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In order to keep the quality of the products up to the mark, we check the entire range against varied quality parameters. Raw materials are the essential bottleneck assets that are highly important for the production of the finished goods. Thus, we stringently check the inputs before procurement. more...
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Pakhanved, also known as Pashanbhed or Patharchatta, is an Indian herb that is used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating a variety of conditions: more...
Passiflora incarnata herba available. 4 tons. more...
Also Known as Daroonaj, Darawnaj Leopard’s Bane Doronic, Gemswurz, Tarang, Doronicum hookeri Clarke. Darunak, Darun Vrishichka, Darunaj Aqrabi Is aromatic, cardiac, stomachic and tonic. Strengthens the heart, stomach and liver. Useful in nervous depression, palpitation, paralysis, hemipleg more...
Liquid chicory  is the most sought after extract of the chicory  cubes that adds a soothing flavor to the recipes, desserts and main courses making your meals far more scrumptious than ever. Besides, it also adds natural color to varied food items. With such a refurbishing role. more...