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Essential Oil
2 Products availableBlends Oils
2 Products availableEdible Oil
1 Products availableFragrances And Perfumes
1 Products availableNatural Flower Oil
1 Products availableAttar (Arabic: عطر) also known as ittar is a natural perfume oil derived from botanical sources, such as flowers (jasmine, rose, sandalwood and more), herbs, spices, or barks. Oils can also be expressed by chemical means but generally natural perfumes which qualify as Attars are distilled naturally.
Attar of Roses appears in the book was when Ti Noel was looking around the cave that Macandal had been living in since he ran away after losing his arm in the accident in the sugar mill. Ti Noel compared what he saw in the cave to the herbalist’s shop in Le Cap. He stated that the only thing missing from the cave was a “jar of scorpions in alcohol, attar of roses, and a tank of leeches".
Rate/kg - Rs. 9500.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The Mogra Attar that we offer retains the magical odor of jasmine in a sandalwood base. Extracted through the process of hydro-distillation in sandalwood oil, it retains the original alluring smell of the mogra flower. Used extensively in perfumery, the Mogra Attar is also used in the cosmetic industry to fragrance skincare formulations.
Uses :The Mogra Attar helps in relieving severe depression by soothing the nerves. Apart from being a wonderful scent, it also helps in revitalizing the mind and the body. Further, it can be directly used as a natural perfume oil. It is also used to add fragrance to a number of cosmetic formulations, specially of the exotic variety.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Chameli Attar offered is prepared from Jasmine Grandiflorum flowers, which are one of the most versatile flowers and have lovely floral smell. The derived attar has in it aphrodisiac properties that helps in increasing vitality as well as creates strong protective energy against disturbing influences. Further, this attar is also used in headaches as well as for getting relief from heavy head feeling. The attar is also used in water that is used for worshipping Lord Krishna.
Uses :It is used extensively used in perfumery based applications. Other than this, it is also used in providing fragrance to exotic skin care formulations or is also used "as is" as a natural perfume oil.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Nag Champa Attar is derived from Nag Champa, which is one of the flowering trees of Magnoliaceae family. It has bright Orange Yellow flowers that have superior aromatic compounds. The fragrance resembles Yalang-Yalang with flowers producing an exquisite & heady fragrance. Gaining wide acceptance worldwide, its strong, fresh & floral fragrance makes it exceptional incense, which is perfect for providing deep calming meditation.
Uses :Nag Champa Attar has an exotic fragrance that makes it used in high quality skin care formulations. Besides this, it also finds usage with natural perfume oil. Its strong, fresh as well as floral fragrance also makes it highly demanded in the incense industry where it helps in providing deep calming meditation.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Kesar Attar is well recognized for its sweet scent and essence. Extracted through steam distillation process from the flower part of the kesar plant, it is used with a blend of Sandalwood Oil and finds wide application in aromatherapy based applications as well as skin care formulations.
Uses :Coming directly from the Kesar flower, Kesar Attar offered by us is used as fragrance oil in exotic skin care formulations. Further, it also has usage in natural perfume oil as well as in meeting the demands of aromatherapy based applications.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
To Produce Rooh (Soul in Hindi), The Roots are distilled for at least 4-5 times. It means the strength of the Steam distilled oil is 5 times compared to the normal Vetiver Essential oil or Regular Attar, which is produced with single distillation.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Derived from the leaf part of the heena plant, Kasturi Hina Attar has a spicy, warm, woodsy, earthy aroma. The attar is prepared by blending different herbs, spices & flowers together to get the exotic aroma that has wide demand in perfumery as well as aroma therapy based applications.
