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Medicines Tonics And Drugs

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Tulsi Cuffy Cough Syrup, Cal C Syrup, Health Tone Syrup, Muffer Syrup and Mosafa Khoon Syrup

Tulsi Cuffy Cough Syrup

11 - 1.12 Lakh /Piece Get Latest Price
  • Min. Order (MOQ) 500 Piece
  • Country of Origin India
  • Type Tulsi Cough Syrup
  • Plastic Type Plastic Bottles
  • Application Dry Cough
  • Form Liquid
  • Bottle Size 100 Ml
  • Sealing Type Double Seal

The offered lot is prepared using the best in class raw material that is sourced from the reliable places only. Besides, we check it for quality prior to procurement. Interested buyers can place orders with us, timely delivery of the same are our foremost concern.

Each 10 ml. contains extract ot ;

  • Adhatoda Vasika 100 mg.
  • Occimum Sanctum 100 mg.
  • Nientha Spicata 1 mg.
  • Glcyrrhiza Glabra 100 mg.
  • Viola Odorata 50 mg.
  • Ephedra Geradiaha 100 mg.
  • Rosa Cehtifotia 100 mg.
  • Cinhamomum Zylerticum 50 mg.
  • Anethum Sowa-Kurz 50 mg.
  • Flavoured palatable syrup base
  • Dry Cough, Allergic Cough, Tor1silitis.
  • Whooping cough, Productive cough,
  • Smokers oough, Sinusitis,
  • Nasobronchiai allergy

Pmsenlzliun :-100 ml.

  • A potent mucolytic
  • An effective clemulcent
  • Offers a natural relief in cough management
  • A gentle bronchodilater to ensure normal breathing
  • An effective anti-histaminic without side-effect of sedation

Additional Information:

Payment Terms :

Packaging Details : 100 ml pack size

Delivery Time : With in 10 days

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Cal C Syrup

To prevent any kind of mechanical and chemical damages, we wrap our products in superior-grade packaging materials that are waterproof as well. Additionally, we print product information on it as well. We have developed robust payment processing procedures to facilitate safe and quick exchange of the trade.



  • The natural choice in urinary calculi and UTI Action
  • Anti-Iithiatic and Iithotriptic
  • Cyetone has potent anti Iithiatic and Iithotriptic


Indications :

  • Helps Disintegration of Calculus,
  • Flashes out crystal by diuretic
  • action, Helps relieve the pains,
  • chronic infections.

Each 10 ml. contains extracts of ;

  • Hajr00lYaI100d Bhasam 100 mg.
  • Saxifrage Ligulata 100 mg.
  • Rieum Emudiwall 100 mg.
  • Tribulus tenestris 100 mg.
  • Dolichos Biflorus 100 mg.
  • Yav Kshar 50 mg.
  • Muli Kshar 50 mg.
  • Punarva Kshar 50 mg.
  • Chnder Prabhavati 50 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour, Permitted Colour,
  • S. Preservatives q.s.

Presentation :- 2DI] ml.

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Health Tone Syrup

In order to make hassle free transactions, we have adopted an online payment procedure that ensures immediate transfer of money and confidentiality of clients' information. To prevent any kind of mechanical and chemical damages, we wrap our products in superior-grade packaging materials that are waterproof as well. Additionally, we print product information on it as well.


Each 5 ml. contains:

  • Trltla 200 mg.
  • Withanla Somnifera 1?5 mg.
  • Aspargus Racemcsus 140 mg, Agryrica Speciosa 150 mg.
  • Pueraria Tubercsa 150 mg.
  • Zingiber Offlcinalls 150 mg.
  • Myristica Fragrans 100 mg.
  • Mucuna Pruricns 100 mg.
  • Anacyclus Pyrethrum 50 mg.
  • Abrak Bhasam 20 mg.
  • Mandonr Bhasam 20 mg.
  • Shilajll (Purified) 20 mg.
  • Bang Bhasam 10 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour. Permitted!
  • Colour & Preservatives q.s.


  • Physical and Mental debility
  • Anaemia
  • Calcium Deficiency
  • Chronic Fatigue syndrome
  • General debility during pregnancy
  • Insomnia
  • Indigestion 8. Liver tonic.

