Entinula edodes is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries. It is also commonly called Sawtooth oak mushroom, black forest mushroom, black mushroom, golden oak mushroom, or oakwood mushroom. It is considered a medicinal mushroom in some forms of traditional medicine. Shiitake mushrooms are now widely cultivated all over the world, and contribute about 25% of total yearly production of mushrooms. Commercially, shiitake mushrooms are typically grown in conditions similar to their natural environment on either artificial substrate or hardwood logs, such as oak. Like all mushrooms, shiitakes produce vitamin D2. Basic research indicates consumption of shiitake mushrooms affects disease properties. Studies also have proved it contains anti cancerous properties. We produce and supply Spawn and Mother culture for all the Varieties. Fresh Mushrooms can also be procured on prior bookings.