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Essential Oil
2 Products availableBlends Oils
2 Products availableEdible Oil
1 Products availableFragrances And Perfumes
1 Products availableNatural Flower Oil
1 Products availableEssential Oils -: a natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the characteristic odour of the plant or other source from which it is extracted.
Agarwood Oil is extremely rare & precious oil that originates in North Eastern India, Bhutan & parts of South East Asia. It has a very long history of use in medicines, incense and as aromatic oil. Also known as aloes or aloes wood, there are several species of Agarwood, including Aquilaria agollocha, A. Malaccensis & A. Crassna.
Uses :Agarwood oil is the most potent aphrodisiac of all the essential oils. An effective tonic, its aphrodisiac & diuretic properties helps in epilepsy. It also has carminative, antimicrobial, and anti-asthmatic properties. Further, it is also Useful in digestive, nervous disorders, bronchial complaints, rheumatism, smallpox, illness during & after childbirth, fevers, spasms in the digestive and respiratory systems. It is also used in Aromatherapy applications as well as for therapeutic uses in a large number of Ayurvedic medicines.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Also known as ‘Westindian sandal wood oil', Amyris oil is obtained by steam distillation of wood from this tree that belongs to the rue family. The oil has a pleasantly woody with a balsamic touch and is a great antiseptic, sedative, balsamic, calming agent and helps in stress relief. It also has sedative properties & helps during meditation.
Uses :It has antiseptic, balsamic, sedative & calming properties and aids in providing relief from stress. It also acts as muscle relaxant, soothing agent, emollient and stimulant. Further, it is also used as a room fragrance or mood fragrance, fixative or as component of soap fragrance. It also has limited use in flavoring work especially liqueurs.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Cajuput oil helps in cooling down body and helps with infections like colds, laryngitis & bronchitis. It is also helpful for sinusitis, asthma and sore throat. It helps in calming digestive system, enteritis, soothes colic, dysentery and vomiting. Further, spasms, rheumatism, arthritis and muscular aches & pains can also benefit from it
Uses :Cajuput oil helps in cooling down body and helps with infections like colds, laryngitis & bronchitis. It is also helpful for sinusitis, asthma and sore throat. It helps in calming digestive system, enteritis, soothes colic, dysentery and vomiting. Further, spasms, rheumatism, arthritis and muscular aches & pains can also benefit from it.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Calamus Oil is extracted from a red-like aquatic plant that has sword-shaped leaves & small greenish-yellow flowers. All parts of plant have peculiar, agreeable fragrance. Calamus oil is extracted from fresh roots or unpeeled dried root by steam distillation process. The extract is helpful as herbal medicine for treatment of nervous complaints, vertigo, headaches & dysentery.
Uses :Calamus essential oil is highly esteemed as aromatic stimulant & tonic that is often used for nervous complaints, headaches, vertigo and dysentery ailments. It is also used in herbal medicine as aromatic bitter and acts as carminative, removing discomfort caused by flatulence & checking growth of bacteria that give rise to this problem. Further, it is also used to increase appetite & benefit digestion.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Known by the botanical Name Cinnamomum cassia, Cassia Oil is derived from leaves through steam distillation process. It is cheaper & more abundant than Ceylon variety with its value depending mainly on percentage of cinnamic aldehyde which it contains.
Uses :Cassia Oil has a sweet, spicy-hot fragrance and is used as a physical & emotional stimulant, affecting the libido and known for its aphrodisiac qualities. Its aroma in a room also reduces drowsiness, pain, irritability and frequency of headaches. It also helps in relaxing tight muscles, menstrual cramps, ease joint pain and increase circulation. Further, it is also used as spice & food flavoring as well as for treatment of digestive complaints.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Caraway oil offered is extracted from Carum carvi that is also known as Apium carvi. Coming from Umbelliferae family, it is a bi-annual herb having soft fern-like leaves, umbels of white/pink flowers & small brown fruit. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from dried ripe seeds and yields.
