Our Products
Our product range contains a wide range of Tubes and Flat Caps, strips of 8, Invitrogen Sodium Green, Tetra (Tetramethylammonium) Salt, cell impermeant, Invitrogen MagMAX mirVana Total RNA Isolation Kit, Invitrogen iBind Flex Solution Kit and Invitrogen Magnetic Stand-96
| Trypsin Protease, MS Grade |
| Mass Spectrometer |
| Trypsin Protease |
| Pierce |
| Products are shipped with ice. |
| Protein Samples, Cell Lysate |
| Enzyme |
| Mass Spectrometry |
| Powder |
| Protein Digestion |
| 1 mg |
| 1 mg |
| Alexa Fluor 488 Protein Labeling Kit |
| Protein Labeling Kit |
| Fluorescence |
| 494/519 |
| Conjugation-Based |
| 1 mg |
| Room Temperature |
| Alexa Fluor |
| Amine |
| DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) |
| Alexa Fluor 488 |
| Alexa Fluor Dyes |
| Green |
| Antibodies (General), Proteins (General) |
| 1 kit |
| Qubit Protein Assay |
| Fluorescence |
| Qubit |
| Protein Quantification Assay |
| 100 Reactions |
| Qubit Fluorometer, Microplate Reader |
| 12.5 g/mL to 5 mg/mL |
| 100 Assays |
| Room Temperature |
| 100 assays |
| Vybrant Apoptosis Assay Kit #4 |
| Tube |
| Contains 1 vial of YO-PRO-1, and 1 vial of propidium iodide. |
| Apoptosis Assay Kit |
| 488 |
| YO-PRO-1: 491/509 propidium iodide: 535/617 |
| Green, Red |
| Room Temperature |
| Vybrant |
| Fluorescent |
| Flow Cytometer |
| YO-PRO-1, propidium iodide |
| Other Label(s) or Dye(s) |
| Store in refrigerator (28C) and protect from light |
| 200 assays |
Human |
E. coli |
Human FGF-basic, amino acids 10-155 |
17 kDa |
Recombinant |
Protein |
>95% by SDS-PAGE |
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