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Amethyst Gemstone From Teleone

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We offer katehla amethyst gemstone from teleone kathela gemstone (amethyst)- buy at less price the name of this stone "amethyst" comes from the greek word amethustos that means not drunk and was thought to protect drinkers get drunk.the greeks and romans actually made cuts to the minerals to protect was also said that the gemstone would protect the wearer against is very useful for people with aquarius & capricorn is a stone of divine is very useful for removing tension or migraine related problems. katehla amethyst gemstone- violet purple in color, the amethyst is a gem of a gloss and excellent transparency. It is found in many forms of size. Amethyst is the gemstone for those born in february, but others can also wear it. some believe that amethyst stone is useful against drug addiction and is said to bring inner strength, calm, peaceness and has been used against various psychic attacks.many use it to open communication with angels and other psychic work.some use it to promote the happiness of the individual. Amethyst stones are used by medical practitioners of the new age to help overcome problems, immune to fatigue, arthritis, headaches and healing in general. for india teleone price:- rs 1995- + rs 150- (delivery charges) to order online.

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Emerald Gemstone

2,945 /Piece Get Latest Price
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We are offering emerald (panna) gemstone from teleone emerald is the gem of the planet is known by many names such as turquoise gem in sanskrit, panna in hindi and emerald in is dark and light is mostly found near the himalayas, girnar and sun river.the word emerald comes from the latin word "smaragdus" greek "smaragdos" which means "shining stone" or from the persian word "zamarat" meaning "heart of stone".this gemstone is fortunate to hold. Emerald gemstone (panna ratna)should be worn by astrologers, maths teachers, traders, publishers, accountants and is believed that the person who wears emerald gemstone gets health, wealth & prosperity.emerald is considered to be very much beneficial for eyesight. Emerald (panna) is velvety green in color, the most coveted emerald is that which is radiant and smooth and has neither cracks nor dots.emerald harmonizes and strengthens the positive influences of budha or mercury.these influences include intelligence, education, speech, teaching, learning, communication, confidence, writing, drawing, trade, humor, wit, discrimination, iplomacy, intellect and commerce. For india teleone price:- panna stones prices 5 14 ratti ring (rs. 2945) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs.2945)7 14 ratti ring (rs. 3895) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs. 3895) * delivery charges extra(rs.150) per piece for international teleone price:- $77.00

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Pearl Gemstone

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We are offering pearl moti gemstone from teleone leading teleshopping company in india- buy at less price pearl or moti is the gemstone for astrology, pearl is basically suggested to get rid of the ill effects of moon.pearl strengthens mental faculties, calms emotions and helps in attaining stability & equilibrium of mind.pearl gems provides royal kindness, blessings from the parents, family pleasure and wealth and increases administrative qualities and imagination power. Pearl gemstone removes abdominal diseases, increases intelligence and learning capacity.pearl is very useful for ladies as it increases the their beauty and facial luster. It develops good harmony between husband and wife.pearl in combination with rudraksha helps to solve problems related to depression and pessimism. The original pearl gemstone harmonizes chandra, the moon which directly influences emotions, mind, affluence and public.wearing a pearl can bring harmony and stability to these influences. Chandra influences the seasonal, monthly and daily cycles and rhythms in the physiology and our emotions. Chandra, the moon, occupies a central role in the solar system and in our physiology. For india ring (rs. 1995) pendant (rs.1995)* delivery charges extra(rs.150) for international ring (rs. 1995) pendant (rs.1995)teleone pice:- $60.00

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Munga / Coral Gemstone

1,995 /Piece Get Latest Price
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Munga coral gemstone from teleone 5 14 ratti ring (rs. 1995) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs. 1995)7 14 ratti ring (rs. 2945) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs.2945) * delivery charges extra(rs.150) coral gemstone is related to planet's colour is astrology marsmangal is considered to be the chief of the nine is also personified as the god of war.coral is also known as the gemstone of aries and scorpio.
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Hessonite Gemstone From Teleone

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We offer hessonite gemstone from teleone. gomedhessonite gemstone is also referred to as gomedh, gomedhak, raju ratna. 'gomedh' is a sanskrit word which means of color of the cow urine.gomed is basically worn to get rid of ill effects of rahu in horoscope.the bad effect of rahu are mental conflicts, anger and obstacles in work, troubles from enemies, and disputes in the court. 5 14 ratti ring (rs.1995) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs. 1995) 7 14 ratti ring (rs.2945) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs. 2945) rs 150- (delivery charges) per each piece.

