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  1. Laboratory Apparatus 38 Products available
  2. Testing Equipment 10 Products available
  3. Testing Equipments 9 Products available
  4. Industrial Machinery 7 Products available
  5. Measuring Instruments & Equipment 6 Products available
  6. Drill & Boring Equipments 3 Products available
  7. Tables 3 Products available
  8. Viscosity Instruments 3 Products available
  9. Measurement Gauges & Fittings 3 Products available
  10. Others Products 47 Products available

Industrial Machinery

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Ductility Testing Machine, Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine, Cement Tensile Testing Machine, Triaxial Testing of Rocks and Universal Testing Machine.

Ductility Testing Machine

Ductility Testing Machine, Electrically Operated, Digital (AIM 565) Ref Stds: IS 1208 ASTM D113 AASHTO T 51

Bituminous surfaces exposed to varying temperature conditions undergo expansion & contraction.So an important characteristic of the binder is its ductility & the degree of ductility has an effect on the cracking bituminous surface due to traffic stress.The ductility of bitumen is expressed as the distance in centimetres to which a standard briquette can be elongated before the thread thus formed breaks under specified conditions.



Civil Infrastructure
Asphalt / Petroleum/ Bitumen Testing
Dams & Tunnels
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Traffic Monitoring
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine

Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine (AIM 458)

This machine is for determining the resistance to wear offsmall size coarse aggregates and crushed rock. The machineconsists of a hollow cylinder, mounted on a sturdy frame onball bearings. A detachable shelf which extends throughout the inside length of the drum catches the abrasive charge anddoes not allow it to fall on the cover. The drum is rotated at a speed of 30-33 rpm by an electric motor through a heavy duty reduction gear. Supplied complete with a tray for collection of the material.Suitable for operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz, AC Supply.


Abrasion Test

Civil Infrastructure
Construction Chemicals
Dams & Tunnels
Railways Sleepers
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Metal & Material
Tiles & Ceramics
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Cement Tensile Testing Machine

Cement Tensile Testing Machine (AIM 434-1)

This Cement Tensile Testing Machine is primarily used to determine the tensile strength of briquette specimens of cement.It can also be used to test the flexure strength of the sample. This test is commonly used by Cement Manufacturers in order to determine the quality of cement.

Civil Infrastructure
Construction Chemicals
Dams & Tunnels
Fly Ash
Railways Sleepers
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Metal & Material
Tiles & Ceramics
Special Applications
Fly Ash
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Triaxial Testing Of Rocks

Triaxial Testing of Rocks, Triaxial Cells, Contant Pressure System and Triaxial Electronic Outfit ( AIM 211, AIM 212, AIM 213, AIM 214, AIM 215, AIM 216)

Triaxial cells are designed to withstand a lateral pressure of 150 bar (150 kg/cm2). Four no-volume change valves are fitted to the base for measurement of pore pressure, top drainage, bottom drainage and for entry/exit of cell pressure. The cell is nickel plated and completely rustproof, hardened and ground pedestals and top loading pads with suitable centering arrangements for different sample sizes are provided. The lower pedestals are provided with radial grooves. The top loading pad is provided with spherical seating.


Triaxial Testing of Rocks

Civil Infrastructure
Dams & Tunnels
Geophysical/ Seismology Testing
Geotechnical (soil/ rock) Testing
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Universal Testing Machine

Universal Testing Machine (AIM-UT 40 C, AIM-UT 60 C & AIM-UT 100 C)

Aimil Universial Testing Machine is designed for testing metals under tension, compression, bending, transverse and shear load, both in the form of test pieces and as finished product (optional).

Civil Infrastructure
Construction Chemicals
Dams & Tunnels
Fly Ash
Railways Sleepers
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Metal & Material
Tiles & Ceramics
Special Applications
Fly Ash
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Compression Testing Machines

Compression Testing Machines (All Models) Analogue, Digital, Micro Processor Based and Automatic Compression Testing Machines (AIM 302 - AIM 320)

Concrete is a man-made material, essentially mixed at site. The properties of concrete depend on the properties of its ingredients and their proportion and it is likely to vary from mix to mix. Tests must be conducted, therefore, to ensure that the concrete used is in accordance with design specifications. A frequent test, is the test of compressive strength, in which concrete samples are tested to failure.

Compression Testing Machines :

Aimil Series Compression Testing Machines are the finest of their types available. Their rugged construction and extreme simplicity makes it possible for even non- echnical personnel to operate them with ease and complete dependability. In particular, the portable units, which are small in dimensions, sturdy and light in weight, make quality control testing possible in areas where commercial testing facilities are not available and where the transportation of larger and much heavier machines would be difficult.
Aimil Compression Testing Machines conform to IS: 14858(2000) and calibrated with an accuracy of 1% as per the requirement of 1828(Class1) . It can also be supplied as per BS : 1881 and other associated International Standards. These machines are available in 50kN, 100kN, 500kN, 1000kN, 2000kN, 3000kN & 5000kN Capacities.

Compression Testing Machines Classification :

  • Analogue models.
  • Digital models with pace rate indicators.
  • Micro Controller based models with automatic pace rate controllers.
  • Fully Automatic models.

Salient Features of Compression Testing Machines are :

  • High stability.
  • Self-aligning platen assembly.
  • Load Gauges are calibrated in kN against certified Proving Rings, traceable to NPL / NCCBM.
  • Suitable for testing cubes and cylinders of various sizes.
  • Using special platens, bricks can also be tested.
  • Logged data printing facility through a parallel port interface available in digital and micro controller ased versions.
  • Calibration process accreditated by NABL (National ccreditation Board for Laboratories).
  • Machines with CE mark also available, on special equest.
  • Operators safety features like metal door with a erspex window and overload tripping device are provided in all models.

Compressive Strength Measurement

Civil Infrastructure
Construction Chemicals
Dams & Tunnels
Fly Ash
Railways Sleepers
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Metal & Material
Tiles & Ceramics
Special Applications
Fly Ash
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges
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Flexural Strength

Flexural Strength (AIM 332)

The Flexure Strength Testing Machines are designed to test flexural strength of concrete beams. The design provide maximum rigidity throughout their working range. The load is applied by the downward movement of the piston. A spacer is provided for testing different size of beams. The load is indicated on a calibrated bourdon tube type load gauge of range : 0 -100 kN x 0.5 kN

The load gauge is calibrated against National Physical Laboratory / National Council for Cement and Building Materials certified proving ring.

Flexure Testing Machines Salient Features:

  • Light weight, rugged high strength frame
  • Double action hydraulic pump
  • Self-aligning roller assembly
  • Hydraulic jack provided with retraction spring
  • For testing beams of 100X100X500mm and150X150X 700mm.

Suitable for operation on 220V, 50Hz, Single Phase, AC supply (For Electrically Operated Flexure Testing Machine).

Civil Infrastructure
Construction Chemicals
Dams & Tunnels
Fly Ash
Railways Sleepers
Real Estate
Roads, Highways & Bridges
Building Technology
Civil Department
Science Colleges
Metal & Material
Tiles & Ceramics
Special Applications
Fly Ash
Traffic & Transportation
Roads, Highways & Bridges

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