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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Industrial Softeners, u.v.system and Iron Removal.

Reverse Osmosis Plant

Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) is the most economical method of removing 95% to 99% of all contaminants. The pore structure of R.O. Membranes is much tighter than that of UF membranes. RO membranes are capable of rejecting practically all particles, bacteria and organics>200 Dalton molecular weight (including pyrogens) at a rate close to 99%. Natural osmosis occurs when solutions with two different concentrations are separated by a semi-permeable membrane. Osmotic pressure drives water through the membrane; the water dilutes the more concentrated solution, and the end result is equilibrium.In water purification systems, hydraulic pressure is applied to the concentrated solution to counteract the osmotic pressure. Pure water is driven from the concentrated solution at a flow rate proportional to applied pressure and colleted downstream of the membrane.RO also involves an ionic exclusion process. Only solvent (i.e. water molecules) is allowed to pass through the semi-permeable RO membrane, while virtually all ions and dissolved molecules are retained (including salts and organic molecules such as sugars). The semi-permeable membrane rejects salts (ions) by a charge phenomenon action: the greater the charge, the greater the rejection. Therefore, the membrane rejects nearly all (>99%) strongly ionized polyvalent ions but only 95% of the weakly ionized monovalent ions like sodium. Salt rejection increases significantly wit applied pressure up to 5 bar.
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Construction Chemicals

1 Superplasticisers and Plasticisers
2 Concrete Admixtures
3 Mortar Admixtures
4 Curing Compounds
5 Ready to Use Mortars / Grouts
6 Flooring Products
7 Epoxy Products
8 Epoxy Coatings
9 Water proofing Products
10 Sealants / Joining Materials
11 Rust Cut
12 ConChem Special Products
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Dosing Pumps

Metering / Diaphragm pumps
Diaphragm pumps pulse a flexible diaphragm to displace liquid with each stroke.
Diaphragm pumps deliver their fluid with a high degree of pulsation.
There are several diaphragm pump categories, including solenoid, mechanical and hydraulic.
Solenoid pumps are the simplest, because they have the fewest moving parts. Timing circuitry energizes an electromagnet, which slides the diaphragm into the discharge position. The magnet moves against both back pressure and a spring. When the magnet is de-energized, it drives the diaphragm mechanism backward into the suction position.

Special Features:
Different Ranges: F-55 (5 lph @ 5bar), AMS-180 (180 LPH@0 Bar)Enclosure: IP 65 Protection, Moc - PPStrokes Frequency: 150 spm. (max.)All Liquid Ends MoC: PVDF (standard)All O-rings: VitonDiaphragm: PTFEValve Body: PVDFBalls: CeramicHigh Grade Semiconductor PCB with SMD TechnologyHigh Grade Solenoid (MoC SS)Pumps comes with CE, UL & WQA Certifications

Feature Benefits Features Benefit

1).All liquid ends are in PVDF High Resistance to chemicals
2).All O-rings used are of VitonEnsure Leak proof operations
3).Solenoid in SSEnsure longer life
4).PCB Circuit Board made with Ensures longer life and less SMT(Surface mount) chances of short circuit is PCB
5).Enclosure is IP65 ProtectionEnsure good operations in differentEnvironmental conditions
6).Constant, 1/10Directly go to low volumes without Affecting solenoid efficiency
7).Strokes Frequecy: 150 spm(max)Highly precise operations

Dosing pumps Applications:

Water Treatment IndustryChemical ProcessingLaboratory DispensingFactorssuch as chemical compatibility, media viscosity, temperature, flow rates and pressuredetermine which metering pump best fits a specific application.

