An amber coloured resin extracted from the root or stem of a perennial plant, Hing plays many roles in many cultures. Scientifically called Ferula Assafoetida, Hing has been used as widely as in ancient Persia, Greece, Africa and India. From being used in black magic or warding away the evil eye to soothing stomach ailments, this spice has significant contribution to cultures around the world. But in cuisines, its pungent and strong aroma is put to good use as a replacement for onion and garlic. It gives off a smooth and robust flavour when released in hot oil. Today it is more commonly available in compounded forms. Asafoetida is an extremely pungent aromatic spice obtained from the rhizomes of spices 'ferula' or giant fennel. In fact, it is is a hard aromatic resinous gum collected from certain species of giant fennels, plants of the genus ferula. It is available in blocks or pieces as a gum and more frequently as a fine powder, sometimes crystalline or granulated. Asafoetida is commonly used as a flavoring or spice in Persian and Indian cooking or as a condiment to be sprinkled over food after it has been cooked. It is called devils dung because of its strong pungent smell due to the presence of sulfur compounds. The word asafoetida is believed to have gotten its name from the Persian word aza(mastic resin) and a Latin word foetida meaning stinking. Besides being used as a spice, asafetida also possess many medicinal properties. For centuries, it has been widely used for simple digestive problems such as gas, bloating, indigestion and constipation. It was believed that asafetida enhanced singers voices. Although very reasonably priced today, in ancient times it was a precious and expensive condiment.