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Cooking Spices And Masala

Our Complete range of products are Snack Seasonings, Noodle Seasonings, Pasta Seasonings, Meat Seasonings and Snack Seasoning.

Snack Seasonings

We are a reliable Manufacturer and Supplier of Snack Seasonings in India. A pinch of our Snack Seasonings can make an ordinary dish become extraordinary. Tangy in taste, Snack Seasonings are used to flavor as well give a new look to the evening snacks. We offer our Snack Seasonings from 3 g sachets to 30 kg bulk packs.


Tomato ChilliSweet, Tangy and spicy seasoning with selected spices over tomato.
Sweet & SourA versatile seasoning with the basic note of sweetness and sourness.
SzechwanFiery hot seasoning with the authentic Szechwan profile.
Manchurian MasalaSpicy soya based snack seasoning with the typical Manchurian profile.
Nacho CheeseThis Nacho Cheese seasoning will add a bit of cheesy zip to all of your favorite snacks.
Jhal MuriTraditional and popular East Indian Roadside snack flavor.
Spicy CheeseA creamy and cheesy snack seasoning with a hint of chillies.
Remix MasalaAuthentic Indian Masala with a twist of added herbs and rare spices.
Masala MixA wonderful flavored masala with robust indian spices to enhance your taste buds.
TomatoJuicy, sweet, and tangy tomato.
ChilliProminent Chilli Note.
Green ChutneyTraditional Indian chutney with mint, coriander, green chilly and spices.
Garden VegetablePlesant green notes supported with cucumber profile.
Tomato and HerbsWild combination of tomato and a mixture of herbs.
Tomato Lemon CorianderBalanced combination of tomato, lemon and coriander profiles.
Chicken and ThymeEnhancing umami profile of chicken with strong notes of thyme.
PizzaMix of tomato, cheese, herbs resembling a delightful pizza.
Indonesian CurryA mouth-watering sauce profile of Indonesian curry mix.
Spicy ChilliA combination of sweet profile with the heat of chilli and paprika.
Roasted Onion MayoA mix resembling a Mayonnaise base with roasted onions.
Tomato and CheeseSour and sweet tomato mixed with cheddar cheese.
Sour and sweet tomato mixed with cheddar cheese.Taco spices mixed with Parmesan cheese base.
TikkaAn Indian dish of spice mix, smoke and creamy profile on a meat base.
Butter GarlicA creamy base with the prominent profiles of butter and garlic.
Cheese and OnionA balanced combination of Cheddar cheese and onion for snacks.
PulavTraditional Indian rice dish flavor.
Tamarind ChutneySpicy and tangy tamarind based seasoning.
Panir TikkaSmoked cottage cheese supported with spicy and umami notes.
WasabiPungent and spicy Japanese.
BBQTrue barbequed flavor supported with browned onions and peppers.
Sour Cream and OnionCreamy seasoning with the base taste of sourness and onion.
KetchupA typical ketchup profile.
MexicanA Mix of spices, herbs, jalapeno with sweet, heat and sour profiles of Mexican dish.
Cream and OnionMake your fillings creamy rich with the twist of green onion.
Cheese and HerbCheesy based seasoning with the hint of onion fillings.
Hot and SpicySpicy Hot seasoning with the robust Indian spices for the fillings.
Achari MangoFermented mango profile supported with Authentic pickling spices
Achari Masti MasalaDelicious masala profiles supported with pickle notes
Achari SeasoningTraditional north Indian pickle profile for the snack application
Aged Cheddar and ParmesanTypical cheddar and Parmesan cheese profile for snack
Aloo BhujiaTraditional North Indian snack profile
Aloo ChatTangy chat profile with cooked potato note
Barbequed PaprikaSmoky paprika supported with selected spices
Barbeque ChickenSweet smoky and strong flavoured seasoning with chicken profile
BeefStrong beef note for snack
Butter GarlicPleasant and aromatic note of garlic in a butter seasoning
Butter SeasoningSeasoning with a prominent profile smooth fatty and wholesome taste of butter
Butter TikkiCreamy and tomato based snack seasoning supported wiyh mild spies and buttery notes
Caramel SeasoningSweet and brown sugar based seasoning with selected spices for popcorn application
Cheese and ChillyAn exotic combination of cheddar cheese and spicy chilly
Cheese & CreamRich creamy cheese based snack seasoning
Cheese and CurryWholesome curry profile supported with cheesy note
Cheese and Green ChillyA rare combination of green chilies with cheese
Cheese and Fried ChillyCheese based snack seasoning supported with fried chilly profile
Desi BarbequeSmoked cottage cheese supported with spicy and umami profiles
Cheese and JalapenoStrong jalapeno flavour with the right combination of cheese
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Noodle Seasonings

Be it boiled and lightly- salted noodles, a pinch of our Noodle Seasonings can make it mouth-watering. We offer our Noodle Seasonings in the range of 3 g sachets to 30 kg bulk packs. In addition, we pay special emphasis on the air-tight packaging of these Noodle Seasonings, to protect from air, water and other harmful agents. The longer shelf life of our Noodle Seasonings is another reason for appreciation.