Uses :Caraway oil calms nerves & soothes mental fatigue, while settling stomach, nervous digestion, flatulence, colic and gastric spasms. As an expectorant, it helps clear bronchial asthma, bronchitis and coughs. It is also helpful in cases of sore throats & laryngitis and beneficial to urinary system, thus helping to flush toxins out.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
It is used in treating acne, boils, amenorrhea, constipation, cramps, convulsions, dandruff, dysmenorrhoea, depression, dyspepsia, flatulence, excessive perspiration, high blood pressure, infection, hypertension, inflamed skin, migraine, leucorrhoea, muscular aches & pains, oily skin & hair, nervous fatigue, throat infections. Besides it is also good addition to bath where its antispasmodic actions help with headaches & migraines.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The curry tree is a small bush native to India that can be found growing almost everywhere in the Indian subcontinent excluding the higher levels of the Himalayas. In the East, its range extends into Burma. The essential oil is extracted from its leaves and is mainly used for medical purpose.
Uses :This ancient art of holistic healing has used Curry leaves and its essential oil in various Ayurvedic preparations for the treatment of diabetes, eye diseases, liver problems, diarrhea, high cholesterol, hair fall, gastrointestinal problems, skin pigmentation and oral disorders.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Davana is a small plant with the oil coming from the stems and leaves through distillation. The oil is used widely in perfumery industry
Uses :Add 2 drops of Davana oil in warm bathing water or mix 6 drops of this oil with 3 ml of sesame oil and go for an energizing massage for treating depression and other mental woes.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Dill is a member of the Umbelliferae (parsley) family. It grows to about three feet high with inflorescence of yellow flowers, appearing in the summer. The seeds of the plant are used to extract the oil.
Uses :It commonly used in soups, sauces, salads, pickles, vinegars, fish and rice become special with the touch of this enticing herb. It is also used in confectionery, cakes, bread and apple pie.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standards
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Garlic essential oil is widely known to have antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-hypertensive properties and is extensively used to prevent infections and to treat colds, bronchitis and flu symptoms.
Uses :Garlic essential oil is widely known to have antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-hypertensive properties and is extensively used to prevent infections and to treat colds, bronchitis and flu symptoms.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
This essential oil is extracted from the ginger grass and finds usage in aroma therapy. Ginger grass is a perennial growing herbaceous plant having long slender stems with terminal flowering tops. The grass is the source of oil and is very fragrant.
UsesIt is commonly used in treatment of inflammation, sinusitis, allergies, joint pain, muscular aches, sore throat, depression, loss of libido, dermatitis, acne, cough, common cold and certain other health disorders.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The flavour profile of young, green berries is dominated by pinene; as they mature this piney, resinous backdrop is joined by what Harold McGee describes as "green-fresh" and citrus notes. The outer scales of the berries are relatively flavourless, so the berries are almost always at least lightly crushed before being used as a spice.
Uses :Juniper oil helps in calming the nerves, relieving anxiety, nervous tension & mental exhaustion. It is also very helpful when prostate gland is enlarged & is used to help with the inability to pass urine especially in case of cystitis and kidney stones.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
It is steam distilled from the semi-dried leaves of Juniper plant. Juniper is wildly grown in India, Pakistan & Europe. The oil is colorless to pale yellow in color and has a warm, woody and pine like odor. It is used in perfumery compounds, cosmetics, aromatherapy and room fresheners.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Kuchari is extracted from Hydacheium that grows to up to 3 feet tall. It has loose terminal flower spikes that have individual flowers that are yellow with reddish stamens. Its antibiotic properties have also increased interest in the medicinal properties of the species.
Uses :It has in it carminative, tonic, stimulant, anti-inflammatory an anti-asthmatic properties. The essential oil is also used in perfumery industry.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Lantana camara is a small perennial shrub which can grow to around 2m in height and forms dense thickets in a variety of environments. Due to extensive selective breeding throughout the 17th and 18th Century for use as an ornamental plant there are now many different forms of L. camara present throughout the world.
