Post Buy Requirement

Pharmaceutical Capsules

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Diab C Capsules, Hi-Time Forte Capsules, Milan Time Forte Capsules, Vic Z Forte Capsules and Orthonova Capsules.

Diab C Capsules

We will not let you wait much, as we have trustworthy shipping facilities available to deliver the same in set time. We are backed with highly experience packaging experts and team members; they ensure that the packaging is done with utmost proficiency and keeping in mind the globally accepted norms.



  • Each hard gelatin capsule contains
  • Aegle lvlermelos -100 mg.
  • Trigcnela Fchum Gracum 100 mg.
  • Tlncspcra Ccrdifclla -75 mg.
  • Guargum -100 mg.
  • Asphaltum -20 mg.
  • Syzygium Cuminl -100 mg.
  • Approved Colour Used in capsule shell.
  • lvlakardwaj 5mg.


  • General tonic for Diabetic control
  • Reduces risk of diabetic complications.
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Hi-Time Forte Capsules

We keep an eye on every aspect and packaging of products is one of them. Staffed with professional packaging employees having experience in this domain; they use premium packing material to ensure zero damage during transportation. We source the raw material from the trusted places in the market. As a result of which, the finished products stand high on the expectations of the clients.


Indication :

  • Boosts up stamina St confidence.
  • Increases sexual performance.
  •  Cures sex fatigue & premature ejaculation.
  •  Cures loss of libido & erectile dysfunction.
  • Removes stress, anxiety, depression, mental
  • irritability & enhances mood. `·
  • Acts psychologically & somatically on the body.
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Milan Time Forte Capsules

For making sure about the safety of the products during handling, transporting and warehousing, we make use of quality packaging material. And, this task is accomplished by our deft professionals. Get in touch with us for placing small as well as bulk orders, timely deliveries will be straight to your doorstep!


Each hard galarlv 0aDsua wntains :

  • Makardwar [RTS 40 ma
  • Anmsyclus Pyrcdhrum 40 mg.
  • Mumna Puriens 25 mg.
  • Chlnmphytum Nuncllnansum 50 mg.
  • Asparagus Rauarmaus 50 mg.
  • Syzgum Racamosus 2'0 mg.
  • Bmaman Asnhalr 30 mg.
  • Cinnamumurn Tamale 5 mg.
  • Hwmhilu Sninusc 25 ma-
  • My-mum Fragrana 20 mg.
  • Emma Salwus 5 mg.
  • Bug Bhasam 30 mg.
  • Wimania Sommfara 30 mg.
  • Pnararia Tuharuan 30 mg.
  • Agryiua Soscicsa 40 mg.
  • S1;-ymhnqg Nux-•bmi•:.a 20 mg.
  • SHA Cnrdilblia 10 mg.
  • Appumed mlnurs used an capsule shall.
  • INDICATIONS ZSIMQ aphtutlianac lmldu 11
  • both man and woman, Pravarlls funciiunai
  • imDUban¤¤ Dramamra sjaculaliun and
  • vmlnnas nurfumwms in msn.
  • snermanormnes. lmmbuvcy. Benign Pf¤8‘ali¤
  • Edaegemenl.

Indication :

  •  Boosts up stamina & confidence.
  •  Increases sexual performance.
  •  Cures sex fatigue & premature ejaculation.
  •  Cures loss of libido & erectile dysfunction.
  •  Removes stress, anxiety, depression, mental
  • irritability & enhances mood.
  •  Acts psychologically & somatically on the body.

Presentation : 10 Capsules

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Vic Z Forte Capsules

The basic materials named as raw materials should be of top-notch quality in order to maintain the quality of the finished goods. Thus, our experts source the raw materials only from the reliable vendors. All thanks to our smart inventory management owing to which safe and quick deliveries are furnished by us.



  •  lmprove peripheral arterial insufficiency St central nervous
  • system performance.
  •  Neutralites all kind of toxins and poisons from food, watec
  • air St medications and protect the liver.
  •  As a dailv health supplement it improves appetite, the digestion
  • and assimilation process and promotes weight gain.
  •  ln pre—clrrhotic conditions arrests the progress of the disease
  • and prevents further liver damage.


