.
  • Turbo Chill fin tubes with fin density other than mentioned in the above chart can be produced on request.
  • Turbo Chill Fin Tubes with alloy 71500 is also available; please contact us for Fin parameters.
  • Turbo Chill Fin Tubes are generally supplied in the as finned condition. However, alloy 70600 & 71500 can be supplied in annealed temper upon specific request.
  • Turbo Chill Fin Tubes are generally produced with desired plain ends, tubes can also be fabricated with intermediate landings upon specific request.
  • Turbo Chill Fin Tubes are produced in straight length up to 8 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.
  • Turbo Chill Fin Tubes are supplied with deburred / smooth ends.

Tube Dia Wall Thickness Fin Density Fin Dia Fin Depth Root Dia Wall Thickness under Fins
19.05 mm 1.83 mm 19 / 26 / 40 18.80 mm 1.52 mm 15.76 mm 1.20 mm
19.05 mm 1.65 mm 19 / 26 / 40 18.80 mm 1.50 mm 15.80 mm 1.90 mm
19.05 mm 1.47 mm 19 / 26 / 40 18.80 mm 1.42 mm 15.96 mm 0.71 mm
19.05 mm 1.32 mm 19 / 26 / 40 18.80 mm 1.24 mm 16.32 mm 0.59 mm
19.05 mm 1.18 mm 19 / 26 / 40 18.80 mm 0.83 mm 17.14 mm 0.55 mm
15.87 mm 1.47 mm 19 / 26 / 40 15.70 mm 1.42 mm 12.86 mm 0.71 mm
15.87 mm 1.32 mm 19 / 26 / 40 15.70 mm 1.24 mm 13.22 mm 0.59 mm
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Condenser Tubes

Integral Low Fin Tubes with finely grooved, modified outer and internal enhancements are produced by Tube Tech for Refrigerant Condenser Applications. These fin tubes are manufactured with integral helical fins on the outside surface of the tube which enhance the condensing heat transfer coefficient. Internal helical ridges of this enhanced condenser tube act to induce turbulent water flow and increase surface area, both of which improve heat transfer. These fin tubes are ideally suitable for the demanding condensing applications. These fin tubes are fabricated in alloy C 12200 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 75 / B 359 and in alloy 70600 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 111 / B 359. BS EN, JIS and DIN standards are also available on request.

  • Condenser Fin Tubes are generally produced with internal ridges / rifles. However, smooth bore tubes may also be produced on request.
  • Condenser Fin Tubes are generally supplied in the as finned condition. However, alloy 70600 can be supplied in annealed temper upon specific request.
  • Condenser Fin Tubes are generally produced with desired plain ends, tubes can also be fabricated with intermediate landings upon specific request.
  • Condenser Fin Tubes are produced in straight length up to 8 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.
  • Condenser Fin Tubes are supplied with deburred / smooth ends.

Tube Dia Wall Thickness Fin Density Fin Dia Fin Depth Root Dia Wall Thickness under Fins
19.05 mm 1.47 mm 40 18.80 mm 0.71 mm 17.38 mm 0.63 mm
19.05 mm 1.32 mm 40 18.80 mm 0.71 mm 17.38 mm 0.57 mm
15.87 mm 1.32 mm 40 15.70 mm 0.71 mm 14.28 mm 0.57 mm
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Corrugated Fin Tubes

Tube Tech produces Corrugated Fin Tubes with Internal and external spiral corrugated copper fins of 0.5 mm to 1.2 mm height which creates progressive turbulence giving a high degree of thermal conductivity. These fin tubes are made from thin walled smooth tubes of wall thickness as low as 0.5 mm.

These fin tubes are fabricated by using a special process where the outer and the inner surfaces are given spiral-shaped rotating impressions which equips corrugated tube with excellent thermal properties.

The Tube diameter can range from 12.7 to 25.4 mm and wall thickness from 0.50 to 2.11 mm with corrugation pitch 3 mm to 12 mm. These fin tubes can be produced in Copper, Brass & Cupro Nickel Tube Material as per the requirement. These fin tubes are available in lengths up to 8 meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.

  • Corrugated Fin tubes with fin density other than mentioned above can be produced on request.
  • Corrugated Fin Tubes are generally supplied in the as finned condition. However, Brass and Cupro Nickel can be supplied in annealed temper upon specific request.
  • Corrugated Fin Tubes are generally produced with desired plain ends, tubes can also be fabricated with intermediate landings upon specific request.
  • Corrugated Fin Tubes are produced in straight length up to 8 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.
  • Corrugated Tubes are supplied with deburred / smooth ends.
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End Cross Tubes

End cross fin tube is a tube having integral external fins of 26 to 40 fins per inch and increased fin height with a trapezoidal shape. These fin tubes are produced with smooth bore as well as integral internal ridges. End Cross Fin Tubes are generally used in Vapour Absorption Chillers. These fin tubes are available in 12.7 mm, 15.87 mm & 19.05 mm outer diameters with wall thickness as low as 0.55 mm. These fin tubes can be fabricated from all types of Copper & Copper Alloy Tube products. It is also known asKnurled Fin Tube.

  • End Cross fin tubes with Tube Dia and fin density other than mentioned above can be produced on request.
  • End Cross fin Tubes are generally supplied in the as finned condition. However, Brass and Cupro Nickel End Cross Fin Tubes can be supplied in annealed temper upon specific request.
  • End Cross Fin Tubes are generally produced with desired plain ends, tubes can also be fabricated with intermediate landings upon specific request.
  • End Cross Tubes are produced in straight length up to 8 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.
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Internally Finned Tubes

Tube Tech manufactures internally finned tubes / internally enhanced tubes with plain outer diameter and 50 to 70 internal ridges as per the requirement of the Customer for Direct Expansion Shell and Tube Liquid Coolers. These inner grooved tubes are also called Dx Tubes Or Evaporator Tubes.

These internally enhanced fin tubes are designed to provide maximum heat transfer with minimum refrigerant side pressure drop. The inside heat transfer coefficient of these tubes is generally 2 to 3 times greater than coefficient for smooth surface tubes. These internally finned tubes are available in tube materials Copper UNS C 12200 & 90/10 Cupro Nickel UNS C 70600.

  • Internally Finned tubes with wall thickness and internal ridge density other than mentioned above can be produced on request.
  • Internally Finned tubes are produced in straight length up to 6 Meters. Bigger lengths can be accommodated on request.

Tube Dia Wall Thickness No Of Ridges Helix Angle (0) Ridge Height Inside Surface Area (m2/m
12.7 mm 0.8 mm 50 18 0.25 mm 0.035
12.7 mm 0.8 mm 60 18 0.25 mm 0.037
12.7 mm 0.8 mm 75 18 0.25 mm 0.038
15.9 mm 0.8 mm 50 25 0.25 mm 0.044
15.9 mm 0.8 mm 60 25 0.25 mm 0.046
15.9 mm 0.8 mm 75 25 0.25 mm 0.047
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Heat Exchanger Tubes

Tube Tech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Plain & Finned heat exchanger Tubes. We manufacture and supply heat exchanger tubes in Copper, Brass, Cupro Nickel, Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel tube materials. Our on-site u-bending facility allows us to provide quick turnaround of these materials if u-bending is required. We can also fabricate U Tubes for heat exchanger applications in Stainless Steel & Carbon Steel tube materials. Our commitment to on-time delivery and supply of high-quality material has enabled us to build lasting relationships with engineering companies and end users right across the globe.

Plain Heat Exchanger Tubes are available in outer diameters 9.52 mm to 75 mm while Finned Heat Exchanger Tubes are available in outer diameters 9.52 mm to 25.4 mm with wall thickness 1 mm and above.

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Stainless Steel Fin Tubes

We are manufacturers, exporters, and suppliers of Stainless Steel Fin Tubes. Stainless Steel Fin Tubes are processed out of various Grades of both Seamless and Welded Plain Tubes.

Finned Tubes manufactures Stainless Steel tube materials for a wide variety of heat transfer applications. Our facilities are capable of producing all types of Stainless Steel Fin Tubes to suit every customers specific requirements.

These integral fin tubes are fabricated in alloy C 12200 to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 75 / B 359 and in alloy 44300 / 68700 / 70600 & 71500, SA 179, SS 304, SS 316 & SS 316L to meet the chemical, mechanical and other test parameters of ASTM B 111 / SB 359. BS EN, JIS and DIN standards are also available on request.

We can also fabricate U Tubes for heat exchanger applications in Stainless Steel & Carbon Steel tube materials. Our commitment to on-time delivery and supply of high-quality material has enabled us to build lasting relationships with engineering companies and end users right across the globe.

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