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  1. Incense Sticks 3 Products available
  2. Essential Oil 3 Products available
  3. Seeds

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  4. Dry Fruits & Nuts

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  5. Organic Fertilizer

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  6. Cooking Oil

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  7. Ayurvedic & Herbal Powders

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  8. Dietary Supplements & Nutraceuticals

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  9. Tea

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  10. Honey

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  11. Others Products 2 Products available

Our Products

Frankincense Incense Sticks

Product Details: FRANKINCENSE (also known as olibanum, is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes, obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia sarca in the family Burseraceae. The Name for frankincense comes from the medieval French word franc encens meaning real incense. The trees start producing resin when they are about eight to ten years old. Frankincense is tapped by slashing the bark, which is called stripping and allowing the exuded resin to bleed out and harden.

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Rose Incense Sticks

Incenseis aromatic biotic material which releases fragrant smoke when burned. Incenseis used foraesthetic reasons, and in therapy, meditation, and ceremony. It may also beused asa simple deodorant or insectifuge.

THE ROSE, a symbol of love and beauty, was called the queen of flowers. Persian rose incenses which would smell as a rose as and when burnt. The essential oils extracted from the fragrance of the rose are used for dipping these sticks so as ensure the permanence of the scent in the respective room. Hence, the pack of these incenses can be presented as a gift for those who are fond of Roses.

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Sandalwood Incense Sticks

Sandalwood is a class of woods from trees in the genus Santalum. The woods are heavy, yellow, and fine-grained, and unlike many other aromatic woods, they retain their fragrance for decades. Burning sandalwood incense can benefit healing work by promoting a deeper relaxed state in the healer, increasing spiritual energy. Sandalwood also relaxes the heart and throat chakras. Burned to exorcise demons and evil ghosts, conjure beneficial spirits, and promote spiritual awareness.

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Cow Dung Cake

Cow is a considered to be highly spiritual in the Hindu Mythology. Cow dung is the undigested residue of plant & Grains matter which has passed through the Cow gut, Cow Diung Cake is used widely in various Pujas (Poojas), also traditionally used as fuel in India for making food in a domestic hearth called a Chulha, & traditionally made by hand by village women.

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Roasted Flax Seeds

Flaxseed is one of the oldest cultivated crops known to man, having been grown and consumed for thousands of years. According to info in theJournal of Food Science and Technology, the Latin name of the flaxseed isLinum usitatissimum, which means very useful. Flaxseeds were eaten 5, 000 years ago in ancient Babylon, consumed by Aztec warriors and also a favorite food of King Charlemagne in the eighth century. In the U.S., flaxseed was first introduced by early colonists and used primarily for making fabric, paper and clothes due to its high fiber content, which adds strength and durability. Flaxseeds have also been historically fed to livestock to increase their health. Around the 1990s, flaxseeds began gaining popularity in the health food industry as they became thefocus of diets used to fight heart disease and other illnesses. Today they are considered one of the best foods for reducing inflammation and promoting gut health, whether someone is a vegetarian, vegan, following the Paleo diet, or on a low-carb or evenKETOGENIC DIET

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Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Theyre loaded with nutrients that can have important benefits for your body and brain.

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Tulsi Drops

Tulsi or holy basil is known as the elixir of life in India due to its excellent immunity building and natural healing features. Tulsi drops essential oil from Paryagat is the naturally extracted 100% therapeutic grade oil that is composed of different types of rarely found basils.

A natural healing and immunity-building ingredient Basil has been used I traditional Ayurvedic medicine since time immemorial. When used topically and massaged into skin, it adds luster to dull-looking skin.

Being used from the ancient days as a traditional Ayurvedic cure for several diseases and disorders, the liquid extracts are infused with several naturally occurring medicinal enhancers.

Tulsi drop oil contains a perfect composition of natural extracts of basils like Ocimum basilicum, Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum canum, Ocimum citriodorum, Ocimum gratissimum.

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Organic Green Tea

Treat yourself with a hot cup of Paryagat Organic Green Tea, first thing in the morning or after a great meal. It helps you energise your body and mind while improving your mental function, metabolism, and overall health. It keeps you active throughout the day and allows your food to be digested quicker.

