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Ginger oil, Oleoresins are the volatile oil derived by steam distillation of ginger and oleoresin is obtained by percolating the powdered rhizomes of Ginger, Zingiber officinale with volatile solvents. Ginger contains 1 to 4% of volatile oil 5-8% of pungent acrid oleoresin and starch. Zingiberene is the chief more...
Ginger oleoresin is produced by percolating the powdered rhizomes of Ginger, Zingiber officinale with volatile solvents. It contains 1-2 percent of volatile oil, 5-8 percent of pungent acrid oleoresin and starch. Oleoresin, commercially called Gingerin contains pungent principles viz. gingerol and shogaol apa more...
The product contains an enriched amount of about 45 % pungent ginger ingredients and correspondingly a smaller amount of about 5 % volatile flavoring components. It is especially cost effective in all cases of food application where the pungency is the priority point of view. It is recommended for beverage more...