Our Products
We offer a complete product range of Load Gauge, Thickness Gauge and Demountable Mechanical Strain Gauge
The load is indicated on 20cm dial Load gauge 1000kN capacity. The Load gauge can be fixed to the Load gauge adaptor. A red maximum pointer is fitted to the Load gauge to indicate the maximum load applied on the specimen. A drag knob is provided to operate the maximum pointer.
IndustryCement/RMC, Construction Chemicals, Dams & Tunnels, Fly Ash, Irrigation, Railways Sleepers, Real Estate, Refractories, Roads, Highways & Bridges
Aggregates which are flaky and/or elongated will often lower the workability of a concrete mix and may also affect long term durability. In bituminious mixtures, flaky aggregates make for a harsh mix and may also crack and break up during compacting by rolling. The flakiness of aggregates is determined by measuring the thickness of individual particles. Aimil offers thickness gauge and length guage with ISI certification mark as per IS: 2386 (Part 1) to check flakiness index and elongation index of the aggregate respectively.Thickness Gauge with ISI Certification Mark, IS:2386 (Part-1) Constructed from heavy gauge sheet steel with ISI Certification Mark, IS:2386 (Part 1)Length Gauge with ISI Certification Mark, IS:2386 (Part-1) Constructed from steel, mounted on a hardwood base, with ISI Certification Mark, IS:2386 (Part 1)
ApplicationDetermination of flakiness and Elonagation
Industry Construction Chemicals | Dams & Tunnels |
Railways Sleepers | Real Estate |
Refractories | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Tiles |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Science Colleges |
Tiles & Ceramics |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |
These are suitable for the use on a loading membrane under adverse conditions. These are portable with high accuracy and are avilable in sizes of 100mm, 150mm and 200 mm.
ApplicationStrain Measurement
Industry Cement/RMC | Construction Chemicals |
Dams & Tunnels | Fly Ash |
Irrigation | Railways Sleepers |
Real Estate | Refractories |
Roads, Highways & Bridges |
Architecture | Building Technology |
Civil Department | Geotechnical |
Science Colleges |
Tiles & Ceramics |
Fly Ash |
Railways | Roads, Highways & Bridges |