Welcome to Tak Equestrian
TAK EQUESTRIAN establsh in 1998 with a sole intention to serve with quality and better customer service.Since we all know every one has a humble begining and raise from the small and and we too sterted from small scale but now we feel proud that ur tak crew of skilful staff through their hard work ,determination and quality input has reached the height in this corporate world of export and maintained a position. Our product range range are from finish leather to leather goods(belts,bags,etc..),horse clothing to leather saddlery,rider appareal to leather footwear,pet products to natural dog foodsand confirm to behighest standard.We work on floowing stream to achieve the customer satisfaction and lay special emphasis on .. Timely delievery Developing design that are functional,traditional as well as trendy setting Strict adherence to sizes as per international standard Use of finest quality raw material Ensuring beauty and complete comfort Try to offer the most cost effective products Quality packing to avoid Fungus & salomella in dog foods.