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Industrial Chemicals

We offer a complete product range of Memebrane Treatment Cleaning Chemicals, Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals, Cooling Tower Chemicals, Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals and Sugar Process Chemicals

Memebrane Treatment Cleaning Chemicals

(We are authorized Distributors of Kimberlite Chemicals)

Scaling elements like calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, barium sulphate, strontium sulphate, silica, iron and alumina reduces the filterability of RO system & hinders the water flow. In earlier days sulphuric acid is added to adjust the pH of feed water in RO system fairly inhibits the calcium carbonate scales. Which in turn increases the scaling potential for sulphate scales. Sulphate scale Precipitates out of solution was impossible to clean out of the membrane. In the recent development Kimberlite formulated antiscalant for RO system that combines organic acids dispersant, which softens the sulphate scales. Tacelene chem is a highly effective threshold agent, which inhibits the precipitation of calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate, and barium sulphate by increasing their solubilities. It is also an effective iron sequestrant and reduces iron fouling.

NSF Certified Food Grade Chemicals
  • Highly effective antiscalant for wide range of water resources
  • Minimizes the fouling by sequestering iron
  • Reduces the consumption of acid addition
  • Low dose rate gives cost effective application
  • Effective iron sequestrent
  • Helps in smooth and efficient working of RO system
  • More stable and more effective than sodium hexa-meta phosphate.
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Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

Boiler chemicals are formulated for the high hardness and high TDS waters used in Low pressure boilers, . When used in conjunction with a sludge conditioner and oxygen scavenger, it provides a highly effective internal boiler water treatment programmed, maintaining minimum scale and maximum heat transfer.These chemicals contains powerful threshold inhibitor to prevent scale formation in feed water pipelines and boiler internals. The crystal distorter and specific dispersant incorporated in the product ensures high mobility of the phosphate sludge formed so that it is easily removed by blow down. The dispersant also ensures that suspended particulate matter do not accumulate and are removed by the blow down.
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Cooling Tower Chemicals

These scale cum corrosion inhibitor for very high hardness, high Silica, high Iron and high TDS waters in the cooling systems. 5212 is a liquid product formulated to control the depositions in once through and re-circulating cooling water systems. The product contains a threshold inhibitor, which is particularly effective for controlling the precipitation of calcium phosphate, calcium sulphate etc. 5212 is a dispersant for suspended material such as silt and metal oxides. This dispersant action maintains the insoluble material in suspension, facilitating its removal from the system.Scale inhibition under severe conditions of calcium phosphate super saturation is cost effectively attainable with 5212. The deposition of calcium phosphate scale from orthophosphate present in the cooling water system, either as the result of the inorganic phosphate corrosion control practice or from orthophosphate in the make-up, is effectively controlled by a threshold mechanism. Control of calcium phosphate is achieved without the need for costly pretreatment, undesirable pH depression and excessive blow down.
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Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals

Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals

These scale cum corrosion inhibitor for very high hardness, high Silica, high Iron and high TDS waters in the cooling systems. 5212 is a liquid product formulated to control the depositions in once through and re-circulating cooling water systems. The product contains a threshold inhibitor, which is particularly effective for controlling the precipitation of calcium phosphate, calcium sulphate etc. 5212 is a dispersant for suspended material such as silt and metal oxides. This dispersant action maintains the insoluble material in suspension, facilitating its removal from the system.
Scale inhibition under severe conditions of calcium phosphate super saturation is cost effectively attainable with 5212. The deposition of calcium phosphate scale from orthophosphate present in the cooling water system, either as the result of the inorganic phosphate corrosion control practice or from orthophosphate in the make-up, is effectively controlled by a threshold mechanism. Control of calcium phosphate is achieved without the need for costly pretreatment, undesirable pH depression and excessive blow down.

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Sugar Process Chemicals

Molasses exhaustion is very important in crystallization process. The rate of growth of sugar crystals in a massecuite during boiling and crystallization process depends directly on the degree.
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