Our Products
We offer the best product range of Dehydrated Zucchini, Dehydrated Celery Leaves, Dehydrated Broccoli, Dehydrated Parsley and Dehydrating Red Cabbage.
Dehydrated Organic Zucchini
Thejus is a renowned Dehydrated Organic Zucchini Supplier who is supplying the product at the best price. Our products are highly appreciated among the customers. The orders can be easily placed online.
Zucchini is a recognized member of the summer squash relations. Its special texture and profusion in the summer months make it a simple addition to your meal.
However, the responsive squash doesnt hold up for long like its relation to the winter squash. If youre weary of discovering limp or moldy zucchini in your crisper drawer or simply wish to enjoy this healthy vegetable during the winter months you should try Dehydrated Organic Zucchini for sale! Dried zucchini can last for years if appropriately stored and is simple to use. Just rehydrate this dehydrated summer squash by soaking or boiling it and utilize it in your favorite dishes!
Our dehydration procedure at less than 45 degrees Celsius keeps the nutrients in the vegetables. As there is no cooking, the vegetable texture stays quite natural and has an intense taste.
Our dehydrated vegetables can be easily stored for months, which means you will always have at hand the stuff required for your favorite dishes. Use and consume the dried vegetables in the same manner as you would if they were fresh. Thejus - Dehydrated Organic Zucchini exporter accepts orders online!
Dehydrated Broccoli
Broccoli is considered a nutrient powerhouse. Its a wonderful source of calcium, vitamin C, chromium, vitamin K, and folate and is sodium and fat-free. Similar to cruciferous vegetables, it can assist lower the risk of heart disease added to it contains a compound known as sulforaphane which assists fight against cancers.
If you are looking for good quality Dehydrated Broccoli Supplier in Kerala, India, we at Thejus are readily available for buyers. Broccoli powder has several applications, from adding the powder straight to a glass of water, shake, or smoothie, immediately to soups, stews, and previous solid meals. You can bound on the trend and even add it to your morning coffee.
Broccoli powder can be taken as a nutritional additive, either combined with other vegetable powders or unaided. They are a rich source of phytoestrogens, and hence assist soothe PMS, and menopausal imbalances and assist immune and reproductive systems fitness for women.
These products are processed using the widest herbs, sourced from confidential vendors. The products are recognized for their taste and odor balancing with flavor enhancement. Our products are broadly used by different households, restaurants, and hotels for their longer life with assured purity.
Contact us Dehydrated Broccoli Exporter now for more information.