An effective demulcent

  • Offers a natural relief in cough management
  • A gentle bronchodilater to ensure normal breathing
  • An effective anti-histaminic without side-effect of sedation
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Muffer Syrup

We produce the entire range of products by making use of quality-approved raw materials sourced from the trusted vendors present in the market. Also, the inputs are cross checked by our quality experts. We allow our patrons to make payment through a variety of methods. We are comfortable with patrons making payment through online or offline mediums that are legal and trusted.


Each 10 ml. Contains extract cf:

  • Emblica Officinalis 50 mg.
  • I.0ha Bhasam 10 mg,
  • Mandccr Bhasam 20 mg.
  • Prawal Plshti 60 mg.
  • Ivluktashukti Bhasam 60 mg,
  • Yashad Bhasam 60 mg.
  • Tlnospura Cordifclia 40 mg.
  • Butaman Asphalt 40 mg.
  • Wlthania Scmnifara 40 mg.
  • Hyoscyamus Reticulatus 40 mg,
  • Piccrrhiza Kurrca 10 mg.
  • Mucuna Pruriens 20 mg.
  • Crocus Satlvus 5 mg,
  • Terminalia Chabula 50 mg,
  • Flavuurad palatable syrup bass



  • A natural source of mineral cmd vitamins.
  • Strengthens body resistance.
  • Ideal support durning convalescence.


  • General tonic for physical and mental
  • debility, Anaemia, Calcium Deficiency,
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome, General
  • debility during pregnancy, Insomnia,
  • indigestion and Liver tonic.
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Mosafa Khoon Syrup

Being a Supplier of Mosafa Khoon Syrup, we strive to deliver high quality and cost effective products in the market. For the safe storage of the entire lot, we have a capacious and well-structured warehouse. Moreover, regular up-gradation in the warehouse is done to meet the changing scenario.


Each 10 ml. Syp. Contain Ext.

  • Brycphyilum Pinnatum 200 mg.
  • Azdirachta Indic 200 mg.
  • Cirullus Colccynthls 200 mg.
  • Dalbergia Sissou 200 mg.
  • Sanlzlum Album 200 mg.
  • Albizzia Lcbbéck 200 mg.
  • Verbenaceae 200 mg.
  • Eupatcrium Triplinesve 300 mg.
  • Tagetes erecta 200 mg.
  • Daemenoropsdracu 100 mg.
  • Pastia Stratiotes 50 mg.
  • Hemidesmus Indicus 100 mg,
  • Srnilax China 100 mg.
  • Sphasranthus Indicus 200 mg.
  • Cnlchicum Luleurrt S0 mg.
  • Hnluptelea Integrifnlia 100 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour. permitted q.s.
  • Colour & Preservatives

Pmuenladnn :-100 ml.


  • Helps to purify Blood
  • Allergic & Chronic Disorders of skin
  • Useful in Boils, Eczema, Scabies
  • Ringworm
  • Pimples
  • Fungal infections & Gout
  • Brings Glow to skin



  •  Protects the Liver Against Various Hepatotoxins
  •  Corrects Liver Dysfunction and Damage
  •  Ideal Prescription for Hepatitis
  •  Promots Appetite and Growth
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Relaxozyme Digestive Syrup

Buyers can place bulk or retail orders with us all year round and expect on time delivery of consignments. We make use of quality packaging material to circumvent loss while shipping. The kind of packaging we do is done under the supervision of veteran professionals. This is done to ensure that the product is completely safe.



  •  lmprove peripheral arterial insufficiency St central nervous
  • system performance.
  •  Neutralites all kind of toxins and poisons from food, watec
  • air St medications and protect the liver.
  •  As a dailv health supplement it improves appetite, the digestion
  • and assimilation process and promotes weight gain.
  •  ln pre—clrrhotic conditions arrests the progress of the disease
  • and prevents further liver damage.


