Highly Durable, customized, efficient wire Housing, Based on standard norms
Cable drag chains are the umbilical cord of modern machines. Drag chains are the convenient as well as a perfect way to route the wires of your CNC machines. They minimize downtime, protect, support and extend the service life of cables and hoses. Today, cable tracks are widely used for machine tools equipped for numerical control machines, electronic equipments and CNCs.
Plastic drag chains can be used for horizontal, vertical or combined horizontal- vertical wires housing applications. Based on standard norms, they are highly durable, customized and easy to install. These wire resistant cables have support high speed movement. These require low maintenance and produce less noise.
Enclosed electric cable moves along the length of cable track chain and this cable chain moves with moving parts of the machine (along with the travel length of machine). They improve the life of cables by avoiding direct stretching in electric wires and removing traction between the wires.
Individual segments can be opened to facilitate the insertion of wires without feeding cable through chain.
Designed and fabricated to ensure that an enclosed wire canĂ¢€™t bend more than fixed bending cables. More..