Our Products
Our offered Product range includes Suspension Frame, Phototherapy Unit, Double Surface Phototherapy Unit and Doublesurface Phototherapy Unit.
Tubular steel construction, overall sizes 210cm long x 110cm wide at the base, 50cm wide at the top and 190cm high. All welded steel rod mesh at the top for complete suspension with slings & ropes, 12 hooks are provided on each side to hold suspension gear. Mesh facilitate suspension at any desired point in relation to the patient and as required in each individual case.
CFL Phototherapy Stand: 4 Special Blue CFL Tubes. 2 Daylight CFL Tubes. Digital Timer for Lamp Usage Hour and Patient Exposure. Source Cooling Fan. Mirror Coated Reflector. Stand movable on Castors.
In the new born period i.e. birth to one month, jaundice can pose a serious problem, because high level of the bilirubin can permanently damage the brain. This indirect bilirubin, which is not water soluble, can be decomposed to a harmless metabolic, which is water soluble, does not cross blood brain barrier and is rapidly excreted in the bile and urine and so does not accumulate. This is achieved by exposing the infant to bright light (app. 4.5 micro watts/sq.cm/nm) in the range of 420 to 480nm wave length. This is used for treatment of Hyperbillirubiaemia in Neonates, which provides the light source in range of 420-480 nm wave length.