Uses :It has several uses, mainly as a herbal medicine and in some areas as firewood and mulch. The leaves are used to relieve itching. Other uses are against flu, colds, coughs, fevers, yellow fever, dysentery and jaundice. The roots are used for gonorrhea. The use of lantana extracts as potential biocides have been suggested. Lantana oil is sometimes used for the treatment of skin itches, as an antiseptic for wounds and externally for leprosy and scabies. Lantana repels other plants and other groups of organisms such as insects. Lantana oil is used externally for leprosy and scabies. Plant extracts are used as medicine for the treatment of cancers, chicken pox, measles, asthma, ulcers, swellings, eczema, tumors, high blood pressure, bilious fevers, catarrhal infections, tetanus, rheumatism, malaria and atoxy of abdominal viscera.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Also popular by the name bastard lavender, Lavendin Oil is steam distilled from the flower part of Lavender plant. Blending well with cinnamon, citronella, clary sage, pine, jasmine and other constituents, it is found to be very useful in cases of muscle stiffness, aches and pains as well as common infections related to the lungs.
Uses :Lavandin oil is found to be very useful in cases of muscle stiffness, aches and pains. It also helps in easing the lungs and helps with common related ailments like coughs, colds and flu.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Lavender is native to the Mediterranean region and is cultivated in France, Spain and elsewhere. It has been used for aromatic purposes by the Romans in washing water and baths. This herb has uses in culinary, cosmetics and medicine. It is effective to cure headaches, especially when related to stress, to clear depression associated with weakness and depression. Externally, lavender oil has been used as a stimulating liniment to help ease aches and pains of rheumatism.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils.
Uses :Lime Steam Distilled Essential Oil is a great choice for oily and congested skin conditions where it will assist in drying the excess oil without over drying and causing the skin to create more oil in an attempt to re-balance the skin. It will also have an astringent effect on the skin making it suitable for hair care applications.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Mace Oil comes from Mace tree that yields nutmeg fruit which is pendulous in shape and similar in presentation to a peach. The oil is steam distilled from fruit part of the tree and has analgesic, anti-emetic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic and other medicinal and therapeutic properties.
Uses :Mace Essential Oil is used as an analgesic, antioxidant, anti-emetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, larvicidal, emmenagogue and as stimulant.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Marjoram Oil offered is extracted from Origanum marjorana which is also known by the name of Origanum hortensis. Form Labiatae family, the extracted oil blends well with all spice oils as well as lime, orange, lemon and grapefruit.
Uses :The extracted oil is a good digestive aid, assists liver functions and also finds application in cosmetics, perfumes, men colognes as well as in the flavoring industry.
Details :
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Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Melissa Oil comes from plants just before first flowers appear as aroma is less interesting when plant is in full bloom. The oil is steam distilled from melissa leaves & tops and is pale yellow in color with agreeable & subtle, warm, lemony aroma. Rare oil, it is very expensive as 7 tonnes of leaves and tops are needed to produce 1 kg (21/4 lb) of oil.
Uses :Having therapeutic properties, it is used for nerve calming applications. It is also a good sedative and has anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, stomachic and choleretic properties.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Neroli oil is a plant oil produced from the blossom of the bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium subsp. amara or Bigaradia). Its scent is sweet, honeyed and somewhat metallic, whereas bergamot, being rich in linalool has more of an aromatic, soft floralcy.
Uses :Neroli oil is very relaxing & helps in providing relief from chronic anxiety, depression, fear, shock & stress. It also has a calming effect and can be beneficial to digestive tract. It can also be used for intestinal spasms, colitis & diarrhea. It helps insomnia, and as it has sedative effects, it is also useful for treating depression, anxiety & shock as well as calming heart palpitations, treating headaches, neuralgia & vertigo.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Oakmass Oil is solvent extracted from light green lichen that is found growing primarily on oak trees as well as on other plant species. Extracted through refined steam distillation process, the oil is well recognized for its antiseptic, demulcent, expectorant and fixative properties. It also lends body & rich natural undertones to all perfume types.
Uses :It is used as a fixative and primarily in soaps. The absolute is most versatile and used in all perfume types. Further, the extracted resin & resinoids that have poor solubility are used in hair preparations, soaps, industrial perfumes & other low cost products.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Chamomile Roman essential oil is extracted using steam distillation method from the flowering tops of this plant. This essential oil is sweet, warm and herbaceous and known for its soothing and calming effects. It is believed to be useful in relieving anxiety and reducing inflammation.