Each 10 ml. Syp. contains extract of·

  • Feriiiailsafcstlda 5 mg
  • Citrii: Acid 5 mg.
  • Engiber Oliicinalis 100 mg.
  • Sainda Sail 20 mg.
  • Plychmichjnwsn 100 mg.
  • Elsllarla Cardamnmmum 50 mg.
  • Fceniculum •'Lrga·r9 100 mg.
  • Hularrherua Anliserilerica 200 mg.
  • Amrus Calamus 100 mg.
  • Acnnllum Hallamphyllum 200 mg.
  • Trif'¤ 300 mg
  • Piper Nigrurn 50 mg.
  • Allium Sativam 100 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour, Pemithed
  • Colour & Prasarvative. q.s.
  • Indicatlorrs : Digestive, Appatizar, Carminative.
  • Malnutnlinn, Demulcerit Bowel, Regulator.
  • Antlspasmcdic, Gas Troubles.

Pmsenlaliun - 100 mi.& 200ML.

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Orthonova Capsules

We make use of user-friendly interface that enables us to network and control the sorting, loading and unloading of all the finished products from a single location. By this, we make sure that the voluminous consignments are kept safely till the final send off. With us, clients can stay assured for secure, safe and hassle free transactions. Our payment procedures are easy to use and guarantee confidentiality of the transaction.


Each capsule contains :

  • Withania Surnnlfera 75 mg.
  • Gcldllmm wtewn Baker 25 mg.
  • Gurminlpllura lllulal 150 mg.
  • Euswellh Sarrala 150 mg.
  • Alnevera Tunm Einn 25 mg.
  • Terminals CSIEDIIB 5U mg.
  • Zi1gll:·er0llScmale 25 mg.
  • Plpprulred mluur used in amply capsule
  • shell.



  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Arthralgia
  • Sports lniuries
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Sprains Sl Strains
  • Lumbago, Sciatica BI Myositis


Other Details:

  • Effectively manages rheumatic disorders
  • Restores free movements of ioint SI musculature
  • P Reduces swelling SI Tenderness
  • Provides quick relief from painful inflammatory conditions.
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Dia C Capsules

Being a customer-oriented firm, we make available numerous modes of payment and assure them for confidentiality of transaction. Also, our payment modes are authorized. With excellent storage space and shipping facilities, we effortlessly entertain bulk requirements of our respected patrons. We maintain complete records and transactions of the products delivered.

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Retailer of Pharmaceutical Capsules from Hoshiarpur, Punjab by Svm pharmaceuticals
Post Buy Requirement

Pharmaceutical Capsules

Our Complete range of products are Diab C Capsules, Hi-Time Forte Capsules, Milan Time Forte Capsules, Vic Z Forte Capsules and Orthonova Capsules.

Diab C Capsules

We will not let you wait much, as we have trustworthy shipping facilities available to deliver the same in set time. We are backed with highly experience packaging experts and team members; they ensure that the packaging is done with utmost proficiency and keeping in mind the globally accepted norms.



  • Each hard gelatin capsule contains
  • Aegle lvlermelos -100 mg.
  • Trigcnela Fchum Gracum 100 mg.
  • Tlncspcra Ccrdifclla -75 mg.
  • Guargum -100 mg.
  • Asphaltum -20 mg.
  • Syzygium Cuminl -100 mg.
  • Approved Colour Used in capsule shell.
  • lvlakardwaj 5mg.


  • General tonic for Diabetic control
  • Reduces risk of diabetic complications.
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Hi-Time Forte Capsules

We keep an eye on every aspect and packaging of products is one of them. Staffed with professional packaging employees having experience in this domain; they use premium packing material to ensure zero damage during transportation. We source the raw material from the trusted places in the market. As a result of which, the finished products stand high on the expectations of the clients.


Indication :

  • Boosts up stamina St confidence.
  • Increases sexual performance.
  •  Cures sex fatigue & premature ejaculation.
  •  Cures loss of libido & erectile dysfunction.
  • Removes stress, anxiety, depression, mental
  • irritability & enhances mood. `·
  • Acts psychologically & somatically on the body.
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Milan Time Forte Capsules

For making sure about the safety of the products during handling, transporting and warehousing, we make use of quality packaging material. And, this task is accomplished by our deft professionals. Get in touch with us for placing small as well as bulk orders, timely deliveries will be straight to your doorstep!