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Opal Gemstone

1,995 /Piece Get Latest Price
We are offering opal gemstone from teleone- leading teleshopping company in india the name "opal" is derived from the sanskrit word "upala" that means precious stone.romans used the "ophtalmos" stone eyes, as a panacea against ocular diseases. Opal is a rare gem with different shining properties in different colors like red, green, yellow, blue etc. Opal is said to be the gem for those working globally, e.g. In the business of export-import, travel, tourism and navigation.opal is the stone said to be powerful mean to gain extra sexual power.the people born in the month of october are recommended to wear an opal to gain love, affection, brotherhood, peace of mind and to attract others in terms of business and profession. An opal gemstone has the power to affect two major chakras of our spiritual body, namely "third-eye chakra" and "the crown chakra".an opal enhances the divine properties of these two chakras helping in its wearer to grow with more of spirituality.astrologers are often found wearing an opal as it enhances their power of future imagination. for india teleone price:- rs 1995- + rs 150- (delivery charges) for international

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Onyx Gemstone

1,995 /Piece Get Latest Price
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we are offering onyx gemstone from teleone onyx stone strengthens the wearer's self confidence and sense of responsibility. it greatly contributes to sharpen the senses and also encourages a healthy ego self. onyx is effective in all chakras and is used to treat heart, kidney and eye diseases. onyx is also used for self protection, releasing the past attachments or to keep away from bothersome emotional entanglements. for those who would like to own a gemstone, onyx is fairly inexpensive and therefore affordable.however, the onyx gives the holder the look of elegance and richness. onyx is often combined with others such as beads ebony rich and elegant look-and-ivory. for india teleone price:- rs 1995- + rs 150- (delivery charges) for international teleone price:- $$60.00

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Golden Topaz Gemstone

1,995 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Type Gemstone
  • Brand Name Teleone
  • Country of Origin delhi
  • Gemstone Type Sunehla
  • Stone Name Sunehla
We are offering sunehlagolden topaz gemstone from teleone topaz is the crystal used in jewelry, classified as fine stone.this semi precious stone comes in a wide variety of colors in nature.among the most coveted face the imperial topaz found primarily in brazil in its characteristic golden color intense to orange-red. Some darker shades can be obtained by heating or irradiation.different colors are due to a very small substitution of the aluminum structure with crystalline chromium, iron, cobalt, etc. Long exposure to sunlight can cause the golden topaz a change of color, especially for brown varieties. Golden topaz (sunehla) is said to be a good luck charm for the persons born in month of november. Golden topaz is very much effective in treating liver diseases. Golden topaz also helps to balance our emotions and control anger, helps us to understand new concepts, leading us to spiritual fulfillment. Golden topaz activates the metabolism and facilitates digestion.golden topaz also improves communication skills by forcing others to pay attention to your views. for india teleone price:- ring (rs. 1995) pendant (rs.1995) * delivery charges extra(rs.150) per each piece for internationteleone price:- $60.00

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Ruby Gemstone From Teleone

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We offer manik ruby gemstone from teleone ruby stone gets its name from its color, from the latin word "rubeus". It symbolizes courage, charity and divine love". These are the rarest precious stones as well colored and clear crystals extremely hard to find in the deposits. It is said that ruby is "the most precious stone god created". surya ratna manikya is very useful for people with leo sign. It is very useful for increasing strength, encouragement, problems of eyes, control of anger, heart disease, head disease, self-respect, to increase family-name. original ruby gemstone is naturally associated with courage. It is a royal insignia that kings wear on their crown or on their protects the knight injuries and keeps it extension, the ruby gemstone has the power to combat bleeding. Associated with passion, it is supposed to calm the anger and protect seductions. Ruby is also the symbol of victory there, charity and its raw state, ruby, often rolled is greasy.once cut, its brightness is close to that of diamond. Although less hard than diamond, the ruby is less fragile because it has no cleavage plane. 5 14 ratti ring (rs. 1995) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs. 1995)7 14 ratti ring (rs. 2945) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs.2945) rs 150- (delivery charges) per each piece to order online.