Uses :Prepared using rich blend of carefully selected herbs, spices and flowers, the exotic aroma of Kasturi Hina Attar is well recognized in the perfumes as well as in aroma therapy based applications.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The exotic natural attar of Sandalwood Shamama is extracted through the traditional method of Hydro-distillation process. This Mother Nature pure attar is obtained from the extracts of sandal wood and well known for its wonderful long lasting aroma. It has incredible capability to up lift your mood and help on revitalizing your mind and body. It is used in aroma therapy to get relief from many mind related problems such as exhaustion, stress, mental disturbance and many more. This perfume oil is helpful in eliminating the depression and brings the joy and happiness to your mind. It is also beneficial in solving the skin related problems and make it look more supple and glowing.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8500.00
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Musk attar is carefully produced using flowers of Ambrette Musk plant that has musky smelling compounds. This attar is widely used as a perfumery substitute for natural musk or even to alter the smell of a mixture of other musks. It is also believed to be beneficial in joint pains, skin problems & acne.
Uses :Musk attar is widely used in the perfumery industry as a substitute for natural musk. Further, it is also used in meeting the needs of altering the smell of a mixture of other musks. Other than this, it is also highly beneficial in treating ailments like acne, joint pains and other skin related issues.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Floracopeia’s Motia Attar is a blend of night blooming jasmine that is steam distilled into a superior grade sandalwood oil. Jasmine oil is one of the most expensive of all floral oils: over eight million blossoms are required to produce one kilo of of all floral oils: over eight million blossoms are required to produce one kilo of essence. Each blossom must be carefully harvested by hand so as not to bruise the flower, which would produce unpleasant fragrance notes in the finished perfume.
Uses :The Motia Attar finds usage in the cosmetic industry for scenting soaps. It is also used in the tobacco industry for flavouring tobacco. Moreover, the sharp and sweet smell of this attar makes it to be used as end note or top note in the production of different perfumes.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8500.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We also offer Mitti Attar that contains the refreshing fragrance of the wet earth. The soothing, mellow fragrance invokes a spirit of regeneration. Our Mitti Attar is prepared from the baked earth of the Ganga.
UsesThe Mitti Attar is used as a blend in the perfumery industry. It has also been known since time immemorial to be a good skincare element. It reduces extra oil and greasiness from the skin, making it glowing and supple.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The White Lotus Attar is used in the perfumery industry and is known for its rejuvenating effect. It has a calming effect and soothes the mind, smoothening away any disturbances. It also purges the mind of any negativity with its pure fragrance.
Uses :The White Lotus Attar is used in the perfumery industry and is known for its rejuvenating effect. It has a calming effect and soothes the mind, smoothening away any disturbances. It also purges the mind of any negativity with its pure fragrance.
Rate/kg - Rs. 7000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We offer the excellent Jasmine Sambac Attar that is extracted from Jasminum Gradiflora of the Oleaceae family. Its mesmerizing fragrance makes it a valued ingredient in the perfumery industry. Since time immemorial, jasmine has been used by the Indians, the Arabs and the Chinese for medicinal purpose. Its intense aroma also makes it a favorite in any ceremonial occasion.
Uses :Jasmine Attar is as much valuable for its medicinal properties as it is for its intoxicating fragrance. An efficient remedy for severe depression, it soothes the nerves and rejuvenates and revitalizes the body. The oil works wonder in an expecting mother by hastening the birth and alleviating the pain, as well as being helpful in the post-natal phase. Moreover, it is also a well known aphrodisiac. An effective pain killer, it also reduces scars and stretch marks and is good for the skin.
Rate/kg - Rs. 9000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
This attar is used as base in perfumes, cosmetics & perfumery products. Further, it is also used in treating ailments like asthma, internal problems and rheumatism. Other than this, it is also used as perfume for chakra anointment as well as in lotions & salves. It is also used to provide protection against negative energies as it has a slightly sweet & gentle fragrance that is soothing to the spirit.
UsesThis attar is used as base in perfumes, cosmetics & perfumery products. Further, it is also used in treating ailments like asthma, internal problems and rheumatism. Other than this, it is also used as perfume for chakra anointment as well as in lotions & salves. It is also used to provide protection against negative energies as it has a slightly sweet & gentle fragrance that is soothing to the spirit.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Extracted through steam distillation process from the flower part of the plant, Kewda Attar offered is well known & recognized for its sweet scent as well as essence that come directly from the Kewda flower. It finds wide usage in skin care formulations as well as in aromatherapy based applications.
