In business of today when turnovers are increasing and profit margin is going down. Business people need a software which should not only help them in maintaining stock and accounts but the basic need today is it should help them in controlling the work perfectly and improving profits. For that some one has to think on this concept and design a product which can give effective reports with an aim to control business and make it more profitable. TRENDS is the company which have thought about it and worked hard and long on it and has come up with excellent , intelligent and perfect solution Dart Professional 8.0 , which is totally aimed on business control and profitability and other regular works of stock, sales, purchase . Accounts etc. get maintained in it but with a view to give perfect control on business and make the work more profitable.
Dart is a practical, perfectly designed and very well planned software for any business relating to sales purchase of commodities. The team involved in the development of Dart comprise of high skilled software professionals, experienced CAs and the people related to the business. Dart is based on the concept that any business related to sales and purchase needs control on credits, stock, and requires proper marketing with right analysis and time to time planning. While designing Dart the team has kept in view the needs of the users as well as companies [Fmcg companies ( as HLL, Colgate, P&G etc.), Medical companies as (Cipla, Ranbaxy etc.) and others]. The team has included the generation of required data and reports need to fulfill needs of the companies too.
Window based with all features of DOS (As draft printing). Window is the operating system of present and future and every one have to shift its software to it.
Standard readymade software does not fulfill the needs of Wholesalers and sales, purchase based industries because this software are developed while keeping in view different business ranging from traders, brokers, industries etc. So they lack the business specific versatility for traders and medical and consumer C&Fs, whole sellers and also costing of Legal versions is very high.
No software covers the needs of parent company (as HLL) which is demanded by them from Dealers as Secondary Schemes, Claim settlements etc without which no dealer can utilize the Computer.
The customers ranging from dealer of stationary or Store of any nursing home needs a software Which is easy to operate and has got interface which resembles there manual working and Software, which can generate reports in the manner, they keep it manually.
Most people are using local software, which are very crude and costly in long run.
No Hassles of local software programmers perfectly designed and planned software.
On 32 bit windows os with draft mode of printing.
Easy to use with GUI.
Automatic accounts update with invoicing.
Complete stock control with accounts.
Exporting facility of reports to excelwordlotus etc.
Exporting facility of reports to excelwordlotus etc.
Zooming from accounts and stocks to vouchers.
To the point reports for comparative analysis of business and stocks.
Salesman wise company wise performances.
Salesman wise company wise performances.
Different user level passwords for different jobs.
Optional editing and delete locks.
Trace report for control on operators (indicating unauthorized changes in cash credit stocks).
In Dart special options and reports have been added to cover the particular needs of different industries as FMCG MedicalAuto part etc.
Practical options and reports, which have been developed on the basis of experience of people in business. Its as if you will be using the years of expertise and experience of people who are in same business as of yours. We know the requirements keep on growing so we keep on up grading our software regularly and providing you the upgrades. You get round the clock services and upgrades through Internet.
About Working
You create areas where you sell goods.
You create your outlet categories types whom you supply goods.
You open the ledgers of parties whom you sell goods and categories them on basis of there areas and outlet categories.
You get the list of your areas, outlet categories and parties. You can get reports of sales balances ledgers outstanding analysis of performance based on areas, outlet category and parties
You open accounts of the parties from whom you purchase items
You open the companies whose items you deal in
You open profit group categorization of items
You open margin group categorization of items
You open items and categories them on basis of there company, profit group, margin group
You get the list of your items, You can get reports of stocks sales purchase ledgers balances outstanding analysis of performance of item wise profits, movements etc. based on item, company, profit group, margin group.
You put the opening stock of items
You get the report on your opening stock and your opening stock gets transferred to your software
You do following inventory and or account transaction with following results
SalesUpdates account and party balance reduces stock and generates invoice
PurchaseUpdates account and party balance increases stock and generates invoice
Sales ReturnUpdates account and party balance increases stock and generates invoice
Purchase ReturnUpdates account and party balance increases stock and generates invoice
Challan InIncreases stock and generates invoice
Challan OutReduces stock and generates invoice
DamageReduces fresh stock increases damages and generates invoice
ShortageReduces fresh stock increases shortages and generates invoice
Increases replacement and generates invoice
You get your billing, Stock, sales, purchase and accounts maintained You take receipts from parties and enter payment entry to parties.
You get your sales party, purchase party complete accounts maintained, reports on ledgers, balances, outstanding etc.
You open other ledgers as of banks, expenses, assets, liabilities etc. and you do respective Transactions
You get your complete accounts maintained as ledgers Balance Sheet Profit & Loss Trail Balance etc
You save your time at-least 25 hours a week.
You get your accounts and stocks organized.
You get rid of entering bill in one software account in other so you get safe from errors of double entries.
You get reports as you need with out waste of time.
You get your view of how your business is running.
You get perfect control on your business.
You get power and data on how to improve your profits.
You take the best step towards saving your time and earning more profits.
Useful For
FMCG distributor and C&F
Pharma Distributor and C&F
Hardware vendors
Hardware traders
Paint shop
Auto parts
Grain merchants
All people dealing in stock, accounts and who want to make business more profitable.