Each 10 ml. Syp. contains extract of·

  • Feriiiailsafcstlda 5 mg
  • Citrii: Acid 5 mg.
  • Engiber Oliicinalis 100 mg.
  • Sainda Sail 20 mg.
  • Plychmichjnwsn 100 mg.
  • Elsllarla Cardamnmmum 50 mg.
  • Fceniculum •'Lrga·r9 100 mg.
  • Hularrherua Anliserilerica 200 mg.
  • Amrus Calamus 100 mg.
  • Acnnllum Hallamphyllum 200 mg.
  • Trif'¤ 300 mg
  • Piper Nigrurn 50 mg.
  • Allium Sativam 100 mg.
  • Sugar, Flavour, Pemithed
  • Colour & Prasarvative. q.s.
  • Indicatlorrs : Digestive, Appatizar, Carminative.
  • Malnutnlinn, Demulcerit Bowel, Regulator.
  • Antlspasmcdic, Gas Troubles.

Pmsenlaliun - 100 mi.& 200ML.

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Dia C Syrup

Our storage facility is installed with all necessary amenities essential for the secure storage of the products. Also, we maintain complete hygiene inside the unit. Being a Supplier of Dia-C Capsules, we strive to deliver high quality and cost effective products in the market.



  •  Improve peripheral arterial insufficiency St central nervous
  • system performance.
  • Neutralizes all kind of toxins and poisons from food, water,
  • air & medications and protect the liver.
  • As a dailv health supplement it improves appetite, the digestior
  • and assimilation process and promotes weight gain.
  • In pre-cirrhotic conditions arrests the progress of the disease
  • and prevents further liver damage.

Indications :

  • Infantile Diarrhoea
  • Diarrhoea & Senile diarrhoea
  • amoebic dysentery


Each capsule contains :

  • Argyrela speccipsa sweet 40 mg.
  • Shprea Rebusta 20 mg.
  • Querusinfectora 40 mg.
  • Clnnamnmum Tamala 40 mg.
  • lvlyristica Fragrans 50 mg.
  • Elettarla Cardamcmum 60 mg.
  • Agle Marmelos Corr. 50 mg.
  • Anethurn Sowa Kurz. 50 mg.
  • Vetiveria Zizanicidis 50 mg.
  • l-lclarr Hana Antidysenterica 50 mg.
  • Celeus Ambcinicus 20 mg,
  • Allanthus Exceisa ‘l0 mg.
  • Flaveu red palatable syrup base
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Fem C Syrup

We have a spacious warehouse that is well designed and properly maintained wherein the entire range is securely stored. Our unit is installed with all required amenities essential for safe storage. Being a Supplier of Fem-C Syrup, we strive to deliver high quality and cost effective products in the market.



  • Safe non-hormonal uterine tonic
  • Correots and regulates various Uterine functions.
  • Regulates ovarian and endometrial functions
  •  Works like Stress Reliever
  •  Trusted Immuno Modulator
  • Control excessive discharge because of astringent and
  • menstrual regulatory activity

Each 1D ml. Contams axlraol of:

  • Saraca Indica 100 mg.
  • Symplocos Raoamosa 20mg.
  • Elarbarlzs Arlstala 1DDmg.
  • Aloa Vera 1DDmQ.
  • Aapargus Raoamosua 100mg.
  • Elnmhax Malabarlcum 50mg.
  • Ficua Raoamosus 40mg.
  • `llnospcra Condifolia 1DDmQ.
  • Boarhaavla Dnflusa 100mg.
  • Santatum Aibum 100mg.
  • Hemldasmus Indlcus 30mQ.
  • Mnatooa Vasica 50mg.
  • Rubia Gnrdifolla 2DDmg.
  • MuktaShaktIBhasam 50mg.
  • Trllla 100mg.
  • Trllcatu 1DDmg.
  • Dasnmool 10mg.
  • Panral Plshli 1DmQ.
  • Suparl 1DDmQ.
  • Shudh Shiiajlt 10mg.
  • Sugar. Flavour, Psm1irtsd
  • Colour & PrasarvarIva.q.s.


Other Details:

  • Ferine
  • Ncrmatises Uterine tone
  • Arrest excessive bleeding
  • Fiegulates menstrual cycle
  • Useful in Leucorrheua
  • Anaemia & general weakness

Presentation : 200 ml.

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Liv C Syrup

The offered lot is precisely manufactured using superior grade material and in conformity with the industry standards. Superior raw materials are essential for the development of a quality product. Thus, we obtain these materials only from the dependable sources available in the market.


Each 10 ml. Syp. contains Extract uf:

  • Sclnum Nigrem 50 mg.
  • Ecllpta Alba 100 mg.
  • Picrchiza Kurme 20 mg.
  • Bmarhaavle Diffuse 500 mg.
  • Bsrberis Aristate 10 mg.
  • Andrugrephls Panlculete 50 mg.
  • Clchorlum Intybus 50 mg.
  • Cassie Oseldenlalls 20 mg.
  • Phyllanthus Amarus 20 mg.
  • Tsrminalla Chsbule 20 mg.
  • Plumbagu Zsylarllcum 20 mg.
  • Curcuma Lunga 20 mg.
  • Fumavla Ollicinalls 20 mg.
  • Solarlum Xanthpcarpum 20 mg.
  • Flavnurad palatable syrup base

Presentation :· 100 ml.

  • Protects the Liver Against Various Hepatotoxins
  • Corrects Liver Dysfunction and Damage
  • Ideal Prescription for Hepatitis
  • Correct Alcoholic Liver Disorders
  • O Promots Appetite and Growth
  • Co-Prescription along with-TB drugs
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Brain Up Syrup

Owing to our state-of-the-art warehouse, we efficiently entertain both automated inbound and outbound consignments with utmost proficiency. The products are sorted and segregated to make sure that the delivery commences systematically. Established in Hoshiarpur(India), our organization has been effective in taking over the local and domestic marketplaces as distributor of the product.


Each 5 ml.Contains:

  • Cantalla Asianica -250 mg.
  • Curwulvulus Plazaulis -250 mg.
  • Calastms Panniwlams -150 mg.
  • Glycyrrhha Glabra- 100 mg.
  • Wirhania Samnifara -100 mg.
  • Nurdnsianhys Jaramansi -50 mg.
  • Beninnaaa Hispida- 150 mg.
  • Lavandulaatnenhas -200 mg.
  • Rauwutlia Serpamina -50 mg.
  • Acnrus Calamus -50 mg.
  • Bambuaa Arundiruacea -1*5 mg.
  • Rosa Ceniifclia -200 mg.
  • Sugar. Flavour. Pemimed Colour & Preservative.s


  • Narvina Tonic,
  • Boosting Nlemcwy.
  • Anxiety Nauresis.
  • Daity Manual Haalth Supplement fer Professional.
  • Students 8. Useful in Migraine

Presentation : 200 ml.

  • Helps timprove memory.
  • Helps tprevent cognitive impairment and age-related dementia.
  • Helps timprove learning skill and memory retention.
  • Helps tattenuate stress, anxiety and depression.
  • It Enhances Immunity.
  • It Prevents Mental Fatigue.
  • It Facilitates Sustained Intellectual Activity.
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Cuff C Cough Syrup

Raw materials are feedstock for the finished products and thus it becomes crucial to source these inputs only from certified vendors. So, as a reliable name, we do the same. All thanks to our smart inventory management owing to which safe and quick deliveries are furnished by us.



  • A potent mucolytic
  • An effective demulcent
  • Offers a natural relief in cough management
  • A gentle bronchodilater to ensure normal breathing
  • An effective anti-histaminic without side-effect of sedation

Each 10mi contains extracts af:

  • Adhatbda Vasika 500mg `
  • Piper Lungum 100mg
  • Occimum Sanctum 200mg
  • Mentha Spicata Trng
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra 100mg
  • Viola Odcrata 100mg
  • Ephedra Geradiana 100rng
  • Zingiber Omcinalis 100mg
  • Cinnamcimum Zyienicum 50mg
  • Flavcured palatable syrup bas;

Presentation : 100 ml.

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Vic Z Forte Syrup

To prevent any kind of mechanical and chemical damages, we wrap our products in superior-grade packaging materials that are waterproof as well. Additionally, we print product information on it as well. As a high-flying name, we facilitate our clients with the methods like online payment gateway, bank deposits, cash, electronic funds transfer and various others. Also, we guarantee confidentiality and secure transactions.
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