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2 Products availableHair Oil
2 Products availableHerbal, Ayurvedic Oils & Cosmetics
1 Products availableEdible Seeds
1 Products availableHerb Leaves
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1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Immunity Booster Herbal Tea, ashwagandha herbal tea, Damask Rose Herbal Tea, Stinging Nettle Herbal Tea and Stress Relief Herbal Tea.
This Powerful blend has anti microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and boosts your immunity to next level. Add lemon and honey as per your taste or enjoy the natural flavours without any sweetener. You will love it anyway.
Ingredient : Geloy, Lemon grass with high altitude herbs
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min , strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs
This powerful blend has anti microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and boosts your immunity to next level. Add lemon and honey as per your taste or enjoy the natural flavours without any sweetener.You will love it anyway.
Ingredients : Ashwagandha , Pahadi haldi with high altitude herbs.
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min, strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs.
Besides boosting the immune system, treating a sore throat and boosting your digestive health drinking rose infusion is excellent for the skin and hair. It contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C and a healthy, caffeine-free alternative to black tea or coffee. Rose infusion is very beneficial for menstrual cramps.
Ingredients : Himalayan Damask rose with high altitude herbs.
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min , strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs.
The health benefits of drinking stinging Nettle blend. It reduces inflammation, lowers blood pressure levels, has beneficial effects on joint pains and arthritis and improves kidney health.
Ingredients : Himalayan Stringing Nettle lemongrass with high altitude herbs.
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min, strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs.
Bramhi is a brain booster and improves memory. This flavourful herbal blend helps in reducing blood fat , stress and relaxes the muscles and keeps you sharp as a tack. Add lemon and honey as per your taste or enjoy the natural flavours without any sweetener. You will love it anyway.
Ingredients : Lemon grass, Brahmi with high altitude herbs.
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min , strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs.
It helps in improving liver health. Blends acts as a anti-bacterial and helps in disinfecting body. Stem is soothes the muscle and helps in rejuvenating. Add lemon and honey as per your taste or enjoy the natural limn ours without any sweetener. You ii ill line it anyway.
Ingredient : Stinging Nettle , Rosemary with high altitude herbs.
Preparation : Add one spoon of blend to boiling water, cover the pot and leave for 5 min , strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs.
This natrually spicy bitter and sweets infusion imporves over all liver health. Its anti bacterial properties help in disinfecting the body Kalmegh improve digestion and improve liver function. Gandhrayani and Timur are native to hills and proven their health benefits though ages.
Ingredients : Kalmegh, Rosmary with high altitude herbs.
Preperation : Add one spoon of belnd to boiling water cover the pot and leave for 5 min, strain and experience the goodness of Himalayan herbs