Our Products
Nuts Bolts And Fasteners
2 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Vane Shear Apparatus, Blain Air Permeability Apparatus, Kelley Ball Penetration Apparatus, Gillmore Needle Apparatus and Ring and Ball Apparatus.
The Blaine air permeability apparatus is used to determine the fineness of Portland cement in terms of the specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimeters per gram of cement. The Blaine apparatus draws a defined volume of air through a prepared bed of cement of defined porosity. We manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Blain Air Permeability Apparatus from india. Due to its high quality and features Blain Air Permeability Apparatus is highly demanded in the market. |
Testing Equipments in indiaengaged in manufacturing, Supplying & Exporter of Kelley Ball Penetration Apparatus. Kelley Ball Penetration Apparatus is used to determine the workability of portland cement concrete. The kelly ball test is considered to be simple and much faster than the slump test. Twice the kelly ball reading approximately equals the slump. |
We manufacturer superior quality Gillmore Needle Apparatus. We manufacturer Gillmore Needle Apparatus as per the set industry standards. Gillmore Apparatus is used to determine initial and final times of setting of portland cement, masonry cement, hydraulic hydrated lime, and certain mortars. The adjustable-position support has sets of horizontal arms to guide two weighted needles with flat-end cylindrical stainless steel tips.
We are the leading manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Manual Ring and Ball Apparatus. Ring and Ball Apparatus is used to determine softening point of bitumen. Ring and ball apparatus is used to determine softening point. It is that temperature at which a sample of bituminous material loaded by a 9.5mm dia steel ball drops at a distance of 25mm.
Like Manual Ring and Ball Apparatus, we also manufacture Electrical Ring and Ball Apparatus Ring & Ball Apparatus (Electrical) - Electrical heating, with a Heater and Energy Regulator, Suitable for operation on 230 V, 50Hz, Single Phase, A.C. supply. Each unit is supplied with bath of heat resistant glass and the following.
We manufacturer, Supplier & Exporter of Asphalt Ductility Testing Apparatus. In flexible pavement construction, bitumen binders are used. It is important that bituminous material forms ductile thin film around the aggregates, which serves as a binder. The binder material not of sufficient ductility renderspervious pavement surface and leads to development of cracks. Therefore it is important to carry out the ductility tests on bitumenous material.
We are prominent name in Manufacturing, Supplying and exporting of Stripping Value Apparatus. We manufacture Stripping Value Apparatus Using High Quality Raw Material. For determining Stripping Value of bituminous mixes, our comprehensive range of Stripping Value Apparatus is highly used. The bituminous mixes tested by our bituminous mixes ranges from 1.0 mm to 75 microns.
Marshall Stability Test Apparatus is a very important bitumen testing equipments genrally highly demanded by construction industry. The apparatus is suitable for conducting Marshall stability test of bituminous mixture. The apparatus can truly judge the fail point of bituminous mixtures to design the match ratio or check the construction quality of bitumen road surface.
We atTesting Equipments in indiaare a leadingmanufacturer, Supplier & ExporterofBuoyancy Balance. The Density of Hardened concrete specimens like Cubes & Cylinders can be quickly & accurately checked using Buoyancy Balance. With the help of our advanced technology and Manufacturing Unit we able to provide highly engineered or efficientBuoyancy Balanceto our customers.
Water Still apparatusis an importantlaboratory testing equipments.OurWater Still apparatusare highly reliable, durable and economical. These systems are excellent for all quantity of laboratory and pharmaceutical applications. The stainless steel design is much more durable then glass still which can break easily. |