Welcome to Suman Refractory Services
INDUSTRIAL FURNACES We have erected different types of Industrial Furnaces in the last 30 years. We have extensive experience in erection of Furnaces, Ovens & kilns for various applications. Furnaces erected by us are working in various sites successfully. We have specialization in Shuttle, Tunnel Kilns & Reheating Furnace. REFRACTORY / CERAMIC FIBER / ACID PROOF WORK: We also undertake Refractory and Ceramic Fiber application job for various Industrial Furnaces, Re-heating Furnaces and Ovens Kilns & Boiler etc. separately. We have done many Acid proofs lining job in battery rooms, acid tanks, floor etc. List of jobs executed by us are enclosed herewith, for your ready reference. Our Company GST, PF, ESI & MSME also registers.
Year of Establishment
Primary Business
Annual Turnover
Below Rs. 0.5 Crore Approx.