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Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Redwood Viscometer, Kinematic Viscosity Bath, Cleveland Flash Point Apparatus, Saybolt Viscometer and Tar Viscometer.
Test Method :- These viscometers are used to determine the viscosity of petroleum products. Two adoption of red wood viscometer are available no. 1 for liquids having red wood flow 20 seconds to 2000 seconds and no. 2 for liquids whose flow time exceeds 2000 seconds and no. 2 for liquids whose flow time exceeds 2000 seconds. Redwood viscometer is used for the determination of redwood viscosity and which can be converted to kinematic viscosity also. It is also used for observing the effect of temperature on viscosity by plotting graph.
This apparatus is used for determination of flash point and fire point of petroleum products except fuel Oil with open cup flash below 80°C as per specification IP 36 and IS: 1448 ( P: 69) 1969. The apparatus consists of a cup, heating plate to specific dimension thermometer clip and test flame attachment with swivel joint for passing over test liquid surface in the prescribed manner, Heating is controlled by means of energy regulator fitted to the apparatus. Suitable for operation on 220 Volts 50 cycles AC Circuits. - Cleaveland flash point & fire point Apparatus, Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator Gas Test Jet - Cleaveland flash point & fire point Apparatus, Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator with oil wick Arrangement. - Cleaveland flash point & fire point Apparatus, Electrical Heating with Energy Regulator with Gas Jet & oil wick Arrangement – combined model - Cleaveland flash & fire point Apparatus voltage Varrier (Copper Coil) combine model - Cleaveland flash & fire point Apparatus voltage Varrier (Copper Coil) combine model with Digital Temp. Indicator - Thermometer IP 28C (-5°C to 400°C ) - Spare Cup with Handle - Spare Nichrome element - L.P.G. Test flame container with valve
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Test method :-determines the time required for 60ml of sample to flow through a calibrated orifice under precisely controlled conditions. Saybolt universal seconds (sus) is the standard measurement for lubricants, insulating oils, and lighter fuel grades, and saybolt furol seconds (sfs) is used for heavier oils and bitumens.
Tar viscometer apparatus as per IP-72 and IS 1206 standards. It is used for determination the viscosity of road oils and cut back bitumen. It consists s. S. Bath with cup of 10 mm or 4 mm orifice and sleeve, stirrer with lifting clip and ball. The assembly kept on suitable stand with leveling screws. Suitable to operate on 220 volts ac mains.