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ACOCHI kids Protein Powder contain the following : Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy or calories. Protein supplies energy and amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks that build, repair, and maintain every cell in your body. Fats also supply energy but they have many other functions more...
Med Nutra Kids protein powder is a wholesome child nutrition drink which supports growth & development of growing children. Kids Protein Powder contains DHA, Iron, Biotin, Vitamin D and Vitamin C that helps kids for Brain Development, Bone Health and Height Growth for your Child. Med Nutra Kids protein powder more...
ingredient soya protein milk powder sugar powder minrals and vitamin mix malto dextrin coco powder capsil vanila flavour dextrose potasssium sorbate help in growth muscles and bones organ dovelopment maintain heath weight may keep immune system healthy more...
Ours is an illustrious organization that is engaged in manufacturing, supplying, trading and wholesaling high quality Protein Powder. The powder offered by us is a mixture of natural herbs that benefits in improving health due to immunomodulatory abilities. This powder contains certain types of heath suppleme more...