Chamber-B is depressurized, in the downward direction and the vent gas is released to atmosphere through a purge valve. A controlled portion of the dry gas is used to flush out the desorbed moisture from chamber-B desiccant. When the regeneration is complete, the purge valve is closed and chamer-B is slowly re-pressurized to line pressure for a smooth changeover. A drying period of 5 minutes provides an efficient dew-point of -40 deg. Celsius or better (at atmospheric pressure). In regeneration process approximately 60 seconds are required for re-pressurization.Process gas heatless desiccant dryers are factory skid-mounted and pre-commissioned. They are fully automatic and require no Special Attention. All operations take place automatically and gas Dryness remains consistent. Our Heatless air dryers are compact, economical, pre assembled, fully automatic type of units with very little power consumption of around 100 watts. For detailed offer, please indicate capacity, pressure, and source of compressed air.