Uses :Chamomile oil is used for getting relief from PMS as well as ailments like abdominal pain, throat infections and gall bladder problems. It also helps to relieve allergies, hay fever & asthma. For skin applications, it is used to calm acne, rashes, eczema, wounds, dry and itchy skin, dermatitis and other allergic conditions in general.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Our range of Rosemary Essential Oil is extracted from the evergreen rosemary shrub. Known for its fragrant aroma, the concoction is nature’s herbal remedy for sharpening the mental faculties and improving mental awareness.
Uses :Rosemary oil is famous for acting as a brain stimulant. It increases brain power and is wonderful on the central nervous system. It has been acknowledged to sharpen memory and clear the mind as well as increase mental awareness.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Sugandh mantri essential oils are known for high purity and have a mesmerizing aroma that makes them widely used in aromatherapy applications. In addition to this, the oil also assists in meditation, for spiritual healing, calming the nerves and acting as an antidepressant.
Uses :Also known as Ghandi Root, it is a calming oil with an exotic aroma that is rich and earthy with slight, light floral undertone. These oils are used for immune support as well as for treating cold, infection, injury or emotional stress. The oil is also anti-inflammatory & anti-spasmodic and helps in fighting infections and reducing pain.
Details :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The Valerian Oil is highly prized for its healing, calming, grounding and emotionally balancing properties. The major healing elements found in the valerian root are valepotrits, valeranic acid, valeranone and valereal. These are all highly volatile oils that are found only in valerian.
Uses :The Valerian Oil acts as an astringent and emollient. It is a proven digestive, stomachic and laxative. It is highly recommended for flatulence, constipation, jaundice, etc. It is also helpful in combating various skin and hair problems. This oil is widely in demand in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Musk Mallow oil is a popular choice for treating hormone imbalances and stifled circulation throughout the body. It is commonly used to combat stress and anxiety, and its direct impact on the nervous system is said to soothe even the most frazzled nerves.
Rate/kg - Rs. 7000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We are exporter & trader of Mugwort Essential Oil.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a tall, herbaceous perennial native to temperate Europe, North Africa, Asia and parts of Alaska. Its feathery dark green leaves are coated with silver hairs underneath, and it has yellow or dark red flowers. Throughout Europe, mugwort has been deeply connected to magical protection, dreamwork, and divination. Scholars believe that the name “mugwort” may be a reference to its use as a flavoring additive in beer before Bavarian purity laws stipulated that only hops could be used for this purpose. Alternatively, the word may be from the Old English mugc, meaning moth, because it was believed that mugwort repelled moths and other insects. Mugwort was an essential traveler’s herb: keeping some of the leaves in a sachet was believed to offer protection from wild beasts and spirit possession, as well as prevent sunstroke and exhaustion [4]. Roman soldiers used to place mugwort leaves inside their sandals to keep their feet from getting tired during long marches [2]. Besides being used as a flavoring for beer, in England mugwort herbage was also a main ingredient in the stuffing for roast goose. During World War II when tea reached 7 shillings per pound, mugwort leaves became a popular tea substitute in the region of Cornwall. |
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We are exporter & trader of Sharp Cedar Essential Oil.
Note : Pure Sharp Cedar Oil
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Now procure Camellia Essential Oil at extremely reasonable prices from us. Our organization is its famous supplier. We have with us a well-maintained and capacious storage unit that is facilitated by advanced and automated warehousing system, which is operated and supervised by experts only. Camellia Essential Oil has minimal moisture content with a pleasant aroma and a long shelf life.
Rate/kg - Rs. 2500.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per international standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We are exporter & trader of Iris Essential Oil.
The essential oil is very rare and expensive, as more than 1, 500 pounds of Iris roots are needed to make 1 quart of the oil through a process of steam distillation. Iris root oil has a violet-like, sweet, soft, warm and highly comforting fragrance. The oil not only possesses an appealing scent, but also has health and beauty benefits. It can loosen mucus and quiet dry coughs, making it good for treating bronchitis and whooping cough. It is used for treating bronchitis and sinus infections. Iris root oil also has a regulating effect on nervous disorders and is helpful for emotional shock, fatigue, stress and depression. Cosmetically, the oil helps to maintain healthy skin and nourishes sensitive skin. It is frequently used in exclusive skin-care products. Iris root oil can also gently deep-clean oily, blemished skin and may even help regulate overactive sebaceous glands. |
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Passion flower oil, Passiflora incanata, also known as Maracuja Oil, is a superior emollient rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. The high content of essential fatty acids and light texture of passion flower oil makes it a valuable contribution to a wide array of personal care products intended to nourish the skin and treat dry skin conditions. It is highly recommended in scalp and hair care products to encourage healthy hair growth and increased vitality. Passion flower oil is calming and sedating, and is suitable for inclusion in bath care products and products intended to promote relaxation. Its anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and sedative properties make it the oil of choice for use in massage applications and formulations intended to ease muscular aches and swelling.
