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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Hibernate Training in Tech Mentro, C++ Training In Tech Mentro, Java Training Core Java Training, Php Training in Tech Mentro and Microsoft .Net Training in Tech Mentro

Java Training Core Java Training

Core Java Duration: 2 Months Java is an Object Oriented, Platform Independent, Distributed and Robust programming language that provides the facility of developing console applications, windows applications, web applications, mobile applications and web services. The purpose of this course is to train the students in Core API of Java. Course Content:- Introduction to JavaOOPs concepts and their implementation in JavaPackages and InterfacesException HandlingString HandlingWindows programming using AWT & SwingInternet Programming using AppletsMultithreadingStream based IO in JavaNetworkingReflection Prerequisite: - Basic knowledge of any programming language and familiarity wit oops Concepts are prerequisite for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Php Training In Tech Mentro

PHP Duration 3 months PHP is a server side scripting language that is used to develop Dynamic Web Applications. Its simplicity and lots of frameworks built around it makes it a favourite choice for applications developers. The purpose of this course is to train students in the usuage of PHP and two of its framework JOOMLA and Cake PHP. Course Content:- Introduction Basic PHP DevelopmentControl structures FunctionArraysSessionWorking with formsClasses & ObjectsCookiesDisk Access, IO Math & MailWorking with the File SystemIntroduction to Database (MySql)Joomla & Cake PHP Project Prerequisite: - Familiarity with any programming language and understanding of Working of Web Applications is desired. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Microsoft .Net Training In Tech Mentro

.Net Duration: 4 Months .Net is a model provided by Microsoft, which is a platform as well as Language Independent. The main components of .Net are: .Net Framework, .Net compatible languages such as VB.Net, C#.Net, VC++.Net, ASP.Net, ADO.Net and a runtime environment called CLR. With the help of .Net, Windows Application, Web Application, Web Services, and Mobile Applications can be developed. .Net is the only platform that supports multiple languages all of which use the common functionality provided by the framework. Course Content:- Moudle 1: .Net Frame work Introduction to .Net Framework CLR Architecture and Services MSIL and Disassembling Framework Class Library Moudle 2: C# Introduction to C# Data types and control statements Arrays and structures Implementation of OOPs concepts Exception Handling Events and Delegates Generics and Collection File Handling Multithreading Memory Management Remoting Reflection Windows Forms and Controls Moudle 3: SQL Server Introduction to data base Getting started with SQL server Mastering SQL queries Mastering PLSQL constructs (Cursors, Procedures, and Functions & Triggers) Moudle 4: ADO.Net Architecture Dataset, Connection & command Data Reader & Data view Schemas & Transactions. Moudle 5: ASP.Net & Advance Topics Introduction to ASP .Net & Web Forms HTML and server controls Form Validation State Management Master Page and Caching Web Services AJAX with ASP.Net Security and Internationalization XML, LINQ, WCF, WPF, WCS, WWF Crystal report Live Project Prerequisite:-Basic knowledge of any programming language and familiarity with OOPS Concepts are prerequisite for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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J2ee Training In Tech Mentro

J2EE Duration: 3 Months Java 2 enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a platform for building distributed, scalable, platform independent server-side Enterprise Applications. Today java is one of the most mature and commonly used programming language for building enterprise softwares. Java is providing enterprise solutions to small, medium and large enterprise throughout the world and is a leading player in mobile applications. The need of java professionals is growing day by day, which is in itself, a testimony to its success. Course Content:- Collection Framework Generics Internationalization JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Server Programming using Servlets Java Server Pages (JSP) Annotations Struts 2.x Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Enterprise Java Beans 3.x (EJB) Java Persistence API (JPA) XML and Web Services Java Mail API Web logic and Glassfish Application Server Eclipse Integrated Development Environment Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java is must for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Android Training In Tech Mentro