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Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer

Tescon disinfection process Ultraviolet(U.V.) disinfection of water consists of a purely physical, chemical-free process. UV-C radiation in particular, with a wavelength in the 240nm to 280 nanometers range, attacks the vital DNA of the bacteria directlyThe radiation initiates a photochemical reaction that destroys the genetic information contained in the DNA. The bacteria lose their reproductive capability and are destroyed. Even parasites such as Cryptosporidia or Giardia, which are extremely resistant to chemical disinfectants, are efficiently reduced. UV can also be used to remove chlorine and chlormaine species from water this process is called photolysis, and requires a higher dose than normal disinfection.The sterilized microorganisms are not removed from the water. UV disinfection does not remove dissolved organics, inorganic compounds or particles in the water. However, UV-oxidation processes can be used to simultaneously destroy trace chemical contaminants and provide high-level disinfection.
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Boiler Cleaning Chemicals

Boiler chemicals are formulated for the high hardness and high TDS waters used in Low pressure boilers, . When used in conjunction with a sludge conditioner and oxygen scavenger, it provides a highly effective internal boiler water treatment programmed, maintaining minimum scale and maximum heat transfer.These chemicals contains powerful threshold inhibitor to prevent scale formation in feed water pipelines and boiler internals. The crystal distorter and specific dispersant incorporated in the product ensures high mobility of the phosphate sludge formed so that it is easily removed by blow down. The dispersant also ensures that suspended particulate matter do not accumulate and are removed by the blow down.
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DM Plant

Industrial DM plants consists of cation unit and anion unit placed one after other in series. The cation unit is charged with strong acid cation resin & anion unit is charged with strong base unit. Industrial DM plants remove all the anions & cations from the water. Conductivity of the treated water at the out let of Industrial DM Plant shall be less than 1 micro mhos per cm. The cation resin is regenerated with Hydrochloric acid & anion resin with Caustic solution. Industrial Mixed Bed DM Plant is called as polisher. Two bed DM Plant out let Conductivity will be less than 30 micro mhos, this 30 will be bring down in Mixed bed DM plant. Air is required in Mixed Bed DM plant to mix resins after regeneration. Industrial DM plant vessels are made up of Mild steel rubber lining. Industrial DM Plants are used in the following areas.
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Micron Filters

Microfiltration cartridge Filtration is a filtration process which removes contaminants from a fluid (liquid & gas) by passage through a microporous membrane. A typical microfiltration membrane pore size range is 0.1 to 10 micrometres (m). Microfiltration is fundamentally different from reverse osmosis and nanofiltration because those systems use pressure as a means of forcing water to go from low pressure to high pressure.
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Food Grade Chemicals

Highly effective antiscalant for wide range of water resources, Minimizes the fouling by sequestering iron, Reduces the consumption of acid addition, Low dose rate gives cost effective application, Effective iron sequestrent, Helps in smooth and efficient working of RO system, More stable and more effective than sodium hexa-meta phosphate.
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Ozone Generators

The formation of oxygen into ozone occurs with the use of energy. This process is carried out by an electric discharge field as in the CD-type ozone generators (corona discharge simulation of the lightning), or by ultraviolet radiation as in UV-type ozone generators (simulation of the ultraviolet rays from the sun). In addition to these commercial methods, ozone may also be made through electrolytic and chemical reactions. In general, an ozonation system includes passing dry, clean air through a high voltage electric discharge, i.e., corona discharge, which creates and ozone concentration of approximately 1% or 10, 000 mgL. In treating small quantities of waste, the UV ozonators are the most common, while large-scale systems use either corona discharge or other bulk ozone-producing methods.
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Electronic Dosing Pump

Solenoid pumps are the simplest, because they have the fewest moving parts. Timing circuitry energizes an electromagnet, which slides the diaphragm into the discharge position. The magnet moves against both back pressure and a spring. When the magnet is de-energized, it drives the diaphragm mechanism backward into the suction position.Diaphragm pumps pulse a flexible diaphragm to displace liquid with each stroke. Diaphragm pumps deliver their fluid with a high degree of pulsation. There are several diaphragm pump categories, including solenoid, mechanical and hydraulic.
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Industrial Softeners