Rate/kg - Rs. 4800.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Our infusion process takes a painstaking 6 weeks for each herb. The whole herb is first immersed in virgin olive oil at a ratio of 2:1. This is then kept at a constant 20 degrees C for 2 weeks. We then liquidise the herb and oil and place on an agitation table for 24 hours. The infusion is then allowed to stand for 4 weeks at room temperature. It is then filtered to remove any solids. The solids that remain are then placed in a press for 24 hours to extract every last ounce of goodness. The two parts are then combined and filtered again before bottling. |
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
It has a rich floral and green aroma. Narcissus is very rarely offered since the narcissus fragrance is used almost exclusively in high class perfumes for lotions where alcohol solubility is a necessity.
Rate/kg - Rs. 6000.00
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Bergamot essential oil is extracted from fresh peel of the fruit. The oil is emerald green in color & smells spicier than lemon but with similar citrus quality. The order is familiar from its use as flavoring in Earl Gray Tea. It is main ingredient in eu-de-cologne & commonly used in toiletries to refresh and relax.
Uses :The oil is used as a constituent for Intestinal Parasites, Nervous Eczema, Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Depression and Tension. It also has cosmetic applications including Skin Infections and in Psoriasis.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We offer Ylang Ylang Essential Oil that is extracted from the tall, tropical tree ylang ylang that is cultivated in Java, Sumatra, Madagascar and the Comores. The name of the plant means 'flower of flowers' and the oil of the plant was once considered an integral ingredient in hair preparations all over Europe.
Uses :Ylang-Ylang Essential oil finds usage in both the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system and helps in reducing anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic. It is also considered an effective aphrodisiac to battle impotence and frigidity. Moreover, it reduces high blood pressure and is recommended in case of intestinal infections. This oil is also favored by dermatologists and skin specialists because of its soothing and balancing effect on the skin. It also stimulates and rejuvenates and promotes luxurious hair growth.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Tea tree oil (TTO), or melaleuca oil, is an essential oil with a fresh camphoraceous odor and a color that ranges from pale yellow to nearly colorless and clear.[ It is taken from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia, which is native to Southeast Queensland and the Northeast coast of New South Wales, Australia. Tea tree oil should not be confused with tea oil, the sweet seasoning and cooking oil from pressed seeds of the tea plant Camellia sinensis (beverage tea) or the tea oil plant Camellia oleifera.
UsesThe tea tree oil is a blessing to the medical world. It serves many purposes with its healing qualities. It strengthens the immune system; wards off all kinds of infection: bacterial, fungal and viral; helps cure influenza, cold sores, catarrh, glandular fever and gingivitis; reduces post operative shock and is useful.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We package the entire range of products with industrial-grade wrapping supplies that are environment-friendly and safe. Furthermore, the packaging is sturdy to protect against damage and to make sure the product is kept quality assured. We are immensely recognized for delivering the orders within the stipulated time frame and at desired Delhi(India). Osmanthus Essential Oil is highly appreciated for its rich aroma, herbal formula, and quality packaging.
Rate/kg - Rs. 9000.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : As per International standard packing (Export Oriented Packing)
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Known by the botanical name Apium graveolens, Celery Seed Essential Oil is derived from the seed part of the plant through steam distillation method. Celery is a biennial plant with a grooved, fleshy, erect stalk & skinny pennant leaves. The extract derived is Yellowish brown liquid.
Uses :Celeryseed Essential Oil has antioxidant, antiseptic (urinary), anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, aperitif, digestive diuretic, depurative & stomachic properties. It can be used in sedative, tonic and carminative preparations as well as fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics, detergents and perfumes.