Hand-picked from our organic tea gardens is our exclusive organic green tea. Loaded with; antioxidants, metabolism-boosting properties, and fat burning elements, Paryagat Green Tea is a great addition to your kitchen for your everyday tea needs.

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Unfiltered & Raw Honey

Paryagat unfiltered & rawhoney to be more delicious than regular filtered and heat treated / pasteurized honey. It definitely tastes better. WHY UNFILTERED HONEY? In unfiltered and raw honey, the natural enzymes and pollen not destroyed by heating or filters. This provides possible additional health benefits. Including antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals that may have been destroyed or filtered by traditional honey products.

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Desi Cow Ghee

Desi Ghee Clarified Butter processed butter as it has a lower fat contents free of lactose and casein, and is high in beneficial compounds like CLA and butyrate. It also contains several fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, E and K. Ghee benefits include improving digestion, reducing inflammation, promoting weight loss and strengthening the bones.

Some less heard benefits of Ghee

For ages, Indian households have vouched for the benefits of Ghee. Lately, it has earned some international recognition and celebrities, such as Kourtney Kardashian, swear by the magical elixir that Ghee is.

But what is so great about Ghee?

To start with, its nutritional power! Ghee is rich in Vitamins and minerals. Ghee is great for the brain, digestive system, and even vitality. However, ghee is not just limited to this, Ghee is a powerful fat that is capable of much more.

We all know that in Indian households, pregnant women are served an extra dollop of ghee, if not persuaded into chugging whole barrels. The reason being, Ghee has extremely high health favouring perks. Great for the mothers and the babys health as well, it has come to become a pregnant womans favourite topping in India. However, despite all these known perks, it turns out Ghee hasnt been explored to its fullest for there still remain some unexpected benefits of ghee. Following are a few lesser known benefits of including Ghee in your regular diet:

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Whole Almond

Almonds are a source of vitamin E copper magnesium and high-quality protein they also contain high levels of healthy unsaturated fatty acids along with high levels of bio active molecules (such as fiber phytosterols, vitamins, other minerals, and antioxidants) which may help prevent cardiovascular disease.

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Whole Walnut

Walnut are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. They are also a good source of protein. Walnut ha v e a reputation for being a high-calorie and high-f at food. However they are dense in nutrients and provide heart-healthy fats.

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Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver oilis known for its viscosity. Incrediblythick, it can sometimes be slow to flow from the bottle. Greatessential oil forsleepand relaxation. Widely used in cosmeticsand soaps and also a flavoring agent in beverages.

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Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon (Citrus limonum) essentialoilis well-known for itsskin-brightening effects & good remedy for restoringthelusterofdullskin. Itisan astringent and detoxifying in nature and rejuvenates sagging or tired-lookingskin. Its antiseptic properties help in treating pimples and various otherskindisorders.Lemon isalso recommended for reducing excessiveoilonthe skin. Lemon oilhas antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is extracted using steam distilled method.

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Agarwood Essential Oil

It is formed in the heartwood ofAQUILARIA TREES when they become infected with a type of mold (Phialophora parasitica).The tree reacts by producing a dark, scented resin, which is popularly called LIQUID GOLD / OUD OIL. Oudisso expensiveis because of its rarity. Less than 2% of wild agar trees produce it.

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Ashwagandha Root Powder

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a powerful ADAPTOGENIC herb which means it is used to help the body resist physiological and psychological stress by adapting as per needs of the body.

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Yellow Mustard Oil

Mustard was first grown in India around 3000 BC. Mustard oil, a common ingredient in the Indian kitchen, comes loaded with a host of health benefits. Mustard oil has an edge over other oils due to the optimum ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and low content of saturated fats. It contains about 60% monounsaturated fats (MUFA), 21% polyunsaturated fats (PUFA), and 12% saturated fats. These fatty acids are considered GOOD FATS as they do not get deposited on the arterial walls. It also contains glucosinolates that have antimicrobial properties.

Yellow mustardis loaded with beta-carotene, protein, iron and calcium which help in promoting hair growth and keep your hair healthy. Massaging your scalp regularly withyellow mustard oil, helps in promoting stronger and faster hair growth by increasing blood circulation in the scalp.

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