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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

4,741 /Piece Get Latest Price
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We are offering yellow sapphire gemstone, pukhraj yellow sapphire gemstone from teleone yellow sapphire also known as pukhraj, represents the planet jupiter. Yellow sapphire is a precious gem, it gives energy, power & is usually set in gold and worn on index bring peace among people, we take the yellow sapphire gemstone, this stone brings peace and harmony makes pious sense of well, moderate fire and ardor of inner passions. Yellow is the color of the third chakra symbol of esteem and self-confidence, the ego and power.yellow represents intelligence. The yellow stones are used in meditation and practice of magic to emphasize the power and astral the west, yellow is associated with wealth. The origin of this symbolism lies in the fact that yellow is the color of gold and the sun, by extension, this color is associated with joy, good humor and idealism. For indiapukhraj stones prices5 14 ratti ring (rs. 4741) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs.4741)7 14 ratti ring (rs. 5691) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs. 5691) * delivery charges extra (rs.150) per each piece

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Blue Sapphire Gemstone

4,741 /Piece Get Latest Price
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We are offering neelam blue sapphire gemstone from teleone the name "sapphire" comes from the greek word "sappheiros", which means blue stone. Sapphire was called adamas ( the hardest substance ) until the discovery of diamonds. The word sappir, which means the most beautiful thing in hebrew, could also be the origin of the word is a stone of divine love. It is very useful for removing tension or migraine related problems. It gives mental harmony & peace. In indian astrology, saturn is considered to be a most malefic amongst all the planets. Shani or saturn represents longevity, restrictions, discipline, honesty, delays, misery, adversity & accidents. As based on the horoscope the malefic effect or benefits of saturn is determined astrologically and not merely on the basis of exaltation or debilitation because, under certain conditions even a debilitated saturn can give benefits results and exalted saturn can sometimes give malefic effects. Saturn rules the zodiac sign of capricorn and aquarius. The sign of its exaltation is libra, the sign of his weakening is aries. The gemstone of saturn is blue sapphire or a neelam. Ill effects of saturn's sade-sati can be reduced by wearing blue sapphire gemstone. It is believed that wearer of blue sapphire gemstone gets everything in life i.e health, wealth & happiness. 5 14 ratti ring (rs. 4741) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs. 4741)7 14 ratti ring (rs.5691) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs. 5691) * delivery charges extra(rs.150) per each piece for international teleone price:- rs $108.00

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American Diamond From Teleone

1,995 /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Piece(s)
  • Brand Name Teleone
  • Country of Origin delhi
  • Jewelry Type Gems
  • Main Stone Zircon/American Diamond
We offer zircon american diamond from teleone. Zircon, the name comes from the arabic word 'zarqun' or the persian 'zargun'.american diamond has quality of attraction.if the marriage of someone is getting delayed, then person should wear american diamond zircon.zircon is very much beneficial for people working in film industry, television, fashion industry, import export.zircon should be worn on fridays with silver or gold.zircon (american diamond) suits to anyone with zodiac taurus and libra. the american diamond which reflects the colors of the rainbow, is light and round but exhibits all its eight facets and is without lines or dots is best diamond.a defective or blemished diamond is set to cause great harm.sukra or venus is harmonized by american diamond.sukra represents luxuries, romance, partnership wealth, beauty, arts, comforts, jewelry, happiness, and vehicles. american diamonds are associated with luxuries, jewellery, wealth, beauty etc.sukra or venus has since antiquity symbolized beauty, not just in material life but inner life as well.american diamond stone (zircon) is the substitute stone for diamond.its high luster symbolizes the refined liveliness and loveliness of nature within and around us. for india zircon gemstones prices by teleone5 14 ratti ring (rs.1995) 5 14 ratti pendant (rs. 1995) 7 14 ratti ring (rs.2945) 7 14 ratti pendant (rs. 2945) * delivery charges extra(rs.150) per piece for internationalteleone price:- $60.00 to order online

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