Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Length Comparator, Universal Penetrometer, Pavement Dynamic Cone Penetrometer, Liquid Limit Device and Concrete Penetrometer.
These equipment have been designed to measure the change in length and volume of concrete and cement samples. Length Comparator is supplied with ISI certification mark.
ApplicationDrying, Shrinkage and Moisture Movement
Industry Cement/RMC | Construction Chemicals |
Dams & Tunnels | Fly Ash |
Irrigation | Railways Sleepers |
Real Estate | Refractories |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Science Colleges |
Tiles & Ceramics |
Fly Ash |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Aimil Penetrometers are used for testing wide variety of materials such as grease, petroleum, bitumen, tar, asphalt, wax polish, food stuffs , rubber, cement , pharmaceutical creams and soils
ApplicationPenetration Test
Industry Asphalt / Petroleum/ Bitumen Testing | Dams & Tunnels |
Real Estate | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Traffic Monitoring |
Building Technology | Civil Department |
Geotechnical | Science Colleges |
The Pavement Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is a very robust instrument, designed for rapid in-situ evaluation of strength of sub- grade and the bases for roads & runway pavements. Continuous measurements can be made down to a depth of 800 mm, or when an extension is fitted, to a depth of 1200 mm. Where pavement layers have different strengths, the boundaries can be identified and the thickness of the layers determined.
ApplicationFlexural Strength Measurement
Industry Asphalt / Petroleum/ Bitumen Testing | Dams & Tunnels |
Real Estate | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Traffic Monitoring |
Building Technology | Civil Department |
Geotechnical | Science Colleges |
The liquid limit defined as the moisture content at which the soil passes from plastic state to liquid state, is very helpful for the classification of the potential properties of the soil material. The liquid limit gives a measure of the shearing resistance which a soil has, when mixed with water. The liquid limit of soil can be determined byCasagrande Method or Cone Penetrometer Method.
Casagrande Method
Ref. Standards: IS:2720 (Part 5), IS:9259, BS 1377 Mechanical method known as the Casagrande Method has been a standardised test in Soil Mechanics for many years.
High quality of design ensures consistency of results Satisfies International Standards Motorised model with integral blow counter is also available
The Liquid Limit Device consists of a hard rubber base carrying a sliding carriage assembly to which a brass cup is hinged. The cup is raised and allowed to fall through a height of 1 cm on to the hard rubber base, with the help of a lead screw provided at the back of the sliding carriage. Supplied complete with Casagrande Grooving Tool and Gauge Block (Type A of IS : 9259).
Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase, AC supply.
ApplicationMeasurement of moisture content and dry density.
Industry Agricultural |
Dams & Tunnels | Geophysical/ Seismology Testing |
Geotechnical (soil/ rock) Testing | Irrigation |
Mining | Real Estate |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Mining Engineering | Science Colleges |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
It consists of a cylindrical spring housing with a plunger attached to the top of the spring. Penetration needle is attached to the other end of the spring housing. The plunger is graduated in 1 kg divisions, to a maximum capacity of 60 kg, which can be read with respect to the top end of the spring housing. A set of six needle points with areas of 645, 323, 161, 65, 32 and 16 mm2 are provided.Supplied complete in a carrying case.
ApplicationPenetration Test
Industry Cement/RMC | Construction Chemicals |
Dams & Tunnels | Fly Ash |
Irrigation | Railways Sleepers |
Real Estate | Refractories |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Science Colleges |
Tiles & Ceramics |
Fly Ash |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Compaction control in the field is exercised by determining the moisture content & dry density. Quick evaluation of this is done by developing curves in the laboratory, showing the relationship between moisture content versus dry density & penetration.
ApplicationProctor Penetration Test
Industry Agricultural |
Dams & Tunnels | Geophysical/ Seismology Testing |
Geotechnical (soil/ rock) Testing | Irrigation |
Mining | Real Estate |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Mining Engineering | Science Colleges |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Curing Test
Industry Cement/RMC | Construction Chemicals |
Dams & Tunnels | Fly Ash |
Irrigation | Railways Sleepers |
Real Estate | Refractories |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Science Colleges |
Tiles & Ceramics |
Fly Ash |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Dutch Sounding Methods employed by this equipment provides essential information for foundation engineers, reduces cost of expensive boring and sampling and ensures precise control for sounding speed (Engine Driven Model)We offer three type of Static Cone Penetration 30kN(3000 kgf), 100kN(10, 000 kgf) & 200kN (20, 000 kgf).
ApplicationStatic Cone Penetration
Industry Agricultural |
Dams & Tunnels | Geophysical/ Seismology Testing |
Geotechnical (soil/ rock) Testing | Irrigation |
Mining | Real Estate |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Mining Engineering | Science Colleges |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Enables the determination of liquid limit simply and quickly. The unit is supplied complete with a stainless steel penetration test cone 35 mm long with smooth polished surface with an angle of 30. Facility exists for adjusting cone height in relation to the specimen.Suitable for operation on 220 V, 50 Hz, Single Phase, AC supply.
ApplicationDetermination of Liquid Limit.
Industry Agricultural |
Dams & Tunnels | Geophysical/ Seismology Testing |
Geotechnical (soil/ rock) Testing | Irrigation |
Mining | Real Estate |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Mining Engineering | Science Colleges |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |