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Our product range contains a wide range of Radiography Testing Services, Chemical Analysis Services, Impact Testing Services, Hardness Testing Services and Bend Testing Services

Radiography Testing Services

Radiography testing (rt) is used to perform inspections that detect internal discontinuities in all material types, and can be an option for both field and shop work. Rt is predominantly used for weld inspection or the testing of castings and forgings using one of two source types, x-ray or gamma ray (isotope) radiation. Radiography-testingusing radiography, the part is exposed to the source while a film is positioned behind the part to be inspected. The film is then developed and is reminiscent of a film negative. Based on the actual indications on the film and density differences a determination can be made regarding the size and orientation of imperfections within the material as well as the their location relative to the weld. We are then in a position to determine whether or not the defect passes or fails based on the accept/reject criteria within the codes.
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Welding Consultancy Services

SV Tech has the technical ability to provide WPS, PQR, WPQ, Welding Procedure and Welder qualification as per ASME, AWS, EN and API. Welding Procedure Specifications - WPSA WPS is a written (qualified) welding procedure prepared to provide direction for the making of production weldsThe completed WPS shall describe all of the essential, nonessential, and, when required, supplementary essential variables Procedure Qualification Record - PQRA PQR is a record of welding data used to weld a test couponIt is a record of actual variables recorded during the welding of the test coupons Welder QualificationWelder certification, (also known as welder qualification) is a process which examines and documents a welders capability to create welds of acceptable quality following a well-defined welding procedure.Welder qualification is limited by essential variables given for each process
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Chemical Analysis Services

These instruments meet your requirements of fast and urgent analysis of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys in shortest span of time i.e. 30 seconds. Highly accurate and dependable instruments which are specially tailor- made to suit requirements of our customer, calibrated with reference materials traceable to international standards. Capable of Analysis of All Ferrous Metals & Non-Ferrous Metals by Spectrometry, including Copper, Aluminium, Nickel, Cobalt and Titanium Alloys.
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Third Party Inspection Services

S V Tech provides Third Party Inspection and Verification Services to customers with Quality and Accuracy. Our third party vendor inspection service that ensures product quality and timely delivery. We check equipment and plant meets your requirements before it leaves a supplier, therefore cutting the risk of production outages and subsequent threats to safety, asset integrity and legislative compliance. Our qualified and experienced personnel are permanently located in all cities around the state. This truly gives you a cost effective service by minimizing travel and accommodation time and costs.
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Impact Testing Services

SV Tech has facilities for Impact Tests as per ISO Standards as well as American Standards (ASTM) Izod/Charpy Impact Tests on IS / BS / ISO Machine Under certain situations, a ductile material fails in a brittle manner in the service and such a failure is characterized by low absorption of energy. The factors which contribute to the brittle type of failure are: A tri axial state of stress, A low temperature andA high strain rate or rapid rate of loading. Charpy impact test is widely used in the United States and Izod impact test in Great Britain for this purpose. Procedures for the Charpy and load tests as applied to metals have been standardized (ASTM E 23).
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Hardness Testing Services

Various types of hardness like:rockwell hardnessbrinell hardnessvickers hardnessmicro hardness test (10 gms to 1 kg)hardness by portable testerequipments we use:vickers cum brinnel hardness testersbrinell hardness testers.Micro hardness tester.
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Ultrasonic Testing Services

Ultrasonic Testing is family of Non Destructive Testing Techniques best on the propagation of ultrasonic waves in the object or material tested. There are two methods of receiving the ultrasound waveform, reflection and attenuation. In reflection (or pulse-echo) mode, the transducer performs both the sending and the receiving of the pulsed waves as the "sound" is reflected back to the device. Reflected ultrasound comes from an interface, such as the back wall of the object or from an imperfection within the object. The diagnostic machine displays these results in the form of a signal with an amplitude representing the intensity of the reflection and the distance, representing the arrival time of the reflection.
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PMI Testing Services

SV TECH Engineering enhances its Non Destructive Testing offering with Positive Material Identification service. SV TECH's on-site inspection and testing team has multiple highly sophisticated handheld / portable X-Ray Florescence (XRF) Spectrometers which can measure the chemical composition of the materials, non-destructively and accurately. The range of equipment available for undertaking Positive Material Identification (PMI) at SVTECH is unparalleled in India.
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Bend Testing Services

Bend test is mainly done to check ductility of the material and the resistance of the metals to cracking during distortion. From the test maximum bending strength can be determined and the presence of the cracks can easily be revealed. In this test, specimen is subjected to progressive localized overstressing. The test is very simple and requires less time. Conditions for the bend test vary according to various material specifications. Standard sized mandrels are available to bend the specimen to the required angle. The angle which is specified is the internal angle of bend. After bending, the convex surface of the bend is examined for evidence of a crack or surface irregularity. If the specimen fractures, the material has failed the test. When complete fracture does not occur, the criterion for failure is the number and size of cracks or other surface irregularity visible to the unaided eye occurring on the convex surface of the specimen after bending, as specified by the product standard. Any cracks within one thickness of the edge of the specimen are not considered a bend test failure. Cracks occurring in the corners of the bent portion shall not be considered significant unless they exceed the size specified for corner cracks in the product standard.
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Borescope Inspection Services

This is an optical device consisting of a rigid or flexible tube with an eyepiece on one end and objective lens on the other linked together by a relay optical system in between. In some cases, the optical system is surrounded by optical fibers used for illumination of the remote object. Borescopes can be used for visual inspection work where the area to be inspected is inaccessible by other means. Borescopes are commonly used in the visual inspection of aircraft engines, aero derivative industrial gas turbines, steam turbines, diesel engines and automotive and truck engines. Gas and steam turbines require particular attention because of safety and maintenance requirements. Borescope inspection of engines can be used to prevent unnecessary maintenance, which can become extremely costly for large turbines. They are also used in manufacturing of machined or cast parts to inspect critical interior surfaces for burrs, surface finish or complete through-holes. Other common uses include forensic applications in law enforcement and building inspection, and in gun-smithing for inspecting the interior bore of a firearm.
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NDT Training Services

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) training is generally necessary that the candidate successfully completes a theoretical and practical training program, as well as have performed several hundred hours of practical application of the particular method they wish to be trained in.
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NDT Consultancy Services

With our domain expertise in NDT, we have the capability to provide consultancy services in all aspects of NDT solution. To offer our customers with world class solutions, we have developed strong alliances and strategic partnerships with various players in the industry. This along with support of our team of experts offers us with leverage to gain competitive advantage in the industry.
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Vickers Hardness Testing Services

The Vickers test is often easier to use than other hardness tests since the required calculations are independent of the size of the indenter, and the indenter can be used for all materials irrespective of hardness. The basic principle, as with all common measures of hardness, is to observe a material's ability to resist plastic deformation from a standard source. The Vickers test can be used for all metals and has one of the widest scales among hardness tests. The unit of hardness given by the test is known as the Vickers Pyramid Number (HV) or Diamond Pyramid Hardness (DPH). The hardness number can be converted into units of Pascals, but should not be confused with pressure, which uses the same units. The hardness number is determined by the load over the surface area of the indentation and not the area normal to the force, and is therefore not pressure.
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Brinell Hardness Testing Services

Brinell is best known today for the Brinell hardness test, which he proposed in 1900. In this test a 10-millimetre diameter hardened steel or carbide ball is pushed into the surface of the material being tested, with a 3000 kg imposed load. The depth to which the ball penetrates the material surface is an indication of the Brinell hardness number, which is calculated as follows:BHN = load in kilograms divided by the spherical area of the indentation in square millimetres (refer to scale for method of calculation) It is a rapid, non-destructive (except at the surface being tested) means of determining the hardness of metals. This area is a function of the ball diameter and the depth of the indentation. With minor variations, his test still remains in wide use. This method is best for achieving the macro-hardness of material, particularly those materials with heterogeneous structure.
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Micro Hardness Testing Services

A more precise term is "micro indentation hardness testing." In micro indentation hardness testing, a diamond indenter of specific geometry is impressed into the surface of the test specimen using a known applied force (commonly called a "load" or "test load") of 1 to 1000 gf. Micro indentation tests typically have forces of 2 N (roughly 200 gf) and produce indentations of about 50 m. Due to their specificity, micro hardness testing can be used to observe changes in hardness on the microscopic scale. Unfortunately, it is difficult to standardize micro hardness measurements; it has been found that the micro hardness of almost any material is higher than its macro hardness. Additionally, micro hardness values vary with load and work-hardening effects of materials.
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