Biriyani for NoodlesTypical Indian Biriyani flavor for the noodle applications.
Chicken BiriyaniBiriyani Flavor with a prominent note of roasted chicken.
Masala Seasoning for NoodlesTraditional Indian spice mix with a creamy base.
Veg Noodles MasalaNoodle masala with enhanced profile of vegetables.
Chatpata Soupy Noodle MasalaTangy and spicy seasoning.
Cheese and Pepper NoodlesMouthwatering cheesy and pungent and aromatic peppery note.
Chilli Garlic Noodle SeasoningSpicy seasoning with the twist of roasted garlic.
Classic Chinese Soupy NoodleAuthentic chinese profile for the soupy noodle application.
Creamy OnionThick creamy seasoning with a prominent note of onion.
Hot Chilli NoodlesSpicy red hot seasoning for noodles.
Szechwan Noodles SeasoningFiery red hot seasoning with the traditional Szechwan spices.
Pizza Seasoning for NoodlesTomato and herby based seasoning supported with mozarella cheese.
Red Thai Chiili Noodle SeasoningAuthentic Thai profile supported with Lemon grass and selected spices.
Shrimp Seasoning for NoodlesShrimp flavor for noodles.
Sweet and Sour Noodle SeasoningSeasoning with the base note of sweet profile well blended with sour and umami notes.
Tikka Noodle SeasoningIndian dish of spice mix, smoke and creamy profile on a meaty base.
Tomato Chilli Seasoning for NoodlesTomato flavors seasoning supported with chilli.
Tomato Ketchup for NoodlesSeasoning with the prominent taste of mild spices.
Hakka Noodles - VegCooked vegetables note supported with the basic sour and umami note.
Hakka Noodles - Miracle MasalaDistinctive aroma of coriander, cumin, chilly and robust Indian spices.
Hakka Noodles - MasalaClassic Indian masala for Hakka noodles.
Instant Noodles - BeefStrong beef flavor for the instant noodles.
Instant Noodles - ChickenChicken flavor for instant noodle application.
Instant Noodles - TandooriTypical Tandoori profile.
Instant Noodles - TomatoTangy and sweet tomato base taste.
Instant Noodles - VegTreat your taste buds with wholesome note of assorted veggies.
Instant Noodles - JalapenoMouthwatering Jalapeno flavor for the noodles application.
Instant Noodles - SambarTraditional south Indian spice mix.
Instant Noodles - SzechwanTypical and delicious Szechwan profile.
Instant Noodles - Smoky Veg FlavorMild seasoning with the prominent taste of barbequed vegetables.
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Pasta Seasonings

Our Pasta Seasonings are available in various combinations such as Cream, Yoghurt and Onion, Macaroni & Cheese, Tomato and Herbs, etc. In fact, our Pasta Seasonings, even in small amount can do wonders to a regular dish. The option range for Pasta Seasonings is between 3 g sachets to 30 kg bulk packs.


Pasta - Macaroni & CheeseCreamy cheese sauce for pasta
Pasta - AlfredoThick sauce for pasta with the milksolids and butter
Pasta - CarbonaraRich and creamy sauce for pasta with a hint of bacon
Pasta - Tomato BasilJuicy thick tomato sauce for pasta supported with basil
Pasta - ArrabiataA delightfully simple pasta seasoning with loads of flavor and more than a hint of chilli which blends so well with the tomato
Pasta - PizzaHerby tomato seasoning well supported with Cheese
Pasta - Sour Cream & OnionUnique combination of Cream, Yoghurt and Onion
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Meat Seasonings

Without Meat Seasonings every meat dish is incomplete as they provide it with an authentic taste and color. We are engaged in providing the premium Meat Seasonings, which are made from pure and natural spices, salts, and herbs. These Meat Seasonings are prepared in hygienic environment and tested under expert supervision. Further, the Meat Seasonings are packed in vacuum and food-grade materials to ensure their longer shelf life.

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