Uses :Kewda Attar helps in creating a truly smooth as well as refreshing perfume. Further, it can also be used as a flavouring agent and as a base material for perfumery products. Other than this, the attar is also used in aromatherapy based applications.
Rate/kg - Rs. 9000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Khus attar is processed from the root part of the plant and has a fragrance that is best described as sweet, deep, woody, earthy, smoky, amber and balsam. This best quality oil is obtained from roots that are 18 to 24 months old. With superior oil obtained from cultivated variety, it offers a fragrance that evokes both warmth & compassion.
UsesKhus/Vetivert is also called the "Oil of Tranquillity" in India and is one of the most ancient & popular of all essential oils. It has natural refrigeration properties and is used as perfume to cool the body. Further, it also has aromatherapy based applications.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The Gulab attar (Rose oil) is prepared by using the complex Hydro-distillation process from the fresh petals of rose flowers. In order to obtain little amount of gulab attar (Rose oil), large quantity of petals of rose flower is required to be extracted through the traditional means which makes it very costly. It is scientifically known as Rosa Damascena and is found to be originated in India and Bulgaria. Due to its unique and highly sensuous fragrance, this attar is one of the most sought after perfume oils since ancient times.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Mehndi Attar prepare by hydro distill to Mehndi flower on base of Pure Sandalwood oil. "Mehndi" is Hindi name of Heena. Gul Hina Attar has a blancing smell of Heena & Indian Sandalwood oil.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Kamal Attar comes in form of a special, delicate as well as refined extract that has in it floral aroma with soft earthy notes. Overlaid on Sandalwood, this attar is extracted using traditional steam distillation method that helps in achieving an elegant perfume which works directly on Crown Chakra, thus making it a powerful aid to meditation.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Musk attar is carefully produced using flowers of Ambrette Musk plant that has musky smelling compounds. This attar is widely used as a perfumery substitute for natural musk or even to alter the smell of a mixture of other musks. It is also believed to be beneficial in joint pains, skin problems & acne.
Uses :Musk attar is widely used in the perfumery industry as a substitute for natural musk. Further, it is also used in meeting the needs of altering the smell of a mixture of other musks. Other than this, it is also highly beneficial in treating ailments like acne, joint pains and other skin related issues.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Dehnul Oud Attar is extracted from Brown Semi Solid Tree Aquilaria agallocha. Having a Flash Point of 170 the trees is gown in natural habitat.
Uses :Also known as Oud or Dehnul-Oud, it is used as natural, non- alcohol perfume in most of the Middle East Countries. The attar oil is also used as wood scent in popular and branded perfume and fragrance. These attars are free from any preservatives or chemical additives and can also be used for various aromatherapy purposes.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8000.00
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Rooh-Al-Oudh Attar is recognized with complex deep woody fragrance. The attar is made with the traditional procedure which is by boring a hole in the Agarwood tree and letting the liquid flow out. It has vast use of medicine in ayurvedic/unani medicine for nerve system and problem of insonomia.
Rate/kg - Rs. 8000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Sandal Musk Attar has exotic fragrance that comes with a striking wood base note. Featuring a rare blend of musk & sandalwood, the attar is widely used in end products like perfumes and incense sticks. Further, the attar is also very useful in aromatherapy based applications.
Uses :Sandal Musk Attar’s rich fragrance makes it widely demanded in the manufacturing of high end perfumes & incense sticks. Its striking wood base note as well as rare blend of musk and sandalwood, also makes this attar very useful in aromatherapy usage.
Rate/kg - Rs. 9500.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The Hina Oudhi Attar offered by us is extracted from Agarwood. A very rare attar, it has a strong woody smell. This attar is specially used to facilitate meditation and spiritual communion. Used in aromatherapy treatment, this attar also has some medicinal properties.
Uses :The Hina Oudhi Attar finds usage in the perfumery industry along with being used as a popular ingredient in many an aromatherapy product. Further, it is also used to assist in meditation and other spiritual exercises where it creates an aura of transcendence.
Rate/kg - Rs. 9500.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days