Each hard galarlv 0aDsua wntains :

  • Makardwar [RTS 40 ma
  • Anmsyclus Pyrcdhrum 40 mg.
  • Mumna Puriens 25 mg.
  • Chlnmphytum Nuncllnansum 50 mg.
  • Asparagus Rauarmaus 50 mg.
  • Syzgum Racamosus 2'0 mg.
  • Bmaman Asnhalr 30 mg.
  • Cinnamumurn Tamale 5 mg.
  • Hwmhilu Sninusc 25 ma-
  • My-mum Fragrana 20 mg.
  • Emma Salwus 5 mg.
  • Bug Bhasam 30 mg.
  • Wimania Sommfara 30 mg.
  • Pnararia Tuharuan 30 mg.
  • Agryiua Soscicsa 40 mg.
  • S1;-ymhnqg Nux-•bmi•:.a 20 mg.
  • SHA Cnrdilblia 10 mg.
  • Appumed mlnurs used an capsule shall.
  • INDICATIONS ZSIMQ aphtutlianac lmldu 11
  • both man and woman, Pravarlls funciiunai
  • imDUban¤¤ Dramamra sjaculaliun and
  • vmlnnas nurfumwms in msn.
  • snermanormnes. lmmbuvcy. Benign Pf¤8‘ali¤
  • Edaegemenl.

Indication :

  •  Boosts up stamina & confidence.
  •  Increases sexual performance.
  •  Cures sex fatigue & premature ejaculation.
  •  Cures loss of libido & erectile dysfunction.
  •  Removes stress, anxiety, depression, mental
  • irritability & enhances mood.
  •  Acts psychologically & somatically on the body.

Presentation : 10 Capsules

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Vic Z Forte Capsules

The basic materials named as raw materials should be of top-notch quality in order to maintain the quality of the finished goods. Thus, our experts source the raw materials only from the reliable vendors. All thanks to our smart inventory management owing to which safe and quick deliveries are furnished by us.



  •  lmprove peripheral arterial insufficiency St central nervous
  • system performance.
  •  Neutralites all kind of toxins and poisons from food, watec
  • air St medications and protect the liver.
  •  As a dailv health supplement it improves appetite, the digestion
  • and assimilation process and promotes weight gain.
  •  ln pre—clrrhotic conditions arrests the progress of the disease
  • and prevents further liver damage.


Each 10 ml. Syp. contains extract of·

  • Feriiiailsafcstlda 5 mg
  • Citrii: Acid 5 mg.
  • Engiber Oliicinalis 100 mg.
  • Sainda Sail 20 mg.
  • Plychmichjnwsn 100 mg.
  • Elsllarla Cardamnmmum 50 mg.
  • Fceniculum •'Lrga·r9 100 mg.
  • Hularrherua Anliserilerica 200 mg.
  • Amrus Calamus 100 mg.
  • Acnnllum Hallamphyllum 200 mg.
  • Trif'¤ 300 mg
  • Piper Nigrurn 50 mg.
  • Allium Sativam 100 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour, Pemithed
  • Colour & Prasarvative. q.s.
  • Indicatlorrs : Digestive, Appatizar, Carminative.
  • Malnutnlinn, Demulcerit Bowel, Regulator.
  • Antlspasmcdic, Gas Troubles.

Pmsenlaliun - 100 mi.& 200ML.

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Orthonova Capsules

We make use of user-friendly interface that enables us to network and control the sorting, loading and unloading of all the finished products from a single location. By this, we make sure that the voluminous consignments are kept safely till the final send off. With us, clients can stay assured for secure, safe and hassle free transactions. Our payment procedures are easy to use and guarantee confidentiality of the transaction.


Each capsule contains :

  • Withania Surnnlfera 75 mg.
  • Gcldllmm wtewn Baker 25 mg.
  • Gurminlpllura lllulal 150 mg.
  • Euswellh Sarrala 150 mg.
  • Alnevera Tunm Einn 25 mg.
  • Terminals CSIEDIIB 5U mg.
  • Zi1gll:·er0llScmale 25 mg.
  • Plpprulred mluur used in amply capsule
  • shell.



  • Gouty Arthritis
  • Arthralgia
  • Sports lniuries
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Sprains Sl Strains
  • Lumbago, Sciatica BI Myositis


Other Details:

  • Effectively manages rheumatic disorders
  • Restores free movements of ioint SI musculature
  • P Reduces swelling SI Tenderness
  • Provides quick relief from painful inflammatory conditions.
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Dia C Capsules

Being a customer-oriented firm, we make available numerous modes of payment and assure them for confidentiality of transaction. Also, our payment modes are authorized. With excellent storage space and shipping facilities, we effortlessly entertain bulk requirements of our respected patrons. We maintain complete records and transactions of the products delivered.

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