5-30/10-70/50-120 up to 500 grams
A wide range of Yarn Tension Meters available with us, comes in round & pistol type models. Our range is sourced from the reliable and certified vendors of the market like SCHIMDT HIROSHIMATECKLOCK etc., who design this as per international quality standards & norms. Moreover, we test and check the entire range on several parameters to ensure quality, durability and reliability. This instrument determines load during processing of yarn while spinning and winding, followed again during warping, equipment are used and during weft winding. being very sensitive to tension they should be checked by means of tension meter. Our instruments are very sensitive, give reproducible and stable readings, if the measuring conditions are repeated, therefore it is advisable to select proper range of tension meter. We market wide range of Yarn tension meters, please contact us with your specific detail to enable us to offer suitable model.