Welcome to Technical stock Research
We have made an effort at technicalstock.in to bring you the top Indian Stock Market Analysts of the country all under one roof. technicalstock.in has established itself as one of the premier platforms for Analysts specially technical analysts of Indian share market.It is a unit of Technical Stock Research It is one of the few sites providing research and information on Indian capital markets mainly based on Technical Analysis and enjoys a strong reputation amongst investors, brokers and researchers. We Provide intraday cash market analysis, Future stocks, Nifty future, Calls, Puts, Options, Short term delivery calls, BTST, STBT, Commodity Tips etc.In Commodity we have 3 different packages Bullion Pack, Energy Pack and Base Metals Pack. In Bullion we cover Gold and Silver Predictions, In Energy we cover Crude Oil and Natural Gas and in Base Metals are covering Copper, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Aluminium Tips.Our goal is achieve higher returns on our customer investments. We provide trade alerts via sms every day and live tips by our website.
Stock Market Research
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Annual Turnover
Rs. 0.5 to 2.5 Crore Approx.