We are manufacturing supreme quality
chlorpyriphos 20% ec that provides protection to the different crops such as cabbage, onion, apple, ber, citrus, tobacco etc from harmful pests like early shoot & stalk borer, pyrilla, boll worm, white fly, root grub, shoot & fruit borer, diamond back moth, leaf hopper, black citrus aphid, ground beetle. Chlorpyriphos 20% ec made by us is of best quality. Besides, we also deliver chlorpyriphos 20% ec to the customers as per their requirements within fixed time period.
packaging available - 20litre
- 10litre
- 5litre
- 1litre
- 500ml
- 250ml
- 100ml
provides protection to - paddy
- beans
- sugar cane
- cotton
- groundnut
- mustard
- brinjal
protects from these pests - hispa
- leaf roller
- gall midge
- stem borer
- aphid
- pod borer
- cut worm
- black bug