Industrial Softeners are manually operated and designed to suite the requirements of medium scale industries. They incorporate the proven technique of counter flow regeneration. The Industrial Softeners thus produce treated water with low residual hardness throughout the cycle.
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Tescon disinfection process Ultraviolet(U.V.) disinfection of water consists of a purely physical, chemical-free process. UV-C radiation in particular, with a wavelengthin the 240nm to 280 nanometers range, attacks thevital DNA of the bacteria directly.
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Micron Filter

Microfiltration cartridge Filtration is a filtration process which removes contaminants from a fluid (liquid & gas) by passage through a microporous membrane. A typical microfiltration membrane pore size range is 0.1 to 10 micrometres (m).
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Tescon has a wide range of Ozonators, starting from 1 gram ozonator to 2000 grams ozonators. We supplied number of ozonators to swimming pools, textile industries, pharmaceuticals and mineral water plants.
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Reverse Osmosis Plants

Tescon Aqua Tech offers a wide range of reverse osmosis plants from India.
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Industrial Water Softeners

Tescon Aqua Tech offers a wide range of softening plants with versatility in flow, flexibility in resin quantities and ease in operation. Tescon is one of the leading manufacturers of water softeners in India.
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Water Treatment Plants

We have handled a wide variety of Water Treatment applications including Water Softening Plants, Demineralised Water Plants, Reverse Osmosis Plants, Mineral Water Plants, etc.
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Mineral Water

We provide mineral water plants that upgrade the quality of drinking water. Through our mineral water plants we are able to determine the impurities(minerals) in water and make water drinkable by removing the impurities.
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Chemical Storage Tanks

A chemical storage tank is mounted on its own stand and connected to the skid with either hard PVC piping or quick disconnect fittings and flexible hoses.
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Commercial RO Water Treatment Plants

We offer commercial ro water treatment plants. Tescon commercial ro water treatment plants are used the reverse osmosis principle to treat water and makes it to suitable for commercial purposes. The commercial ro plants are the most cost effective water treatment plants for any commercial establishments.
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Industrial DM Plants

We offer industrial dm plants. Industrial dm plants consists of cation unit and anion unit placed one after other in series. The cation unit is charged with strong acid cation resin & anion unit is charged with strong base unit. Industrial dm plants remove all the anions & cations from the water.
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Industrial RO Plant

TESCON presents a small and medium capacity Industrial RO Plant model TAT 5KL series, which are ideal for small and medium Industrial organizations, which require an output ranging from 100 gallons per day to 6000 gallons per day.
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Boiler Chemicals

Boiler chemicals are formulated for the high hardness and high TDS waters used in Low pressure boiler, it provides a highly effective internal boiler water treatment programmed, maintaining minimum scale and maximum heat transfer.
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Packaged RO Plant

We offer packaged ro plant. Tescon packaged reverse osmosis systems are typically used whenever salt removal or deionization is required. Packaged reverse osmosis removes more than 97%-99% of the total dissolved solids along with organics, bacteria and other particulates.
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Packaged DM Plant

We offer packaged dm plant. Tescon two bed portable deionisers produce demineralised water at flow rates upto 600 litres per hour. They are easy to install and economical to operate. Their design is to outcome of many years of experience in manufacturing deionisers to meet the specific requirements of many industries.
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Cleaning Chemicals

This Product has a wide range of application and is suitable for all kinds of water resistant surfaces like floors marbles, tiles, vinyl, terrazzo and epoxy coated floors Ideal for widows, mirrors, tiles and others.
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Water Treatment Biocides

We offer water treatment biocides. Tacelene chem 6002 is a highly more effective microbiocide, specially developed formulation for application in sugar industry. It is a balanced mixture of dithiocarbamates with broad activity against bacteria and fungi.
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Micron Cartridge Filters

Microfiltration cartridge Filtration is a filtration process which removes contaminants from a fluid (liquid & gas) by passage through a microporous membrane.
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Tacelene Chem 2015 is a water-based jelly from high molecular fatty acids mainly and highly active chemical specially formulated to reduce foam level. It is mainly used for defoaming the process water & effluent plant.
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