AndroidDuration : 3 MonthsAndroid is an open-source software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. Android's mobile operating system is based on a modified version of the Linux kernel. The Android open-source software stack consists of Java applications running on a Java-based, object-oriented application framework on top of Java core libraries running on a Dalvik virtual machine featuring JIT compilation. Android has a large community of developers writing applications that extend the functionality of the devices. There are currently over 150, 000 apps available for Android.Android Training Course is a hands-on guide to designing and building mobile applications using Google's Android open-source platform. The course explains what Android is and how it compares to other mobile environments, the setup of the Android Eclipse-based development tools, the Android SDK, all essential features, as well as the advanced capabilities and APIs such as background services, accelerometers, graphics, and GPS.This complete hands-on course encourages students to learn by building increasingly more sophisticated and meaningful mobile applications for Android phones.By the end of the course, each participant will build their own complete Android application incorporating most of the key aspects of the platform.Course Content:- Core Android Duration 1 monthIntroduction To android Android Overview and History Android Stack SDK Overview Hello World App Main Building Blocks Basic Android User Interface Android System Overview Advanced UI Multimedia in Android SQLite Database Basic Content Providers Advance Android Duration 2 months Custom Content Providers Location Services Services Broadcast Receivers Intent Filters Networking Sensors WiFi Telephony Camera Bluetooth Prerequisite:- Familiarity with Java is must for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Ejb Training In Tech Mentro

EJB 3.x Duration: 1 Month EJB 3.x is the new incarnation of much dreaded EJB 2.x. In the new release, EJB 3.x surpasses its expectations by simplifying developments of distributed applications as well as by introducing standard for ORM frameworks in the form of JPA. the purpose of this course is to train students in the usage of Session Beans, Message Driven Beans, JPA and Entity Beans. Course Content:- Introduction to EJB Implementation of Stateless and Stateful Session Beans Introduction to Java Naming & Directory Service (JNDI) Introduction to Java Messaging Services (JMS) JMS Configuration Developing JMS Clients Implementation of Message Driven Beans Introduction to JPA Relation between JPA and Hibernate Persisting Entities using JPA Implementation of Is-A Mappings Implementation of Has-A Mappings Bidirectional Association Mappings Implementation of Entity Beans Defining Client Applications for Session & Entity Beans Prerequisite:- Knowledge of Core Java, Servlets, JSP and RMI is must for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Spring Training In Tech Mentro

Spring Duration: 1 Month Spring is a general purpose framework that can be used in parts or collectively. Main concepts proposed by Spring are Inversion of Control (IOC) and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP). Apart from this, Spring provides Transaction Management support, Implementation of MVC for developing web applications, Template implementations for JDBC and ORM frameworks, facility to integrate enterprise services etc. The purpose of this course is to train student in IOC and AOP implementation of Spring as well to introduce them to Template and MVC implementation. Course Content:-Introduction to spring Understanding Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection (DI) Spring Architecture Implementing IOC in spring Understanding Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) Implementing AOP in spring Introduction to Template Design Pattern Simplifying Data access using JDBC Template Abstracting Data Access Layer using DAO Introduction to Spring MVC Prerequisite: - Knowledge of Core Java and J2ee is must for this course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Struts Training In Tech Mentro

Struts 2.x Duration: 1 Month Struts2 is brand new implementation of MVC provided by Apache Software Foundation for developing Web Applications in Java. This framework integrates best design practices supported by the industry and frameworks. The purpose of this course is to train the students in the usage of framework for developing scalable, Dynamic Web Applications. Course Content:-Introduction to Struts 2.x MVC and Struts 2 Architecture Actions, Results & Interceptors Object Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) Struts 2 Presentation Tags Role of Action Invocation and Action Context Manipulating data on Value Stack Creating Custom Interceptors and Results Validating Action Properties Generating Composite Views using Tiles Using Annotations to specify Configuration Prerequisite:-Knowledge of Core Java as well as Servlet and JSP is must for this Course. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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Hibernate Training In Tech Mentro

Hibernate Duration: 1 Month Hibernate is widely used ORM framework. Basic functionality of an ORM framework is to persist objects of an application into database i.e. ORM frameworks free application developers from persistence logic so that they can concentrate on implementing the business logic. The purpose of this course is to provide in depth knowledge of Hibernate to the students. Course Content:- Introduction to ORM and Hibernate Hibernate Architecture Hibernate Configuration Introduction to Session and Session Factory Persisting Objects using Hibernate Inheritance Mapping Bidirectional Association Mapping Hibernate Query Language Caching Introduction Implementing Second Level Caching using EHCACHE Integrating Spring & Hibernate Integrating Struts & Hibernate Integrating JPA & Hibernate Prerequisite: - Students must be familiar with JDBC and application development models Used in industry. Tech MentroAddress :- C-43, Sector-2, Near Nirulas Hotel, Noida, U.P.-201301, India Ph. : +91 0120 4549462Email Id:- webmaster@techmentro.comWebsite:-
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C++ Training In Tech Mentro

We are offering c plus plus training services
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