Details :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Basil oil is obtained through hydro distillation from fresh plant material from Ocimum Basillicum. The Basil oil is thin transparent fluid with light yellow to yellow-green color with aroma characteristic of Basil. The essence is distilled from leaves and has light greenish yellow with sweet green overtones.
UsesIt is used for inhalation, in baths and for massages. Having both cold & hot qualities, when it is used in bath or is smoothed over the body, it has invigorating effect that is very beneficial for sluggish skin & pepping up circulation. When combined with other oils like Thyme, it also acts as powerful antiseptic.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Camphor can be produced from alpha-pinene, which is abundant in the oils of coniferous trees and can be distilled from turpentine produced as a side product of chemical pulping.
Uses :Camphor oil is used in treatment of nervous depression, inflammation, acne, arthritis, muscular aches & pains, rheumatism, sprains, bronchitis, colds, coughs, fever, flu & infectious diseases. As oil is toxic, it can be used in vapor therapy to ease respiratory problems.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Evening primrose is valued for its noteworthy essential fatty acid content, consisting primarily of the omega-6 EFAs linolenic acid and gamma linolenic acid. The oil is obtained by cold pressing the seeds of Evening Primrose plant, Oenothera biennis. Evening primrose is usually blended in a small (often 10%) dilution with other carrier oils.
UsesEvening Primrose oil on a daily basis can help lower a person’s cholesterol, blood pressure, and safeguard one against coronary artery disease and thus decrease the chance of heart disease and heart attacks, Menstrual Pain, Diabetes, Skin Health.
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Our team members and quality auditors keep regular checks on the quality of products and thus, even the raw material used is tested under vigil supervision to ensure better quality products. We will not let you wait much, as we have trustworthy shipping facilities available to deliver the same in set time. Ginger Essential Oil is highly appreciated for its distinct aroma, several health benefits, and quality packaging.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
The Spearmint oil is prepared from the extracts of the hardy perennial herb that is a native of the Mediterranean region. Spearmint has been used throughout the ages because of its medicinal value. The Greeks used it to scent their bath water. It was also considered a cure for sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea. It was used as far back as in the medieval times, when it was used to heal sore gums and whiten teeth.
Uses :The Spearmint Oil is very widely used in the field of medicine because of its various preventive as well as curative properties. It is very effective in the case of digestive problems as well as in cases relating to unease in the respiratory tract. Moreover, it is the complete answer to skincare, along with being the perfect cure for migraine, strain, fatigue and stress.
Details :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Kaffir limes is the common name of Citrus hystrix, a tropical fruit that is native to various parts of Asia, including Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines. Aside from its many culinary uses, due to its uniquely tart and pleasant flavor, kaffir lime is also highly respected in herbal medicine, due to its high content of beneficial organic compounds that can positively affect the body’s systems. The oil, leaves, fruit, and rind of kaffir limes are all utilized for different purposes. You’ll often find kaffir limes being used in soups and sauces, such as Tom Yum soup, particularly the leaves, which are frequently utilized in Thai cooking. The leaves and rind are so powerful, however, that they can often overwhelm the flavor of the dish.
Rate/kg - Rs. 1450.00
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per international standard
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
We offer Star Anise Oil that is extracted from the evergreen tree of the magnolia family. The anise oil is a much used element in the manufacture of any disinfectant. With its licorice flavor, aniseed has much health benefits.
Uses :Star Anise Oil finds usage as an expectorator as well as a gentle disinfectant. It influences the secretory cells of the respiratory tract.
Details :
15gm :
30gm :
100gm :
250gm :
500gm :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days
Asafoetida essential oil originates from the resin or gum within the roots of the small plant with similar name. It really is extracted via steam distillation and may even appear pale yellow, golden-yellow, or even dark amber colored. It has an uncomfortable, irritating, as well as stinky odor when they are not yet distilled, but when refined in the oil form, it provides an aromatic scent. This particular oil is additionally often called Asafetida, heeng, hing.
Details :
Additional Information:
Payment Terms : T/T
Packaging Details : Exports Oriented Packing as per International Standard.
Delivery Time : 7 to 10 days