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Fitness tonic ( 1 to 2 tablets twice a day after food) weight gain gives tension. It invites many health complaints & disturbs your beauty. So we try to be slim with spending lakh of rupees, with different herbal, chemical treatments. Many do gym, exercise. With a strict diet, many suffer from low bp & sugar. more...
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We are a quality centric company and thus, we follow strict quality standards throughout to offer quality products to the customers. Our clients are given the choice to make online or offline payments. We comprehend the requirements of our customers. Thus, we ensure our payment methods are legal, secure, and more...
Powerful blood purifier. Contain : Contains anantmul, Bavachi, manjistha, Haridra, neem, Kadu, lodhra, Sugandhiwala, Swet chandan. Indication : Skin diseases / disorder, such as eczema, scabies, acnes, pimples, blemishes, psoriasis, pruritus, urticaria, Allergic, dermatitis etc. It is powerful blood purifier. more...