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वर्मीकम्पोस्ट खाद अपने द्वारा प्रयोग किया। 100% कृषि विज्ञान केन्द्र सुल्तान पुर द्वारा प्रमाणित किया। more...
Product Discription:- Fulvic Acid helps in enhancing cell division and also increasing membrane permeability. It actively dissolves minerals and metals when in solution with water. This chemical is formulated using superior quality of compounds under the guidance of our adroit professionals at par with set in more...
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POTASH MOBILIZING BACTERIA (KMB) Composition -KSB 1x10⁸ cell/ml Bioera K that provides Potassium to the plants naturally. This beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potassium into near the roots of the plants because of which it increase the availability of more potassium in usable form more...
Keeping in mind its uses in different industries, Copper Sulphate that we offer is made available in the form of a bright blue crystals and sugar crystals. We are named among the renowned Manufacturers and Exporters of Copper Sulphate. The formulation of our Copper Sulphate is done under the supervision of ex more...
plant k makes available all nutrients from soil and reduce deficiency in plants. plant k improves fruit size, colour, sugar and weight. plant k increases crop yield and improves quality of fruit with shine and texture. plant k increase uptake of major and micro nutrients. plant k improves resistance power o more...